Where d'ye want me to start?
Friday? When my older sister argued with our mother over why she flung oot a bottle milk that hud expired 3 days before, while Mum wus up visiting my sister. Monday? When my older sister f*cked shopping for 2 hours from 1 o'clock until quarter past 3 in the afternoon, and left my mother and I to baby sit her kids?
Or how it aw kicked off as soon as my older sister and her feckin' wains walked in tha front door this afternoon. Her oldest daughter is misbehaving n' no daein as she's telt. And my older sister hud a shouting match with our oldest sibling over the phone, screaming how she's not at fault for how her 3 year old behaves?

h: When her oldest wain is acting
exactly as she does when she's angry.
But then, lying n' no accepting blame seems to a personality trait with the wimmin in ma family. Probably why I'm the way I am. Cuz they'll either mess with me, or blame me for shite that wus'nae ma fault.
Oh, and there's fact that my 3 year auld niece seems to enjoy frightening her cat - that's currently staying at mine and my mother's due to the fact my older sister having too much stuff in her house to take care of her cat - as well as my cat. Which, am no trying to predict anything here, but if that behaviour is curbed f*ckin' pronto: she's not gonnae turn oot well...
F*ck! No that me or my older sisters turned oot any better. Ah've bin sayin' it fur 7 years noo: Oor mother failed as a parent. :sad: Though, ah think more due to huvin the 3 of us; as opposed to sticking with trying to raise yin wain.
But who gives a f*ck aboot ma well-being, eh? Ah've been pointin' oot how my older sister hus'nae changed since she wus a teenager. Am proven right on this, telt am right. And somehow me saying that is funny.
Who care if am just barely gittin' through the day, clingin' tae whit's left o' ma mental health. Cuz trying to calm the situation only makes it worse, cuz my older sister's got an attitude. And will go mentally when ah point out how her demeanour isnae helping things. Cannae say that though, not her face. Cuz then she'll swearing, crying and yelling at me why am wrong. How I'm a bully, picking on her.
Just like she did last month, and I responded by sighing and telling her to f*ck off. Cuz ah couldnae be arsed even trying to explain how she makes herself look when she going on aboot
"Why ye being like this? Why is this happening to me?" On the positive side, she's yet to lunge at me and try and punch me in the face. Like she did to our oldest sister last year. Thankfully, our mother wus wise enough to hold her back.