Also, the bad yin - that's me. :kickingmyself: Aw because ah point oot how little gets done when ah ask fur anythin'. Oh, and am a c**t for no accepting an apology, despite the fact it wus preceeded by the usual excuse ah always here: "Oh, ah forgot". How f**kin' convenient, eh? Ye forgot, that doesnae bode well for yer functionality o' yer brain does it?
How come the wimmin in ma family will listen tae each other, yet whenever ah ask for a favour, they suddenly become deef an get suddenly get amnesia? Weird that innit? But then they couldnae give a flying-arsed kipper aboot me, really. Being a man an whit not - feminists tend tae hate them.
Also, why do some wimmin think that saying: "Oh, ah forgot" when they fail to do whit wus kindly asked of them is a way of being let off with. Call me a c**t if you must, but if ah ask, nicely, for somebuddy tae doing something for me and they agree to it, ah kinda expect them tae keep their word on it. See, ah tend tae huv a bit mair trust in folk if they show themselves to be reliable. Rather than lazy, moody, whinging bitches who can stand being told tae do summit.
Sorry, hud yet another argument with ma Mum this morning. Ah genuinely think am gonnae huv a mental breakdoon afore the summer holidays. Cuz f**k all seems tae huv gone right for me since the last week in February. :veryangry:
On a mair positive note, am feelin' a wee bit better this morning. Got a slightly better night's sleep. The cough is still there, but ah think ma chest infection is clearly up. And ma recovery is coming along at a slow pace, but am makin' progress every week. It's just trying to get up and walk as much as ah can is proving difficult withoot any long-term goal, now that the stairs are lookin' like they'll be nae bother.