OKtrends said:Experiment 2: SO WHAT’S A PICTURE WORTH?
All dating sites let users rate profiles, and OkCupid’s original system gave people two separate scales for judging each other, “personality” and “looks.”
I found this old screenshot. The “loading” icon over the picture pretty much sums up our first four years. Anyhow, here’s the vote system:
Our thinking was that a person might not be classically gorgeous or handsome but could still be cool, and we wanted to recognize that, which just goes to show that when OkCupid started out, the only thing with more bugs than our HTML was our understanding of human nature.
Here’s some data I dug up from the backup tapes. Each dot here is a person. The two scores are within a half point of each other for 92% of the sample after just 25 votes (and that percentage approaches 100% as vote totals get higher).
In short, according to our users, “looks” and “personality” were the same thing, which of course makes perfect sense because, you know, this young female account holder, with a 99th percentile personality:
[pic of a hot chick not wearing much]
…and whose profile, by the way, contained no text, is just so obviously a really cool person to hang out and talk to and clutch driftwood with.
After we got rid of the two scales, and replaced it with just one, we ran a direct experiment to confirm our hunch—that people just look at the picture. We took a small sample of users and half the time we showed them, we hid their profile text. That generated two independent sets of scores for each profile, one score for “the picture and the text together” and one for “the picture alone.” Here’s how they compare. Again, each dot is a user. Essentially, the text is less than 10% of what people think of you.
So, your picture is worth that fabled thousand words, but your actual words are worth…almost nothing.
... that's what I would suggest if you're a ladyperson and want to try out dating sites.
I'm not going to try again though. Used up all of my courage in that hour of HELL. (signing up for dating sites/onslaught of old peepees)
Always such interesting reading, that blog.
for me,online dating is so hard. women love to play head games. You don't know if there being honest or not. people need to get to know someone before making decisions. anyone else have these problems?
In my opinion...
Dating sites = Pervfest
Well, what the data shows is that for unsolicited messages, who you are as a person is basically irrelevant. For girls it's almost entirely about being photogenic, and for guys it's being photogenic plus income.Quite brave of you to show it is only about money for men, after all. On the other hand, that's the last thing I or about 90% of the male population in this country want to hear.
I'm afraid you ruined my day.
Dating is a game.
Women will play games, that's just what they are programmed to do. They will often test you to see if you are trustworthy enough to sleep with.
From my experience, you can't pay much attention to stereotypes. There are lots of women that meet that want to have sex, they just have much more coy way of doing it.
You have to test the waters to see what she's really thinking because she won't always give much away.
If a girl is playing games with you and testing you, it means she actually is interested in you. So that is a good thing if she's gaming you.
Women will play games, that's just what they are programmed to do.
Women will play games, that's just what they are programmed to do.
Avoid saying things like 'good sense of humour' and 'easygoing' and 'laid back' these terms are so cliched on dating sites they no longer mean anything.
Also avoid saying.
"I'm looking for a REAL MAN!"