New member just saying hello!



My photo to put a face to the words:


Discovered this forum late last night & thought it pretty fitting to my situation at present. I've never really thought of myself to have a problem or condition, but I'm starting to consider that perhaps I have? I'm not sure, I've got a few appointments coming up to see if there is something, but I believe it's very hard to actually diagnose? Well anyway, this is my situation.

About three or four years ago, I suddenly became very recluse. I was about 14/15 years old, used to go out quite a lot with friends. But, in around Year 9, I suddenly stopped going out, people would ask me to places as simple as the park, the cinema, their house even and a lot of the time I'd agree but then cancel plans last minute. It was just a few times to start with but then it became ALL the time. I didn't understand it and I mean, looking at the symptoms of social anxiety, I didn't feel like it was because I was scared or intimidated by people, by crowds. I'm actually training to be an actress, if there ever was a contradiction. But anyway, I stopped going out with all of my friends (eventually they stopped asking me out, because I never went) and when I'd see pictures the following day or so, of them all out, I'd feel really upset, but it was absolutely me who stopped myself from going. I'd give really stupid excuses as well, one time I even pretended my cat had broken it's leg. I mean, it sounds funny, but it's actually really worrying. I also started missing loads of school as well.

Last September I started college, I deliberately went to one that very few of my old school friends were going to, so I could start a fresh without any baggage. So anyway, was really excited for college, studying things that I genuinely had an interest and passion for (took A levels in english language, literature & theatre studies). I'd say I met about 5 people who I really considered good friends, particularly one person (we had a lot in common regarding acting and our approach to it) and it started off good. We'd all go out for the first few months, but then around January, the girl who I actually felt closest to introduced everyone to sort of their first 'night out', something I really uncomfortable with. I was never a big alcohol drinker and I just didn't like the culture of being underage, dressing all skimpy so as to get into clubs and stagering home at 4AM. So, I cancelled. Few weeks later they asked me again, agreed & cancelled. This repeated itself for a few months, during which the people who I was friends with but not GREAT friends with, were becoming closer to the girl I'd started off close with. I then stopped going to just basic places, like again cinema, houses etc.

I seem to push everyone away, but seemingly only friends though. I keep thinking that it's because I'm different from them, as in, and I don't mean this to sound pretentious but as if they're not 'my sort of people'. I'm hoping to go to drama school next year, in which I'd imagine they will ABSOLUTELY be my sort of people, but I'm scared incase I do the same thing and it's me, not them. I've always felt like I've really found my identity over the past 3/4 years, bit of a hippy/very arty/but also love fashion/quirky things & I feel like I don't belong where I am. I come from quite a rough area in Liverpool, low income family, bit of a messed up family sometimes. I don't have a Liverpool accent which set me aside straight away (been accused of talking posh by a lot of scousers, but I'm just well spoken). I just think that I want to believe I push these people away because I choose not to associate myself with them, but I'm actually starting to believe that it doesn't matter who it is, I'll always gradually seclude myself. Also, worth to mention, I've never had a boyfriend. Had two very complicated relationships, both of which put me straight off proper ones.

So, what do you guys make of this? Is this something any of you have experienced, does this sound like social anxiety?

Nice to meet you all anyhow! :)
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Well-known member
Hi and welcome to the forums Reaffy. You look like a really sweet girl. I love your style :)


Well-known member
First of all, welcome to the forum~!
Secondly, absolutely lovely picture. You are very pretty :)

I started out with my SA in a similar way by avoiding certain social situations and then getting to a point where I started avoiding human contact altogether. I'm actually going to be starting college soon and am very worried about it since the classrooms are a lot bigger, packloaded with people my age and older, and just overall a much more extreme social situation than high school, which was bad enough for me.

Anyhow, I'm not really sure if you actually have social anxiety or not. What gives me second thoughts about you having it is the fact that you want to be an actress. There's nothing wrong with that, it's just that I can't imagine someone with social anxiety aspiring to be an actress when social phobics in general can't stand being around people, let alone having the spotlight and all eyes on them. If I had to be up in front of hundreds of people on a stage, I'd faint right on the spot.

Maybe you have a slight case of it, or it could just be a psychological defense mechanism in your mind activating in response to an uncomfortable situation. I forgot the name of the defense mechanism in mind, but its the one when you make excuses to avoid an uncomfortable situation. I can't say for sure though. I took two years of psychology but that obviously doesn't make me a psychologist and I've never really been much of a help when it comes to diagnosis. I think you're just an independent girl who doesn't like having others to rely on and just prefer to be on your own, but that's just my two cents.

Well, I think I've melted your brain enough with my nonsense ::p:
I hope I was of some help, even the slightest hint of it. It's very nice to meet you too and I hope you enjoy your stay here on the forum :)
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Well-known member
Hey and welcome: )

I do not like going out and getting wasted either. Maybe try to make friends with people that don't do that? ( if you can find any in college)

and by the way I love your hair : )


Well-known member
Don't be afraid to inform people that you're not comfortable or simply not 'into' what they're doing. If they are friends, they'll understand; if not, then as you said, they are not your sort of people. If you never explain what you feel, then what you feel will never be felt, and that can sometimes cause a whole mess of things.

There is no problem with being different and it is no exaggeration to assume that other people may function entirely different from yourself. But friendship works in a sense that, when handled appropriately, such things simply do not matter as much as they may seem. I do encourage you to find people with similar interests, but also with open hearts.

Welcome to the forum.


Well-known member
Hello there!

To me, it sounds like you may have avoidance issues.
I am an actress as well but I'm agoraphobic- so it is very possible to aspire to want to act but to avoid being around people, doing things in public- aside from work. Work is work and acting is becoming a different person, so I often feel completely terrified to leave my room and want to be someone else entirely-- which acting allows me to do freely.

I'm sure you'll find some help here and some people with similar interests and problems, so- welcome to the forum!


Well-known member
Hello,Reaffy,welcome to the forum.Its a very sweet picture,you're a really lovely girl.
I understand what you're talking about,I never go out with my friends.I'll accept every proposal & cancel at da last moment.It has come to the point where no one invites me anymore.My doc says that I've mild SA & suggested to expouse myself to my fears gradually.Its so hard but I'm working on it & maybe I've improved a little bit?Not sure though.Or you might be among da wrong ppl.Hope you find your type in drama school.Best of luck... Ooh!I'm also joining collage next year,really excited about it.


Well-known member
you might have SA, be developing it, or just become more introverted. social anxiety or not, welcome to the forum! :D btw very nice picture you are quite pretty
oh, and i also love drama and theatre history/arts! even though i have SA, drama was my favourite class and i always perfectly memorized my lines and did well. i wanted to be an actress too, but i decided it's too hard to become a well-paid one and too much pressure. i was thinking about getting a minor degree in drama in university but i think im goin for a minor in psychology instead now. but anyways, good luck with your dramatic arts and acting! it's always so much fun :)


Thanks for all the welcomes guys :)

Actually thought of a few other things; I never answer or make phone calls and I never answer the door if other people are in the house.


Well-known member
Hello there! Welcome to SPW. :)

I find we have quite a few things in common. Unfortunately, what I would have said to you has already been said by everyone else, haha. No need to repeat.

Good luck. This forum is great!