I feel saddened at this loss, even though i never knew him except through your words. Sad for everyone involved. :sad:
Death, eh?
I don't know what to say
There's nothing i can say
Death has the final word
Death really is quite absurd
Yeah, its quite sad. But its getting better. At least he is able to talk to me about his feelings more than his family. He insists not going to his dad's funeral this week. Some of his family will be there (uncle/aunty etc) and theyhave a bit of a rift between them and he says he gets violent thoughts ( what he calls his psychosis- though its not hearing voices or anything like that - just gets angry and told me thinks of murder and things like that to people who may of done things wrong to his family). I tell him that (from what I've researched) schizophrenic's can have intensities of anger in them with no real cause. Its just how the brain is wired atm. He told me that listening to loud heavy metal on his earphones and pacing around and looking up the lyrics makes him help get it out his system.
He plans on going with me to a town away during the funeral and feeding the ducks at a duck pond as his way of saying goodbye. But I know that he is likely going to regret that. - He always has a hard time with planning things. He cannot stick to things. That is why I told him to see how he feels and he might change his mind- but he was determined to say he wasnt going.
I have always been disturb with him anyways. Prior to me being in his life- his garage was filled with real life murder books - 100s of them. All about serial killers and gang killings - all sorts. He used to read them in detail. Then he just collected them. As a thing. And displayed them in his room. Since Ive been there - he is not really interested in them anymore and is more into vintage cartoon figurines like Hee-man and such.Which we like to look at in 2nd shops to find even obscure figurines. We have a Steve Urwin and a Liam Neesen figurine lol.
But yeah, it gets disturbing. I am not one to believe in cliches and stigmas about things- especially mental illness. I always try to understand things from many sides before making judgement. Which perhaps clouds the obvious sometimes. He may be a dangerous person still- I dont know. Despite being medicated. When he told me he was thinking violent things (which happened to be laying in bed with him) I asked should I sleep with one eye open (which of course he renditioned Metalica lol), and he came out with he would never do anything to his family (which includes me) at his place. But, how many incidences happen out of the blue, where someone in his condition gets in a state and just does stuff you know?
My intuition feels a little at ease with him since his father's truama/death on Tuesday last week. It was traumatic for the family and seeing the mother scream and they all pitching in to resuscitate. I am glad I was not there that night when it happened - though I came over after he rang me.
It has put me out a bit. He is lower than most he has been. But he is making an effort to know his needs and let me know how he is and what he can and can't do each day.
Maybe I should watch that episode of Dawson's creek when Dawson's father died ? :question:

Im having a bit of time to myself . But its not the extended time I would like, but making the most of it I guess.
Im so far behind in feeling good about myself atm. And ive been digging into food I havent had in a long long time that does not serve me at all and does the opposite. Esp with reactions.
Its hard to try and take away that pressure of being in a relationship. I just want to let go and hibernate mentally for long time - what Ive always done. As I just like now- end up spiralled out of control with stress and anxiety and then my health and food choices go down and then I feel numb and depressed and not my full potential etc..
Though I dont believe in this, it is a pattern Ive been through in the past - but I believe im better than it. I believe what I believe.
Its just been so much energy input in to him and his life and feeling lost from mine. There are so many donts in lifestyle from him that I just dont want in my life. Just different.
And just - that my goals in my life - are quite different from norm. Ive been into raw vegan for 10 years or more and been trying to go raw for that long. To of finally got there last year and the year before and felt so amazing physically and mentally (with ups and downs) - I was able to move forward with my life without those old barriers. I felt so fresh and free and my identity felt right. I was living for a time, as I wanted to be. What I worked for became my reality and it all felt right.
But now - that raw vegan person feels so lost in the world of this guy that likes his tobacco and smoking all the time- and tonnes of re-doing his hair with hairspray and his take on the world. All so different to mine.
My goal of detoxing and feeling better in my body and more alive and thriving- healthy nutrient dense.. getting further away from the dogma of society where Id always hated being a slave to the processed foods in the shopping isles. To be able to be free of that - and free from the grip of the norm of society - just felt so liberating and awesome. It strengthened who I was inside and aligned with my values. Living consciously - something Id been wanting to do for so long- but my mind was too much into the addiction of processed foods numbing my pain. For 10 years id be journaling about how I wanted to live away from that- and what I wanted. And I couldn't seem to give it up, until I did so- the time was right as I had a motive.
And that motive was to loose my weight of 82 kg because Rugs was at my work and showed a friendly interest in me. That was my kick in the bum, it was boys. I wanted to show (really myself) that I could really intensely look after and care myself in a way that really made me value myself again. It was hard with BDD, up and down all the time- but I played it well and went through it. Really indulging in the self-care was really a huge happiness for me. I was loving myself and I lost the weight so easily and even gained muscle very quickly. Going down to 52 kg in 6 months and fit as a fiddle. So much energy and juicing every morning.
I looked after my skin well, my hair, my food - despite feeling not great about myself at times and judging my appearance- I couldn't help but still feel valued and like a princess- just because of the self-care and attention I had finally given myself.
So now, when I fast forward my life- I went from this time last year (when I first went out with rugs) - being able to breathe so freshly and think and feel freshly - being light in weight and really on a role independently with my health and MY life
to now putting on weight- (nearly 70kg i weigh now- doesnt show much - but I feel it)- unfit, in a rut, sick of myself - never any energy- low freedom, lack of motivation - always overwhelmed - and I have a low case of adrenal burnout.
I just want to be able to have the freedom and time to myself to be able to sleep in my own bed every night, do my own stuff every day- and start to really look after myself again- set up my intentions and motivation again and really start to indulge back into myself- love -in the form of self care. To feel that raw again-
But the thing is- Im aways wanted over his place and in his world and my times are always limited with my own things to accommodate him. All the time.
Up until his father's death- we had negotiated a 2 week to myself. (Which I was going to prolong another 2 weeks as I know I need a much-needed break). Sleeping in his room/cold garage and in his world away from mine all the time- and unable to really do my self-care routine there - including my food. I mean I am always eating on the go with him. Under pressure to go over and fastly cooking my tea and eating fast all the time or to take over. I never get that relaxed at home feel at my own place anymore. There is always pressure.
That is why I feel like I just want to go back to my good old days of being on my own and doing my own thing.
It's very hard to deal with someone who seems to want you all the time and takes you away from your own life/independence basically. When you have been used to be un-social for so long. To going the opposite. There is so much you can only stretch til - you bounce back. I just really want a break.
I want to spend days in bed, sleeping and relaxing and then journaling and then getting the motivation to starting again and finding out what I want and how I am going to get it and also setting out a plan of self-care again etc..
And also spending my time gardening ( which I am doing anyways: ) ).
But to just be able to have that long break- where I could have that time without any pressure from him, to be able to build myself back up and get on top of my own internal and even external world of my life.
I was so looking forward to solitude until this happened. His dad's death. But it has made him at least be responsible for his own money now and maybe I might get some more days to myself.
Writing this has made me feel better. Ive been at it with food I normally dont eat this week as its been a stressful one.
To get into the mood where your ready to nurture and -rechange your diet again can be hard when your stressed.