Don't what else to talk about on here? :idontknow: Since not a lot happens to me in ma daily life that even note-worth. January - March and the whole of August 2016 huv been the only eventful months in ma life.
Aside from that, there's troubles in Ireland. My older sister and Irish brother-in-law are still arguing. Sorry, I thought of that pun the other day, thought it wus funny.
I'm quite boring, in spite of ma weird accent. Like really f**kin' boring, like. Bookish, nerdy...
mg: Ah don't talk much, so best o' luck gettin' a decent worthwhile conversation outta me. Since it's been years since ah kept up with what's happening in the world to huv an opinion on whatever it may be.
Ma family don't really engage with me, what with me being considered one of the
"smart yins".
Ha! Believe you me, eh, ma bookshelves are all for show. :bigsmile: Just to give the impression I'm smarter than I am.
I mean, I'm smarter than my mum and sisters certainly. But that's no sayin', ah mean, they're feminists. Just a simple questioning o' their beliefs and opinion and they're pissed off.
Though, ah do think I realised too late in life that I've been the scapegoat for my mum's relationship troubles. Since y'know... Ah didnae take after her in the looks or IQ department. Which probaby explain my emotional detachment?
But still I've been sensible enough to avoid relationships. Not so much outta fear of women, just the stress they seem to cause.