Why dae stupid folk breed? Like seriously, other than the extra money they get from huvin a wee bairn? 'Cause ah huv'nae got a clue as to why you'd want to huv a kid, especially if yer just gonnae make 'em a mini-me of their parents. And huv them spouting same auld shite that you believe. At least, that's case with my own family.
Where huvin yer ain opinion gets look upon as a threat or a sign that yer mental. Or more mental in my family's case. Strange how deeply religious folk tend to be the least tolerate of difference. Ah know that's not true o' every religious person, just speakin' from my weird experience of being an agnostic raised by a Christian. Still don't know how ah did well at religious studies afore ah drop in ma 3rd year o' secondary school? :thinking:
Sorry, ah dinnae mean to rant aboot this topic.
I'm just wondering how tha hell ma ain muther managed to raise 3 kid, unsuccessfully ah might add. Judging how fuct I am, and how bat-shit crazy ma sisters turn out to be. Yet, with me, my own mum goes full retard and pretends not to understand English at times.
Ah know, ye shouldnae speak ill of yer mother... but f**k me! I'm the yin who got a learning disability, no her. And the worst thing is, she's the f**kin' parent, she should know mair than me!
Sorry, just venting at the frustration of huvin to do everything myself aw the time. Yet, I'm the insensitive arse for gettin' annoyed by this. Despite it... Constantly, f**kin' happening! Because, of course, it's her fault she's so uneducated. Naw, it's the patriarchy's fault, innit?! :kickingmyself:
F**k ma life! I'm tired o' huvin to rely upon c*nts who'll play the victim the moment they get confront with any kinda criticism or put on the spot and questioning of their actions, words or intelligence. Or use emotionally blackmail to their way. And create drama over something as trival and stupid as what a person meant when they said something?
And still we want to pretend we all get along. Despite the fact I've disinviting masel' from every family gathering in the last 5 years. For the simple reason that it's pointless, in my opinion, to be forced intae doin' summit ye don't want to, just to appease somebuddy ye can't stand being around from more than 2 minutes.
Nae wonder I'm so uptight around 'em. And feel in a perpetual state o' misery. Yet, it's me, they're aw afraid of...
Ha! Meanwhile, there's me shittin' it, wonder whit kinda reaction this question will get, whit will they think if ah express a differing opinion? F**k it! I'm better just keepin' quiet, wouldnae want them think too much, like ah do.
But then, ah cannae even be happy without being told there's something no right with me. Cannae win!

Rant over!