Och aye the noo


Hie yer hence from me heath!
^ Ah know why this argument started... My middle sister went mental at her oldest sis cuz she - the oldest - feed her 5 months old niece wee, tiny bit o' mushed up banana. Mashed it on her finger, and rubbed it on the wain's f*ckin' gums. :eek:mg: Un-f*ckin'-believeable. :thumbdown:

Y'see why am such a loner folks? :kickingmyself:


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Well, ah've made a start on filling oot the housing form tae get ma name doon on the waiting list fur a place o' ma ain.
Don't know if am makin' the right decision? :idontknow: :sad:
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Well-known member
Well, ah've made a start on filling oot the housing form tae get ma name doon on the waiting list fur a place o' ma ain.
Don't know if am makin' the right decision? :idontknow: :sad:
Even if your family was (and clearly isn't) peaches 'n cream to you every day of the week then I still believe it's the right thing to do for your own mental health. And congratulations! Your mother will not always be there to support you with a home for the rest of your life, nor will mine.

Translation: peaches 'n cream is how we in the southern states refer to people (or situations) that are nice and cheerful.


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Even if your family was (and clearly isn't) peaches 'n cream to you every day of the week then I still believe it's the right thing to do for your own mental health. And congratulations! Your mother will not always be there to support you with a home for the rest of your life, nor will mine.

Well, my mother sadly expects me to care for her til her dying day. :sad:

And my older sister called me a selfish b@$%@rd for saying I'll be glad when I get a place of my own, and telt me to f*ck off! :thumbdown:

And thanks nonetheless for put things in perspective for me. :perfect:

Translation: peaches 'n cream is how we in the southern states refer to people (or situations) that are nice and cheerful.

Thanks for the translation. I often wondered what the origin of that phrase was. :thumbup:


Hie yer hence from me heath!
And so I awake this morning to an all too familiar sound... A nonsensical argument, yelling, and a dumb, retarded c*nt who genuinely believes she's never does anything wrong. And, no, this time I'm not referring to my mother! :kickingmyself: My older sister is f*cking deranged, bat-shit, straight-jacket crazy!


If she privately has any regrets or remorse about how she's treat me, her oldest sis and oor ain mother she sure as f*ck doesnae show that in how she's been actin' lately. :thumbdown: Ah feel like just giving up on life at this point. :crying: Ah cannae deal with this shite any longer. I've tolerated enough in my short life.


Hie yer hence from me heath!
I'm contemplating just going my own way, cuz I'm done trying make sense of profound stupid, extremist feminst shite that my mother and sisters spout. This "Women can do no wrong, women are perfect" Disney princess horseshite! :kickingmyself:

Also, feel a shitload of guilt for filling out that housing application form behind my mother's back. :sad:


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Ah seriously feel like giving up... on life, people in general. Urrgh! :kickingmyself:

Just found out today from my oldest sister that our middle sibling has spent more time, staring at her and posting on Facebook than she has being a parent and looking after her kids. No wonder out poor Mum's exhausted!

But, according to Scotland's unofficial Beyonce Knowles tribute act, me, our oldest sister and our mother have done "...f**k all" to help the middle child, since she moved back home. Bringing her 2 kids and vast make-up and fashion collection with her. Not to worry, if anything needs printed she asks me. Problem with her laptop... Me again! Cuz she sure as f*ck has neither patience or IQ to troubleshoot a computer problem and solve it herself. Good thing ah took computer studies in secondary school.

And our Mum... well, she's barely had a moments rest since August. But who cares if she's getting older and can't just come running, like she used, whenever we call her name?

Yet it's funny how I'm still perceived ae the lazy twat, sitting in my room - alone. Yet I make sure things get done, and do things when asked without making a fuss. And, y'know.. Let's just gloss over the fact you'll find me actually doing something on my laptop, either listen to music via iTunes or attempting to make my own music. Or, I'll be trying fix an issue with my laptop. If I've got a moment I'll browse the internet. Other than that, though, I'm either reading a book or magazine cuz I'm that boring. :bigsmile:

Urrgh!! :veryangry: It really pisses me off that I'm the only yin who doesn't treat my Mum badly, yet I'm always lumped in with how my sister's treat her. Ah just hope she starts seeing that I was being flippant or joking when I'd rant about my older sister's attitude, I was right! Cuz she really hasn't grown-up. She still act like a teenager, and a spoiled one at that...


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Bloody pissed off... Too feart tae dae anythin', oot o' fear that the middle child will throw stroppy hissy fit n' go: "Huh! How come he gits tae dae as he f*ckin' pleases, eh!?" Cuz she always resented :perfect whenever oor mother did summit for her other 2 wains. :thumbdown: Cuz she's spoiled, y'see? Mum's always running after her or console her when summit gans wrong. Never taught her how tae really fed fur herself. Unlike me, who forced mum tae allow me to be responsible for masel.

Mind you, we finally hud another breakthrough - Dr. Phil would be fair proud so he would - ma mum finally acknowledge that she did spoil my older sister, and how daeing that hus backfired. She also said that unlike my sisters when Mum and I argue, ah actually listen and can be reasoned with. Which also answer a question she's always refused to answer in the past - why she treats me differently than my sisters. Cuz for year ah genuinely thought it wus the fact ah look exactly my father.

Oh, and ah telt her aboot the housing. To which she said: "Oh, Graeme, ah couldnae cope withoot ye hear". Thankfully, there were nae tears this time. :crying: But I'll no be moving oot just yet, so there's time to change. Ah just hope ma mum keeps her word this time. Thought I might as well tell her since the middle sibling is away oot tonight, getting drunk... again.

Speaking of my older sister and her kids, ah hope tae f*ck they're moved oot after ma birthday cuz I am aboot tae snap. Not at the kids, but there ungrateful mother. Really get ma goat how she hus the nerve to say our mum's no helping any... She doing everything for us, despite barely being able to walk cuz her sore hip and leg. Will she allow us tae help? Will she f*ck! If she says she wants to do summit for us tae feel needed, ah just let her dae it. But hear yin argument where oor mother gets accused of not helping, I just going to flee doon the stairs n' go:
"Right... C'mere you!" :bat: Followed by a psychotic rant that would be more coherent than her way of arguing, which involves yelling a variation of the same question over n' over... and over again. Y'know, as a grown-up does. :giggle:


Hie yer hence from me heath!
F*ckin hell... Ah must be in a bad way if am thinking aboot writin' a letter or sending an email tae the Samaritans? :sad: No sayin' ah wouldnae, ah just cannae believe how bad muh situation hus bin since August. :crying:

How cun yin skinny, smug brown-skinned wummin cause such f*ckin' misery? It really amazes me who somebuddy cun show such a lack of self-awareness, consideration and empathy for their ain family. But that's my older sister... Yet, she expects us to care about her? :idontknow:

Ken summit? Fur the past 4 months me, my oldest sister and oor mother huv actually managed tae agree on something. Which a f*ckin' shock! :eek: Cuz our Mum is set in her belief that she's right ye cannae tell her otherwise.

But ah think whit really pisses me off is that my family are so stubborn n' predictable in their way of doing things that my doubts about them doing something properly always end up being justified then proven.

Quite sad that ah cun breakdown my mother and sisters in terms of why they are the way they are, just by their reactions to, and interaction with me. And I must be not far off if my mum is more open to answer those sorta questions, rather than shy away from 'em. Saddest thing is none of them really changed, my mum and sisters are as they've always been - argumentative, petty, jealous, immature, ungrateful and self-pitying.

I often wonder about the kinda family my mother wus hoping for when she had us... I think she might've wanted us to a bit like the TV show, The Waltons - and huv that same family closeness, y'know?


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Have you made progress in the housing department?

Other than them getting back to me to confirm my name's on their list for a house? Nope! I've yet to hear back from 'em. And pestering them about it won't make them find me a place sooner. :sad: Sad, I know. But the c*nts dinnae prioritise applicants. :thumbdown:

And there wus me just a year ago going to move oot in early 2017, but no gotta consider how ma co-dependent mother and bitch-hag sisters would cope withoot their whipping boy.
Cuz who are they gonnae guilt-trip n' blame for their mistakes? Themselves? Ha! If only...

Ah even wanted tae move oot afore the middle child and her wee uns showed up cuz ah knew the f*ckin' rammy we were in fur. Ah even said as much to my mother and oldest sister near the end o' August when they asked me why ah wanted to move oot.

"Why? Cuz it's always like this! Every-f*ckin'-time she comes here! Starting arguments aboot stupid shite. And yous wonder why ah keep tae myself?!" :kickingmyself:​

Yesterday, my sister and I had a lengthy discussion about our sister while out for a short car ride round the back roads. My eldest finally cope on that oor mother is depressed. Thankfully, ah never responded to that with:
"Depressed?! F*ck! My living with her as long as ah huv".

Anyway, the recurring theme that ran through this wee discussion was how ungrateful our sister wus, which lead to me point that that's what she expect cuz that's how she been treated most of her life. As well as point out the fact that when she was living with me and my mum, she always got priority over me. And how mum never taught her to fend for herself. Whereas she had no choice with me because I refused to let her mother me all the time.



Hie yer hence from me heath!
Well, ah got some good news for a change today. That nail on my left big toe will be getting seen to next week.
And aboot time anaw, it's been plaguing me since March o' this year. :eek: :thumbdown:


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Ah! St. Andrew's Day today... Wouldnae huv even realised that if Google hud no change their logo. :giggle:


  • Google Logo.JPG
    Google Logo.JPG
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Hie yer hence from me heath!
Well, this month has bin another crap month fur me... aside from going to a couple of music gigs. :sad: Just oan ma ain, in ma room, sitting ma bahookie - that's an informal Scots word meaning yer arse, btw :giggle: - doing nuthin'. Except wondering why my mother continues to tolerate being treated horribly by my sisters. The same behaviour for which I'm routinely lectured for. Talking down to and swearing at her. :idontknow:
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Hie yer hence from me heath!
Ah cun barely remember the past 5 months of my life. :sad: Seriously! :eek:
Worrying a sign of things to come? Or the fact my older sister is and has made her older sister, me and my mother miserable? :question:

On things for sure, her and her wee'uns are oot o' ma life for good once they get their ain place. Don't care if her oldest daughter like me, ah refuse to co-exist with a person who openly states that's her problems are more important than everyone else's issues. Not that we ever got on, even when we were younger, we were never close.

But, after these past few month, I can confirm my mother and sister react to criticism like bratty, spoiled children, ie. Throwing a hissy fit. :kickingmyself: Which just shows what a negative impact that man-hating strain of feminism has on wimmin. It really brings oot the worst in them...


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Ah, finally a few hours of peace n' quiet. It's my oldest niece's birthday today, she's 3 years old. A right bossy wee bitch - ah know where she get that from :veryangry: - but she seems to like for some weird reason. :idontknow: Anyway, ah wus meant to go to her birthday party, but ah wus getting my ingrown, big left toenail off this morning. Which I'd off my feet the rest o' the day.
Not that ah despise wee lassie, only her mother. My older sister. :thumbdown:


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Glad tae be rid o' the toenail, though. Bin plagued with it since March o' this year, the b@$%@rding thing! :kickingmyself:

And ma mum just told me today that the garage that just on the opposite side of our house's back garden is being convert into a this "Man Shed"? idontknow: She mentioned summit about a computer workshop, that she said might be worth my time attending? But ah'll see... Try and get more info about it.

Well... that's aboot the only happy things to huv occured in ma life lately. Past few month huv just a miserable recurring nightmare. With me, my oldest sister and oor muther bitching about the middle child. But I'm the only yin hus made the valid observation o' how she's close to being 40 yet still acts like a bratty teenager. :confused: :eek:h:
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Hie yer hence from me heath!
Well, bought myself another bottle of Jägermeister. Last one wus ordered back in June, shortly before this year went to sh!t for me. :sad:

Never compromise your happiness for others, folks. Making other folk happy doesnae work unless they show gratitude towards ye.
Ah learnt that the hard way, being raised by family of egotistical c*nts who only put others ahead of themselves when they'll praised for it.


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Quite sad that the MGTOW mentality has shaped who I am. Long before I'd even knew about it.


All the sadder, because the women who put me off relationship or marriage weren't a few bad girlfriends, but my own family. My mother and older sisters. :sad: They taught me to respect wimmin, while they disrespecting me. Nice! :thumbdown: