But, according to family myth, I'm the one who's inconsiderate, uncaring, lacking in empathy, and only care about myself. Yet, my mother has telt me to killing myself if I'm feels so depressed. My middle sister thinks my anxiety is BS. And my eldest sis accused me of being ungrateful. Nevermind, if I'm always doing things for them, or asking if they're awright. Or asking what's wrong when my Mum comes into my bedroom and sighs heavily as if to communicate
"I'm f*ckin' pissed off" then proceeds to vent to me. :thumbdown: Yet, not one o' them has even stopped, stepped back and considerate that mibbe, jist mibbe, they're volatile, shouty overactions towards constructive criticism from me is partly to blame for why I'm such a loner, and don't really like being around my family much as a collective.
On the plus side, my 2, well nearly 3 year old niece likes me. For reasons I can't even begin to understand. Going so far as to say this aloud to my Mum, her Granny. Mibbe it's the fact I'm not as loud when I speak, juxaposed with her mother. Who will shout at her a lot when she doesn't do as she told or when my niece does something wrong. Like recently, I came downstair to use to toilet, to found the bathroom door open and the light on. I couldn't see if there was anyone in, so I peaked my head in to look, and found my niece standing there. And calmly I say,
"Awrite! Hey, ah need to use the toilet, could you just wait here for a moment?", pointing to the stair landing.
"I'll let ye back in once I'm done, okay?" My niece, looks up at me, then to the toy she hold, and say:
"Okay Gra-uhm" and exits the bathroom. And as I shut the bathroom door, she says
"Gra-uhm's in there, Granny. He using the toilet!". :bigsmile:
Whereas my middle sister, her mother would've been like:
"Right! Move. Out!". And she wonders why her daughter's favourite word to her in response are:
"No!" :idontknow:
I know, I know... I'd wouldn't make a very good parent