My Platonic Boyfriend


Well-known member
I am open to the possibility, but I just believe that, if he were not sexually attracted to women, then either he or I would have gotten some sort of clue at this point. I think it is more likely that he is not very sexually attracted to women (or men), given that he does at times display that attraction.

In addition, I've had this problem with other boyfriends (and my ex-husband) so perhaps it does have something to do with me after all.

EDIT: Sorry if that doesn't make much sense, but I don't feel like re-writing it at the moment. :)

Maybe it has something to do with you subconsciously attracting people like this into your life but as far as looks are concerned, I dont think so.


Well-known member
There could be a hundred reasons why it's happening. If you're not too bothered by it then hopefully it's something you can look past.

Do you think you can marry him and have a very diminished sex life for the rest of your life?

razzle dazzle rose

Well-known member
I can understand your frustration, Marie. I am experiencing something similar in my relationship. Maybe my expectations are a bit skewed, because aren't guys supposed to want it all the time? I know this is not the case, and when my boyfriend says he is tired he probably is. I just thought that was supposed to be my excuse, if I ever needed one. I guess I have a high libido. Maybe what I need are two boyfriends, haha (my boyfriend wouldn't find that funny though!) I want to bring up another possibility here. Could it be that your boyfriend is not very experienced? Maybe he is a little shy? Not sure what that has to do with it, but maybe it does.

razzle dazzle rose

Well-known member
This is so not the case...or maybe I'm just weird.

No, I know it is not so. I was sort of joking ::p: I have read my bf's Men's Health magazines, and they mention this issue. So, this is a problem that happens. Still, doesn't make it any easier to deal with. Ideally, both people in a relationship would be compatible in every way, then there would be no need to argue.


Well-known member
I think I am beginning to come to terms with this issue. Or, perhaps I am just rationalizing in order to feel better (which I am totally okay with).

The thing is, my boyfriend is a very passive person in nearly every aspect of his life. Despite his avid participation in various team sports, he is not a very competitive person. There is nothing "alpha male" about him. In fact, he once told me a story about how he and his friend were both pursuing the same girl that they liked, and even though he was disappointed about it, he backed off so that his friend could get the girl. He will go out of his way to accommodate others and to avoid confrontation. He is just a genuinely easygoing guy.

In most aspects of our relationship, this is a very good thing. But in terms of our sex life, I guess it's not so great for me. I tend to be much more attracted to the more sexually assertive type. If I can't tell that a guy is actively pursuing me, then I tend to lose interest. I'm thinking that this is why I lost my libido after our initial courting phase. I just can't get riled up by someone who is so sexually lackadaisical.

That being said, I do think it is something I can learn to live with. It's not ideal, but with all problems there are ways to adjust and compromise. The idea of passivity certainly explains a lot of his actions, and helps me to understand why he claims to be attracted to me but doesn't act on it as often as I would prefer. And it also explains why I have lost my own drive.

I do think there could be more to it at this point in time, especially when dealing with his current depression, and the fact that we have been beating this issue to death for awhile now. I do still believe that some couple's counseling is in order for us, but at least for now I can understand the situation in certain terms and deal with it accordingly.

Thanks all for reading and offering your advice and support.


Well-known member
Ideally, both people in a relationship would be compatible in every way, then there would be no need to argue.
In a perfect world, that would be good, but it's never like that.

In fact, he once told me a story about how he and his friend were both pursuing the same girl that they liked, and even though he was disappointed about it, he backed off so that his friend could get the girl.
This is probably something I would do, too.

If I can't tell that a guy is actively pursuing me, then I tend to lose interest.
Maybe this is a problem I have, but this is made worse for you seeing as you're living with him and he's your boyfriend.

his current depression
I had a hunch something like this was happening.

I do still believe that some couple's counseling is in order for us, but at least for now I can understand the situation in certain terms and deal with it accordingly.
Couple's counseling is a good idea, as long as you're both willing to work with it. Good luck with it if that's what you decide to do.


Well-known member
Is it at all possible that he's gay and he, you or no one realizes? I'm sure the idea seems absurd to you, as it would to him. But the passivity in various aspects of his personality stuck out. Yes, a lot of issues can give explanation to that. Just a thought, is all.


Well-known member
At any rate, it's not something I want to leave him over. I've had lots of fun in the past and if I'm doomed to a boring sex life from now on so that I can live with my best friend, then so be it. I'd rather be happy with what happens between us naturally than to keep trying to force the issue. We'll see how that goes for now.

He is a really lucky guy,even though it would be reasonable that you leave him.


Well-known member
My boyfriend and I have a different situation. We're both virgins, been together 19 months, ages 24 and 21, he wants to have sex, I'm terrified of the very thought of it. Any advice?


Well-known member
My boyfriend and I have a different situation. We're both virgins, been together 19 months, ages 24 and 21, he wants to have sex, I'm terrified of the very thought of it. Any advice?

here's some good advice i read somewhere else:

many millions of people have been having sex for millions of years

if it weren't such a fun and relatively danger-free activity

(i'm thinking of that time with the russian gymnast)

the human race would have died out long ago

there's really very little to be afraid of


Well-known member
My boyfriend and I have a different situation. We're both virgins, been together 19 months, ages 24 and 21, he wants to have sex, I'm terrified of the very thought of it. Any advice?

If you're not ready for it, I wouldn't recommend it. It's not just about how he feels; it's also about how you feel. Some people don't have sex until they get married. There's really no need to rush. Don't make the mistake of equating love with sex because they're not the same thing.