Ah tell ye summit, ya dinnae half see n' hear some daft, surreal things in Scotland. Just a few days ago, ma sister and I go for short car ride around town when we witness, and nearly get hit by this young lassie driving on the wrong side of the road. Indicators flashing on and off, we both get brief glance her in the seat, head near oot the windae.

If ma sister had opted to drive on the hard shoulder, there would've been some damage.
Turns out that she wus off her face, high on drugs. Though, the funniest sight was seeing the police car radio to our local police station a few yards away, folk in the street on their phones, telling family and friends about it.
Thankfully, police manage to stop and arrest her, since she wus still driving on the wrong side of the road when she wus well outta sight of us.
Oh, and someone whom my oldest sister support through her job as a mental health carer worker, Sheila. She said that if she ever wins big on the lottery that her, my oldest sibling, our mum and me would
"move away from this shitehole town and go live in America"
Which wus nice to hear, y'know? Purely because it's rare to hear someone else who live in the same town as ya describe the place as a shitehole. Ah know, nae hometown pride. But, given where I'm from, ye cannae really blame me for feelin' that way.
Not so sure about moving to America, like. Not that ah hate the Yanks or anything like that - far from it. Well, y'know what the Yanks are like when comes to accents that different from their own? Plus, ah cun just see folk doing a double-take everytime ah speak. Not that that's outta the ordinary for me, like. :bigsmile: