Over polite


Yea, I say "sorry" a lot, and "thanks" a lot. I kind of like that I am polite because I know I am being genuine about it, I feel better knowing that I treat people the way I'd like to be treated.


Yea, I say "sorry" a lot, and "thanks" a lot. I kind of like that I am polite because I know I am being genuine about it, I feel better knowing that I treat people the way I'd like to be treated.

I totally agree. But I think my problem is more of not being able to say no to people. Sometimes I get out of what I said yes to in some way if it's something I can't do, but I don't remember the last time I said no. I'm also always trying to make everybody in around me feel good, about themselves, what they do.. whatever it is, sometimes it's silly :rolleyes:


I definately find myself being extra polite all the time. I think it might be because I just have nothing else to say
Yes, Im over polite. Even when I shouldn't be. Im very passive.
Once a lady I worked with asked me if I thought her perfume was overpowering, I said no. (I was being honest lol) Well she didn't believe me, she said your too nice (meaning your just being polite) and then asked someone else.
Well it kind of ticked me off, because yeah sometimes I'm too nice or polite but that doesn't mean if you ask me something I'm going to lie lol or you can't trust me.