Over polite


Well-known member
Do you find yourself being over polite?

I think i am way over polite for my own good at times, i think it's because i am conscious of making a good impression.

A friend's girlfriend once was making me a coffee and she was asking the usual questions; Milk? Sugar?...I was saying please a lot and she said ''You don't have to say please so much you know!''...I felt embarassed because she pointed this out. I know she meant no harm by saying it though.

I've had people telling me that i am ''too nice'' in the past. I guess what they meant is that i lack assertion.

I find that the only people who truly appreaciate my mannerisms are elderly people.


Well-known member
I'm over polite as well, i'm always saying please, thank you and sorry.

I don't think i do it to make a good impression, it's just the way i am. Sometimes it actually annoys people and it makes me feel a bit stupid tbh!

But i'd rather be polite than rude i guess.


Well-known member
I say "Thank you" & "Sorry" far too often, but I don't think I come across as polite. Because I panic when people talk to me, my brain doesn't work right & I end up saying weird things when I actually speak & people think I'm rude a lot of times because of it.
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Well-known member
A friend's girlfriend once was making me a coffee and she was asking the usual questions; Milk? Sugar?...I was saying please a lot and she said ''You don't have to say please so much you know!''...I felt embarassed because she pointed this out. I know she meant no harm by saying it though.

Well, the right reaction would've been to playfully switch off the niceness and say something like "Just do what I say, broad".


Well-known member
I do that too. i can't stop saying thx you and sorry over and over if i'm taking to someone
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Well-known member
I'm sooo over polite at times! When i was 14 i went to this little club thing at the counseling place, and we always did targets for each week. My target throughout the whole time i was there was to stop saying sorry so much LOL. ::eek::
I say my please's and thankyous,
but i wouldn't say i'm over polite.
There is so many people who don't say please or thank you, it's so annoying.


Well-known member
I'm sooo over polite at times! When i was 14 i went to this little club thing at the counseling place, and we always did targets for each week. My target throughout the whole time i was there was to stop saying sorry so much LOL. ::eek::

Saying sorry too much gives people the power that you are submissive....That's the impression i get.

Have you seen 'Wanted'? The main character played by James Mcavoy is a classic example of a submissive person at the start.


Well-known member
Saying sorry too much gives people the power that you are submissive....That's the impression i get.

Not just that. While it gives off the impression of severe insecurity, most people interpret overt apologizing as a sign of an outwardly fake personality. Logically so, as for most people there is no perceptible need to apologize for everything. Hence the apology appears increasingly insincere.


Well-known member
I'm either too polite, or too rude!

Excuse me, sorry... thank you, good! I'm glad, good for you! :) I see, could I... thanks... please, sorry. ::eek::

What the? Who cares? Shut the hell up :mad: Oh really? What an idiot... god dammit! Get lost... blah blah, so what? Fuk you :mad:

That's the way I am. Is that good?


Well-known member
I have an extremely bad habit of doing this. I do enjoy being polite though, it's just the kind of person I am but some days I feel I shouldn't try to act so nice. My boyfriend says that he feels it becomes too much sometimes, to the point where I'm constantly apologizing for interrupting someone or fitting my criteria around their schedule instead of the other way around. That it's alright to be sweet, he understands I am but I'm allowed for it to be about me once in awhile.


Well-known member
I'm either too polite, or too rude!

Excuse me, sorry... thank you, good! I'm glad, good for you! :) I see, could I... thanks... please, sorry. ::eek::

What the? Who cares? Shut the hell up :mad: Oh really? What an idiot... god dammit! Get lost... blah blah, so what? Fuk you :mad:

That's the way I am. Is that good?

Lol, I'm the same way. I easily say "my apologies" too much, "forgive me for interrupting", "I hope I'm not bothering you" but in the instant someone makes me mad I'll turn into a bitch. And I can say I have an incredible knack for tearing into someone's feelings, enough to make them cry. I feel bad for how easy it is actually, to beat some people down and the secret satisfaction I get from doing it.
I am definitely guilty of saying "sorry" a lot, even if the situation was not my fault in the first place.

For example, the other day I was at the grocery store just looking at something on the shelf, and this woman slams into me with her cart, and my immediate response was, "oh, I'm sorry" while I moved out of her way so she could grab what she needed.

I don't think I intentionally do it, it's just my natural, immediate response to be polite.


Well-known member
Exactly! It's the person who bumps into you who should say sorry! I also do this a lot regardless whever it be my fault.


Well-known member
I'm either too polite, or too rude!

Excuse me, sorry... thank you, good! I'm glad, good for you! :) I see, could I... thanks... please, sorry. ::eek::

What the? Who cares? Shut the hell up :mad: Oh really? What an idiot... god dammit! Get lost... blah blah, so what? Fuk you :mad:

That's the way I am. Is that good?

lol i'm like that too


Active member
I think saying 'thank you' isn't a problem. It's what I would call a 'positive polite phrase'. You're giving your gratitude to others for a good thing they've done for you, you're showing you value them. I don't think you can ever say thanks too much.
But yeah, 'sorry' and 'excuse me' are a different thing. Saying it too much says you don't value yourself enough. Also, a person may think you view them as 'weak', too soft to take anything without an acompanying apology.
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Well-known member
Yep I'm pretty polite 90% of the time, didn't use to be but I try to be nice to everyone til you give me a reason that I shouldn't


Well-known member
Can someone say, we are all way too critical of ourselves? Okay, I will say it...yes, we are!

I find this happening to me when I am overly nervous, and want to make a good impression. The trick I have learned is, cool it! Just cool it down, play it smooth, and relax. Easier said than done, to be sure. But it's possible.:)
Absolutely. Even with customer service, when most people would speak up and say something is wrong, I'm usually totally quiet and as polite and friendly as possible, even at my own expense. It's something I definitely need to work on, because I could be a lot more straight forward when things are wrong without being a jerk.