We can choose to be seen, or hidden. The darkest of all identity is a numeric tag for a telephone. We have area codes. A large slab of my work was getting to know international country codes and the associated costs: Christmas Island, Cocos Islands, Quebec. A number means nothing. We identify ourselves by spreading the word; personally or by business card. A real sense of identity is by email. The new area code is your company name, or the personal internet supplier provider. The ultimate is Skype ID. You choose your name, and it will never change. Only the people who you want to know can contact you. faceboo is subordinate in value, and not linked to Skype. PSTN fone numbas have no place in this world. My line never stops ringing. You can block people with Skype, and keep their ID, and they can block you. We are under the thumb of ancient bell wire networks. Offices use voice over IP telephone.
The public are stuck with the middle ages, or cave dwellers, and can't see it