not drinking or smoking..


Well-known member
so, one of the reasons i dont hang out with alot of people, aside from my anxiety about social situations, is there are just too many smokers for one. I find that quite alot of people i run into smoke, which is fine with me. Im not an antismoking activist by any means, but secondhand really bothers me, to the point where if i even get a small whiff of it i cough like i have asthma, and unfortunately many people think im doing this to be rude which really, if i COULD stop hacking i would. Ive never smoked in my life and i just seem to be very sensitive to it. Marijuanna is even worse. If i smell someone smoking that im usually making sure im a good 20 to 30 feet away just because the smell really makes me feel sick.

I dont mean to make anyone at all feel bad or angry about smoking. This is more about me than the other person.

The other thing is, i dont drink. My family considers this very strange, as EVERYBODY in my family drinks, but i just never liked the taste of alchohol or how it made me feel. Whenever i DID have even a mild beer i would be tipsy after half a can. I embarrassed myself pretty good with that and decided just to not drink.

Anyone else have these problems?
I wouldn't call them "problems", but I'm in the same situation. I don't drink or smoke. People tend to not think anything of it, maybe just because I'm 19.


Well-known member
i hardly know anyone who smokes anymore - seems to be a thing of the past

i guess it depends where you live, and the younger crowd still thinks it's cool - but we've already established that they don't know as much as they think they do:

unfortunately, drinking seems to be the state past-time in wisconsin - it's hard to go anyplace where's it's not encouraged


Well-known member
My neighbor smokes , and we both share the same balcony separated by a ramp , at night it gets hot so i leave the sliding door opened , and he usually just sit there and smoke his cigarettes , and all the smell comes in my apartment , i just close the door if it bothers me .

I did smoke and drink a couple of years ago , so apart from the smell it doesn't bother me that much , i also get tipsy pretty easily , usually one beer will be good enough for me , these days i rarely drink , usually only when i visit my mom.


Got the same problem when the issue is smoke. Although i can smoke time to time. Like once a month. I pretty enjoy. But I can support when someone is near me smoking. So is harder to is around then who's smoking, then is understandble your point.

About alcool, i start drinking just some years ago. I still hate beer and wine i'm very selective. But one thing is sure, like everything in life is an habit. And i ve to admitt that wine is pretty better company with food,when u learn to enjoy. There elements that combine in the kitchen. And some wines with certain foods is the same.

However i know lots of people that dont smoke or drink at all. They dont like and that's it.

For me is a question of not 8 or 80....coffe, smoke, drink...if is in the right proportions can't make no warm and give to our life a litle more of pleasure.


Well-known member
Yes. People look at you funny when you say you don't drink. Makes you sound like a party pooper.


Well I have recently quit smoking and one of the main reasons I wanted to stop was because it was so anti social - meaning that it is now an activity that is simply looked down upon with contempt...and lets face it.. it deserves to be... it is more of a handicap now, in more ways than one.

The thing is, I used smoking as a mechanism to help me bond with other people.. I think thats why I did it for so long (aside from the obvious nicotine dependency)... there is an unspoken bond between smokers, you get to spend time with them, and because its an activity that most people dont like, you almost form a comaradere with your fellow smokers... being unified and defiant against all those non smokers who just dont "get it"

Smoking is becoming very unpopular now... its no longer the social glue that it used to be. I dont think it will be very long before it becomes a part of society that is no longer supported or accepted.

89 days smokefree for me. - I still suck at being around people though.


Well-known member
If you don't wanna join smokers and drinkers... so be it. Shouldn't be a problem... Even if their my friends, I let them know that I don't like inhaling smoke and don't drink outside.


Well-known member
Aside from the anxiety, it's hard for me to hang around others because of the smoking too. There are a lot of smokers here, and just getting the whiff of it makes me cough, but I also have asthma. I usually hold my breath whenever I have to walk by someone who's smoking.

I don't totally care if people smoke, but I really wish they would stop throwing their cigarette butts on the ground. >.> This place is littered with them, and it's quite gross to look at. There are a bunch of those cigarette bins around here, yet no one uses them. :rolleyes:

Anyway, I don't drink either. I do happen to like the taste of wine though. ::p: And it's fun to cook with.


Well-known member
me too i don't smoke or drink, I know a few smokers but i especially know a lot of drinkers. I'm not of fan of both but I would never be able to go out with a smoker, it's probably my number one turn off


Well-known member
i used to smoke

i quit 20 years ago

i still enjoy a fine cigar on occasion

when i'm alone or outdoors somewhere so that it won't bother anyone


Well-known member
i understand exactly where you're coming from with the drinking.. those are the reasons why i don't drink- because most alcoholic drinks taste like butthole, and my face gets all blushed red and feels hot when i drink, and i'm just not a fan of that, lol...

i guess it's the 'avoidant' part of us phobes that makes us not want to do something if we don't like it or it makes us uncomfortable, which can be good and bad... i guess people go through the time it takes to "acquire" the taste just because they want to drink... us, it's like.. i don't like it, i don't want to make myself like it... i feel anxious in public, i don't want to go to the mall, whether that means i can't buy new things or not, lol... am i making any sense??

oh well.. don't let people make you feel out of place because you don't drink. you're making a choice (that happens to be a positive one) for yourself, you are yourself, they are not yourself, lol.. :)


Well-known member
I get what you mean, I don't smoke and I don't like the smell of it either. If you're that sensitive to it, you could always just avoid being around smokers. It'll be good for you anyway since secondhand smoke is actually more toxic than firsthand cigarette smoke. :p


Well-known member
I smoke 2 kinds of things, and I drink when one of those things is unavailable. I have extreme paranoia and avoidance. I don't answer my phone, my stomach hurts and my heart races when it rings. I always feel like people are watching and judging me wherever I go, whatever I'm doing. If I didn't smoke or drink, I'd probably be worse.


Well-known member
Yes and yes.
I understand. haha

My sister will often describe me to people as being 'straight edge'-- then they think I must be into the punk scene; attitude and fashion, but I'm not really at all... I just don't drink or smoke or sleep around.

I've found that it's impossible to find friends based on that criteria; as most people will do one or the other or both-- or say they don't smoke at all; but they will smoke pot from the to time.
I don't ever... and there will always be some people who see me as a boring person because of it-- and will disassociate or try to pressure me into 'trying'.
It's irritating, yes. Just another thing you'll have to learn to deal with if you ever want to be social, I suppose.

I don't have a single acquaintance who has the same views as me; but that's fine.
We're all different-- as long as I'm not going to get hassled for not wanting to go out and get drunk and stoned every weekend; I don't care.


Well-known member
so, one of the reasons i dont hang out with alot of people, aside from my anxiety about social situations, is there are just too many smokers for one. I find that quite alot of people i run into smoke, which is fine with me. Im not an antismoking activist by any means, but secondhand really bothers me, to the point where if i even get a small whiff of it i cough like i have asthma, and unfortunately many people think im doing this to be rude which really, if i COULD stop hacking i would. Ive never smoked in my life and i just seem to be very sensitive to it. Marijuanna is even worse. If i smell someone smoking that im usually making sure im a good 20 to 30 feet away just because the smell really makes me feel sick.

I dont mean to make anyone at all feel bad or angry about smoking. This is more about me than the other person.

The other thing is, i dont drink. My family considers this very strange, as EVERYBODY in my family drinks, but i just never liked the taste of alchohol or how it made me feel. Whenever i DID have even a mild beer i would be tipsy after half a can. I embarrassed myself pretty good with that and decided just to not drink.

Anyone else have these problems?

Aside from being nauseous around smokers, you sound exactly like me.
I dont smoke, I hate the smell, and bad breath, and brown teeth etc..
I dont drink because 1: I live with an alcoholic and 2: I dont like the idea of not being in full control of myself, I dont want to say "sorry about the other day, I was really drunk" or puke my innards into the bath tub one night