Y'know what, I really don't see much point of caring on. Living is just too much. Too much to overcome, just be seen as a person. Rather than person with a disability. And those happy moment only every occur with me when I outta my comfort zone, away from the home.
Ah mean, am I wrong for constantly lecturing my mum that it's not okay to treat me like an invalid, and undermine me every chance she gets. Oh, and lie to me, too. D'ye see why ah don't trust most people, let alone family, huh?! And they wonder why ah rarely show them affection or say ah love 'em. Probably because ah don't, really.
And d'ye know how f**kin' patronising it is to tell how ah should feel? :kickingmyself:
Or, better still, being called ungrateful for not appreciating everythin' yer family does for ye. When they do what they want, rather than what I ask, most o' the time. Or a sociopath, which is good 'un. All because ah refuse to show any compassion towards ma mum for huvin' sore legs. That's rich!
Well, maybe if she didnae constantly use them as an excuse whenever ah ask her to do somethin' for me, ah'd be more understanding, no? Ah mean, ma legs n' hips are in pain 99.9% of the time from the moment ah wake up in the mornin'. But ah just grin n' bare the pain, instead of complain. But then I'm a man. That's what yer supposed to do, innit, lads? Stiff upper lip, tough as f**k n' aw that...
I'm so f**kin' sick of being the one that ma family see as smart, sensible n' highly thought of. Yet, every chance they get, ma family will f**k me over. Make excuses to not help me, even when ah ask nicely. Make promises they huv nae intention of delivering on. The wee, subtle, f**kin' diigs at my character, which ah just take.
Ah think ma dad might've huv hud the right idea in disown those member of his family whom he felt made excuse for their situations, rather than takin' steps to improve their lives. Myself included in that. Though, ah got browbeaten n' guilt-tripped intae mine. Since ma mum's a pathogical lying control freak. Cause there's nae way ma life would be as miserable as if ah hud been either raised by ma dad or put up for adoption. At least then, I'd huv got a better education, if nowt else.
It's no great when you're constantly blamed for things other folk huv done, or get resent by yer siblings because o' yer disability. Because yer family are incapable of taking responsibilty for themselves. So, why not apportion blame upon those who did nowt to deserve it. Aye, sound logic there, eh? :thumbdown: