My family thinks i'm addicted to porn or sumtin

Hey, if you're at once a monthe, you can still stop watching it. Trust me, it's not absolutely neccesary. You're better off masturbating to your imagination than something unrealistic that it's going to brainwash you ;). Now, if you ever get to the point where you watch it several times a day, then you're pretty much screwed and just learn to live with it :p.

Personally, I'm quite passed that and I only watch it when I'm feeling really horny and I have to "let it out"... I feel very confident that if I ever do find a girlfriend, that I'm more than 100% sure that I'd stop watching it though I'd probably **** her brains out a couple times a day ;). Haha, just being honest :D, I don't like holding back on my posts.


Well-known member
Some of the porn I watch is really an extension of my low self-esteem. I don't think it is very healthy at all.


Well-known member
well there's nothing wrong if you want to stay single currently my bf watchs it too.. and i dont like it so umm i guess try to not watch it so much 0_o


Well-known member
i think shes teasing you but its feeling more like bullying to you cause youre sensitive. its none of her damn business if when or how often you watch porn, most men like porn and most women like dirty books, the difference is that a chick can sit and read her filthy sex filled jackie collins novel without men having any idea of the sexual nature of her hobby :D
your sister should respect your privacy.
I think she's just playing with ya, just ignore her.
there's nothing wrong about watching porn, most people do.
If you were a-sexual, you would have been worried
it's your privacy :)


Well-known member
your sister should respect your privacy.
I think she's just playing with ya, just ignore her.
there's nothing wrong about watching porn, most people do.
If you were a-sexual, you would have been worried
it's your privacy :)

i know she should but shes a very curious person and i think shes trying to figure me out still even though i told her i have SA.


Well-known member
I'm struggling to work out what the song 'Californication' has to do with porn.

Just ignore them and enjoy your porn.