welcome aboard Eristelle, may you enjoy your stay on here![]()
You sound like a very nice person, hope hearing a few words from ya sometime![]()
Thank you. Me gusta. <3
better than having Forever alone or Yao Ming meme right haha
I just recently re-watched Robotech. I've been in a mecha mood and playing a lot of Mechwarrior. I always liked Cowboy Bebop, and I recently watched Hellsing and Samurai Champloo which were very cool (those last ones thanks to the awesome Pookah, who knows far more about this stuff than I do).Seems like there are people who enjoy anime.what's your top favorites?
Thank you. Well, I read manga mostly. I'm sort of an information junkie, except I read a lot of nonfiction things online. Despite some things on the Internet being lies, I think most of the things i read are legit, lol. I'm madly in love with learning more about birds. Not sure if I know how to watch them, sadly. No worries, i'm not much of an expert in drawing either.
I just recently re-watched Robotech. I've been in a mecha mood and playing a lot of Mechwarrior. I always liked Cowboy Bebop, and I recently watched Hellsing and Samurai Champloo which were very cool (those last ones thanks to the awesome Pookah, who knows far more about this stuff than I do).
I do a lot of reading on the internet too. I love Wikipedia! I think it's about as accurate as anything, nothing is perfect.
I started a thread about bird watching. You're not far from me so I bet we'd see the same kinds of birds.
Welcome to the forum! I love anime and games! so we should get along great plus you sound similar to me just from reading your first post, you seem a bit mad (mad is a good thing in my eyes).
Haha you are definitely approachable, I wanted to reply after your first line of text but I kept reading all of it first! I can't believe you already have 3 pages of welcomes...you are definitely approachable!!![]()
Thanks. XD
Oh wow, after I read "you seem mad" I almost flipped. Then you said it's a good thing and now I accept the compliment. x3
Heck I can't believe I even got to page 2. I may be more surprised than you right now. I see you like kingdom Hearts. I love that game but it's more confusing than the movie Inception to me. xD
It's nice to be approachable. <3
Hehe that is why I always type (its a good thing!) so people are sure, at least with new people
Haha I don't just love Kingdom Hearts I am obsessed with it! I buy any console it comes out on even if it's just for that one game! I absolutely love it and can't get enough of it, the story is so good! and the combat is awesome!
The story does get very confusing when you play the spinoffs, even number 2 confuses it a bit but I get the whole idea and jist of it. It just gets a bit confusing when they break down Sora especially after Birth By Sleep the prequal to it all. You find out a lot about the story in that one and where it's headed! It's slowly setting us up for Kingdom Hearts 3!! The 3DS one will be the last spin off and that is the direct lead up to the 3rd game!I really can not wait haha, and yes I am buying a 3DS just for that game, even though I hate 3D and I will likely turn the 3D completely off
Cough Cough, sorry I will stop talking about KH now lol, I find it hard not to when someone mentions it! I have not seen Inception but it looks good, someones already ruined it for me anyways lol. It's nice to meet you my new mad friend![]()
Oh my, you really are obsessed.
Well, I find KH okay, I only played the first and second though. I don't really play video games as often anymore. Sometimes when you're depressed, you lose interest in everything you once loved so much. It's sad. D:
Although I have taken up a new interest, learning about the history of video games and watching others review bad games and occasionally good. I once had an obsession with Sonic though. Now I kind of steer clear of their games. xD
Thanks. It feels good to be mad :3
Lol yup, I have hated most games over the past few years other than KH, it's good you have played 1 and 2 tho! It's a bit daft of sqaure-enix bringing them out on different platforms, not everyone can afford it that way but the less said about Square-Enix at the moment the better
Yeh I know what you mean about the depression thing, I am trying to tell myself to go on a game now and chill because I've been working too much the past 2 days but I just can't be assed lol. Gonna force meself to though and hope I start enjoying it. I've never enjoyed a Sonic game since the megadrive!
Hello Eristelle, welcome to the site. I like your name its unique and nice![]()
I wouldn't say that, judging by the number of answers; you are already one of the most popular users on the forum, lol....I probably don't sound very approachable...
I wouldn't say that, judging by the number of answers; you are already one of the most popular users on the forum, lol.
Anyway, I love anime too, but I also love manga (by the way, don't you like them?).