About the guitar, i think the most important thing is to enjoy playing songs that you like. No matter how good ye are, if it feels good to play, then thats good enuf.
That's very true. :thumbup:
I suck at guitar also. Just cant seem to find my "style" or "niche". Also usually cannae be arsed to pick the thing up. So i guess im just waitin for the urge to play it to arise, then i'll find the songs i have saved in ma browser, and then attempt again to play them. At this rate it'll take years to become any good at any song, but who cares eh, as long as slight progress is being made, or at least i can find enjoyment from playing. But im always fighting ma perfectionism, either all or nothing, so its nae easy for me.
Well, ah used to be quite good at playing the guitar. Used to know quite few Metallica and Iron Maiden songs when ah first started out - as far as rhythm guitar goes. Like, ah used to able to play parts songs by Maiden. And had the James Hetfield's chugging rhythm techique down and could play his parts in songs like
Creeping Death,
Sad But True and
Enter Sandman up to tempo.
And when ah wus just teaching myself after I'd quit taking lessons, I'd learnt the opening section of
Xanadu by Rush.
Wus always scared shitless of learning guitar solos, both in terms of learning full songs and improvising. Since ye cannae exactly afford to botch those when doing a cover. And the music theory and production side o' things escaped me.
Ah wouldnae say I'm a perfectionist when it comes playing, but I'm always messing with ma amplifer settings trying to get a decent tone. And the only thing put me off recording is not huvin an ear for sound engineering.
Though, ah wouldnae say I've got a
"niche" or
"style" that I like per say. I'm just as comfy playing songs that are more straightforward, like Green Day, Blink 182 or even Avril Lavigne's earlier songs.
But kinda like the challenge of playing more complex stuff, even if ah don't huv the theory or techiques mastered. Yer kinda learning as ye go in that regard.
And i sure wont bother buying an electric guitar, as its likely to sit in a corner never bein played (i have this habit of having a "great" idea -> buying sth -> never using it). Ah'd have to be 100% sure i'd use it .. the proof being if i start playing the acoustic regulalry. But even then i'd be scared to buy the wrong guitar, etc & wasting ma money.
I'm kinda the opposite, since ma main motivation for buyin' summit to get use oot of it. That said, my bagpipe chanter is just sitting there and ah bought that months ago. Still huv'nae gotten round to taking lessons for it. And I've got a mandolin which ah've yet tae learn how to play properly.
As far as buying a guitar goes, don't make the mistake of going on the look alone. Ah've bought a couple guitars in the past and ended up selling them, because ah never took how they sounded into account.
But there's no wrong guitar as such, unless yer going for a lesser known brand. That where ye kinda run into the guitars that may or may not sound great. Particularly on the electric guitar side of things.
It really depends what yer going for, and how much yer willing to spend. Ah just tend to go with brand names because they get good write ups. And if someone for one of ma favourite bands uses them, to me that reflection on the quality.
Though, ye don't have to go with those signature model guitars. To me, if it's the same brand and has similiar specifications, that's good enough, y'know? Between £200 to £300 is usually my spending limit. Only go higher if it's a must-have and you really want that specific signature guitar model. And ye cun afford it, obviously. Be it, the exact guitar that Kirk Hammett uses, or Dave Mustaine or Joe Satriani.
Guitar effect pedal and amplifer modeling software has saved me a shit tone on pedals. Though, I'm still going to get a wah-wah pedal, just tae a wee bit control over my guitar tone. Plus, rocking the foot back n' forth gives me a bit of exercise. :bigsmile:
Sorry, I'm rambling on, umn't ah?