Right, it's official, my family are f**kin' mental! Naw, naw, this time I'm no sayin' that as an exaggeration. Ah genuinely mean that... and here's proof o' whit I'm talkin' about.
Ah got intae an heated argument with my mum yesterday evening over cereal.
Kellogg's f**kin'... breakfast cereal.

mg: :kickingmyself: She started it, not me. And she just wouldnae shut da f**k up! Prattlin' on... Insist ah give a better answer as to why ah don't like it that much. Or why ah dinnae pit fruit in ma breakfast cereal. Basically, she's saw that feckin' advert, y'know the bloody
Special K yin where the wummin puts fruit in with it? And went:
"Oh! Huv'nae thought o' daein that! 
And the sad thing is, she just wouldnae accept the fact ah hud a different view and opinion of it. Whit da f**k's happened to us as a society? Whatever happened to respecting someone else's opinion. Agree to disagree n' aw that?
Nae wonder ah keep ma distance from the lotta them, and dinnae talk much. Which ye might think is quite sad, but, trust me, it's the only way to keep stupid shite like whit ah just described at a minimum.