Great, some c*nt just asked me replied to my response to question as to why ah wus typin' in my accent.

mg: That's seem weird, right? Like the video in question did a feature a Scottish rock band, ah don't know... :idontknow:
Nothin' much else happenin' for me the day. Just usual feelin' o' not being good enough, feelin' like ah don't belong, nor connect with people on a deeper level. Cannae help feelin' some take an instant dislike to me when ah've no shaved in a while, 'cause ma beard is quite... intimidatin'.
Ah also don't feel much connect, support or trust for ma family. Though, there's good reason for that - they never keep their word when they say they'll do summit for me. And they treat me like the mistake ah've always felt ah wus. Sorry, it hard no tae perceive it as that, when yer ain mum doesnae even like talkin' to ye much.
Oh, and ma mum thinks she's psychic. Keeps tryin' to interrupt me when I'm talkin' and finishin' my sentences for me. So, yet another reason to just retreat intae myself and ma own thoughts.
What else, oh aye... My mum made a point of tellin' how ah rarely go out for a meal these days. And how ma time here in Edinburgh is the first time I've been for a meal in years. Well, naebuddy ever invites me, d'they? And with good reason, who want to be around some hefty lookin' lad who doesnae chat much. Amd has a look o' sadness in his eyes aw the time? Plus, why break the perception of me as anti-social, eh?
And my eldest sister complimented me yesterday, askin' me if ah lost some weight, lately. Since ah don't look as fat in the stomach area, compared to last year. Ah know ah've probably phrased that aw wrang like, but ah just gave a wee surprised:
"Really? Ah cannae say ah've noticed, maself". And attributed any possible weight loss to that hellish few days in hospital back in January. :idontknow:
That, and ah kinda made up ma mind that ah wouldnae let this surgery go to waste, by being lazy or over-eating as ah used to be. Tey n' get in shape anaw. Cause, ah really need to improve ma upper body physique in terms o' strength. Ah've been yin to obsess over gettin' a six pack.
Still don't know how to take that sorta praise, not that ah don't like hearin' it. It's just rare for any o' ma family to say anythin' good whenever it's directed at or involves me. Ah know, self-esteem issues, need some work. All in all, though, ma summer and beginning o' 2016 huv definitely been the most memorable times in ma life. Some things huv changed for the better, others huv just stay as they've always been. But ye cannae change everybudy's perception and attitude toward ya...