My family thinks i'm addicted to porn or sumtin


Well-known member
i dotin.its annoying cause she also makes indirect comments such as when i told her i like the song californication she said she's nt suprised.i want to confront her but my personality is jus not that strong and since she is very close my parents and im nt she can maipulate things very
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Well-known member
Hm, a guy I once dated sent me sort of 'soft porn' e-mail messages he said he got from his sister-??

So, sisters are allsorts. I think it's even more normal that your sister is anti-porn than if she sent you porn e-mail messages??

Sorry I can't be more helpful... How old are you? If you live away from your family, it may not even matter...
Maybe you can show your sister the sites you go to (especially the more 'normal' ones, so she'll see what you are doing on internet? And maybe you can tell her about any friends or any social experiences you've had, like you went for a cup of tea with 2 classmates/co-workers or something...? Or what you've done in your life outside of internet...? Like work/school/travel/anything else that is interesting really, especially if it's about what your sis and family are interested in too..)

Hope things get better!!


Well-known member
Don't listen to them, i know its hard cos their your family but seriously theres nothing wrong with watching porn so i don't know why shes treating you like that or telling your mum.

Maybe if your can't confront her in person, write her a letter or email telling her to lay off you, just because your quiet and shy doesn't mean theres anything wrong with you.


Well-known member
thanks Feathers,my sister knows my life really well,if i'm not at skul avoiding all social contact i rush home and go on the computer,i cut all tiees with my freind cause i know that that will lead to me having to go out and socialise


Well-known member
personally i know that porn degrades women and i actually really want the empowerment of women but i still watch it.@Damaged ,i think writing a letter or an email will make her think im even more weaker than i luk cause i didnt confront her face to face


Well-known member
my parents found a stash of porn on their computer almost 10 years ago when I was a teenager. They knew I had a problem since then. I love porn, there's nothing wrong with that.


Well-known member
Some porn may degrade women, and some might be better, practices in the 'industry' differ too, there are different opinions on this though.

I think a lot of people look at porn experimentally, especially in teenage years or so... Some parents may freak out, others might not mind it so much.. (Or might even watch some of it. It's better your family would freak out than record porn with you though, no? Like things that happened in Belgium etc.)

It's true it can make you even more awkward with girls or in/before relationships then.. Because you may sort of 'skip' the get-to-know phase and well, porn is mostly quite unrealistic... I think it might be better to watch romantic films or such, these may sometimes be unrealistic too, lol..
I think when you'll have a gf you probably won't be interested in it so much anyway..

Maybe it's better if your sister doesn't know about your life so much and you keep it a bit more mysterious? Like you go to a park and she doesn't know if you were with friends or not?


Well-known member
A lot of times parents have trouble seeing their children as sexual beings. They think it's wrong and gross, but in reality, over 99% of the population has sexual desires and fantasies. It doesn't mean we're all bad people.


Well-known member
i know porn isnt good as i have seen myself also seeing women as sexual objects after i have watched it and dont want to think like i have cut down on it and am trying to control my thoughts
give me a break. She should be more alarm if you don't watch porn at all.

*your short form is making me dizzy by the way. lyk and luk.. i don't really understand this word stand for. Take your time to write properly...afterall.. this is not text message or chatting that require you to reply fast. Peace
People should either keep their noses out of matters that don't involve them, or directly ask about it to the person it regards to. Hearing that someone make that kind of assumptions, and then bluntly spreads that assumption like pedy gossip, annoys me to no end.

I know it's difficult, but next time anyone makes a comment at your expense regarding what she assumes is a porn addiction, just reply ''What's that supposed to mean?..''. It might give you your chance to explain yourself.

Once a month is not a lot at all. Heck, many watch it multiple time per week. You've got nothing to be ashamed of, and it's very rude and inconsiderate of her to spread her assumption like that.
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They're all idiots, basically.


It's true it can make you even more awkward with girls or in/before relationships then.. Because you may sort of 'skip' the get-to-know phase and well, porn is mostly quite unrealistic...

... And this^

I don't think I'm addicted to "porn" per-se, but I'm addicted to sex (even though I'm a virgin :D). It's not so much porn that gets my adrenaline/sex fiend going but anything that is sexy... I don't know, I kinda wish I had never encountered porn in my teens, only because it has given me an unrealistic opinion of women - which makes it even harder for me to talk to attractive women (I see them as something that is unrealistically "beautiful"/sexual that I am unworthy of it, even though I know that isn't true.)

My family knows I watch it... my brother laughs about it, my step-father doesn't care and my mother doesn't like it but she's not a bitch about it.

I would recommend not to watch it, but there's nothing wrong with it, if you're like me, for example - 23, a male and never been in a relationship. Sometimes it's just neccesary in order to release the sexual tension....

But that's just my opinion.

Porn is like women - you can't live with it or without it ;)


Well-known member
People should either keep their noses out of matters that don't involve them, or directly ask about it to the person it regards to. Hearing that someone make that kind of assumptions, and then bluntly spreads that assumption like pedy gossip, annoys me to no end.

I know it's difficult, but next time anyone makes a comment at your expense regarding what she assumes is a porn addiction, just reply ''What's that supposed to mean?..''. It might give you your chance to explain yourself.

Once a month is not a lot at all. Heck, many watch it multiple time per week. You've got nothing to be ashamed of, and it's very rude and inconsiderate of her to spread her assumption like that.

i know ,spreading rumors that arent true edpecially ones that can ruin respect from other people is not good.especially since i dont i have a strong personality to convince people that its not true makes it even harder.


Well-known member

... And this^

I don't think I'm addicted to "porn" per-se, but I'm addicted to sex (even though I'm a virgin :D). It's not so much porn that gets my adrenaline/sex fiend going but anything that is sexy... I don't know, I kinda wish I had never encountered porn in my teens, only because it has given me an unrealistic opinion of women - which makes it even harder for me to talk to attractive women (I see them as something that is unrealistically "beautiful"/sexual that I am unworthy of it, even though I know that isn't true.)

My family knows I watch it... my brother laughs about it, my step-father doesn't care and my mother doesn't like it but she's not a bitch about it.

I would recommend not to watch it, but there's nothing wrong with it, if you're like me, for example - 23, a male and never been in a relationship. Sometimes it's just neccesary in order to release the sexual tension....

But that's just my opinion.

Porn is like women - you can't live with it or without it ;)

i know hat you mean even just a picture of jessica alba can get my adrenaline pumping.i know 1nce a month isnt alot compared to other people but i also feel if also hadnt encounterd it i would be more pure and less filters when it comes to women.