no offense but...

Lorraine Manca

Well-known member
im going to offend you

I hate that expression "no offense but". it makes me want to spit acid!!!
if you have to specify that you dont mean to offend someone, its because you are about to say something offensive and you're covering your ass!
you not freaking fooling anybody.

no offense, but you should stick to tutoring english, not math

no offense, but you should go stick it where the sun dunnt shine

rant done!:)


Well-known member
makes me want to spit acid!!!

That would be cool as hell to spit acid like that Alien crab looking thing that lays it's eggs inside a human host... Sweet! No offense, but I am going to burn a hole in you a mile wide with the acid in my saliva... Haha! :D::p:


That would be cool as hell to spit acid like that Alien crab looking thing that lays it's eggs inside a human host... Sweet! No offense, but I am going to burn a hole in you a mile wide with the acid in my saliva... Haha! :D::p:

There is a funky scorpion which can shoot acid :cool: I think its a scorpion anyway..just not from its mouth,but from well rear lmao.


Well-known member
As long as you're making everything okay by giving them a warning first, why not really lay into them? I usually do, albeit in an exaggerated and humorous (?) manner.

And forget about spitting acid. I'd rather be able to squirt blood from my eyes like a lizard. Talk about a look that could kill....


Lorraine Manca

Well-known member
lmao, i deleted my mg because i did nt know how ud react to it :rolleyes: i thought it mite of been to inappropriate. i was gettin worried.

dont worry, there's a box of scorpions each fully loaded with acidic a_s juice thats got your name on it. it'll be educational


she doesnt half talk some amount of crap eh!!
and it cant be her time of the month, cause shes used that excuse twice already.

Lorraine Manca

Well-known member
she doesnt half talk some amount of crap eh!!
and it cant be her time of the month, cause shes used that excuse twice already.

hey! no respect, geesh
hey! no respect, geesh

Those scorpion babies are creepy. Is it wrong that i'm thinking of eating them.. seriously don't they look like dumplings or what?

To the OP, the no offense phrase is actually a good thing because when people say it they mean it as a warning before they're gonna say something that offends you. This is better than just saying something rude and catching you off-guard. I mean at least they're warning you about it and acknowledging that you're not gonna like waht they will say (but it just had to be said for a (hopefully) good reason).
Gazebo World

Oh my GOD, I hate it when people say "No Offense." YEAH RIGHT! It's like some excuse that they think makes it okay to insult people. Likeee, "No offense, but you are REALLY ugly!!". Ohh gee I'm so glad you didn't want to offend me! BITcHHH. !!! I say we punch them in the face.
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johnny 85

Well-known member
Re: Gazebo World

Oh my GOD, I hate it when people day "No Offense." YEAH RIGHT! It's like some excuse that they think makes it okay to insult people. Likeee, "No offense, but you are REALLY ugly!!". Ohh gee I'm so glad you didn't want to offend me! BITcHHH. !!! I say we punch them in the face.

i always use that no offence sayin ::(: