Cannae find the proper to convey the f**kin' rage ah feel.
Urgh! :kickingmyself: :veryangry: Every-f**kin'-time ah make a decision, which tae me seems pretty sensible, well thoughtout, right? My mum has to butt in her opinion that I'm wrong, or making a mistake. But ah go:
"How?", which in Scots lingo is asking why, she just shugs her shoulders n' goes: :idontknow:
"Ah dinnae ken, it's up tae you. You know whit's best..." or "Oooh... ah wouldnae dae that.
If ah know best, how come almost everytime my mum for her opinion, she immediate contradicts me? Yet the wimmin in my family are perfect and can do no wrong. That is if ye gloss over the moments when they've thrown violent child-like taantrum when told "No" or got upset over summit trival. Then aye, they're perfect.
Don't know much long ah cun go on, trying to reconcile the "Yer effin' useless. You'd be nowt withoot us" narrative with the
"You do anythin' ye set yer mind to; yer brave, etc. What would we do without ye?" narrative.
The irony of this being that, I'm the one whom actually tries to get stuff done, and my family are always asking me do them favours - like fix a laptop, print these photos or documents. Or even do simple things like opening a jar or bottle:
"You got stronger arms that me, here open this..."
Yet, for whatever reason, it's me who's always being ungrateful?
I'm damned if ah do, damned if ah don't, to be honest. Like it doesnae matter what ah think, it all about making them happy, tellin' 'em what they want to hear. Since it's fine for them to judge me, making assumption about me, etc, But if I don't to them... Naw, naw - that's not on, like.
Why did I have be raised by the less knowledgeable parent, who - to me - only seems to give a shit when it's convenient.
Sorry, ah know, I complain aboot ma family alot. But it's hard going, having to try ma best to take care of myself, despite ma disability; and in someway, take care of my family. It's easy when all the pressure and expectation seems to always be on you.