On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate your self-esteem?


Well-known member
When I feel ok, like I perform well in a sport or whatever, let us say a 7. Now the vacation just started everyone is having fun, goes out, vacation, goes working, .. I give myself a 1. When it's school I give myself an average of 3.


Well-known member
good days bad days ..... not all the same , avarage about 9 but goes as low as 4 on a bad day ..


Well-known member
hmm...I'm not sure exactly what "self esteem" means? I often find myself feeling really tiny and small and weak and stuff.....but then I found this website that says your self esteem is based on how you answer questions such as these;

Do I like myself?
Do I think I'm a good human being?
Am I someone deserving of love?
Do I deserve happiness?
Do I feel deep down that I'm an okay person?

...and to those questions I'd probably give myself a 10 out of 10. Even though I have no confidence in my social skills and often feel like a loser, I'm not sure I've ever paricularly felt worthless or undeserving of love and happiness.

so I guess I'd give myself a 10....even though I'm still a loser!:cool:


Well-known member
yeah mine goes up and down, sometimes I think I could conquer the world, but most times my I'm probably at a 2 or 3. its sucks because when I do get confidence people say I'm being cocky and getting a big head. So it's like I can't win.


Well-known member
As for my appearance? About a 3. As for my intelligence and intellect, I'd rate it about an 8 or so. I'm pretty comfortable in that area. I just think I'm fat and ugly, so I'm pretty insecure about my looks.