Merry christmas thread. Oh! and happy holidays


Well-known member
Hey everyone,

I just wanted to take a second to wish each and every one of you a very merry christmas and happy holidays. Ive made so many friends on here, so much so i consider you guys my second family. Thanks everyone for just being awsome, and i hope this coming year brings new hope for everyone dealing with S/A.

I know its a few days early, but merry christmas :).


Well-known member
Feliz Navidad to you too, Lone Gunman:D! We wish and hope for the same thing for you too! Especially after what you just went through. Hope you feel better!


Well-known member
Lovely thread idea. Merry Christmas to you, Gunman, and of course to everybody else here on SPW.
Merry Christmas, Happy Chanukah, Feliz Navidad, Happy Kwanzaa, or Merry "Whatever-the-hell-you-celebrate-or-don't-celebrate" to all of you! :) Everyone stay safe! Don't drive into a ditch or hit a moose or anything. Don't try to fry a turkey and set your house on fire. Don't go sledding in your pj's. And for Pete's sake, don't shoot your eye out.


Well-known member
Καλά Χριστούγεννα και Ευτυχισμένο το Νέο Έτος!

^ That's Greek for Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year btw :).
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Well-known member
i celebrate Christmas n all cause my family does, but as for me today is Yule :) I'm a pagan so Yule is the holiday for me representing the first day of Winter.
but as for the rest of you, merry Christmas, happy Hanukkah, happy kwanzaa, happy (belated) Eid, and happy whatever you celebrate to the rest of you. and lets hope 2012 isn't as bad as the last 2011 years.


not actually Fiona Apple
Merry Christmas, Happy Chanukah, Feliz Navidad, Happy Kwanzaa, or Merry "Whatever-the-hell-you-celebrate-or-don't-celebrate" to all of you! :) Everyone stay safe! Don't drive into a ditch or hit a moose or anything. Don't try to fry a turkey and set your house on fire. Don't go sledding in your pj's. And for Pete's sake, don't shoot your eye out.

Oh and don't forget to walk grandma home on Christmas eve, you don't want her getting hit by a reindeer!


Well-known member
I've only been on this site since September, but I have made some great friends here. I know I'll probably never meet any of you, but I love each and every one of you and I hope I actually DO meet some of you. It's been a really crazy year for me, mostly bad, but it's good that it's coming to an end and 2012 can begin.

So, merry Christmas to everyone on SPW! I hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable holiday.

Bon Nadal i feliç any nou a tots els amics de SPW! :)
Bork bork bork SPW! ;)


Well-known member
And tomorrow (Dec 23) is Festivus, for the rest of us! lol!

Hoping that we all find our own peace and happiness, in whatever form that may be!


Well-known member
Your mum might not like that! ::p:

Maybe we can have a thread for The Airing of Grievances too!
My mum doesn't have to's usually the father and son that go head-to-head. :)

The Airing Of Grievances probably isn't a good idea in this thread. We will have to go to the Costanza's for that. :)


Well-known member
And that's what she probably won't like (or who knows - maybe she will!) :D

I think the Costanzas hold daily Airings!
If dad's winning, as he probably would, she will like it. :)

Their whole life is bathed in grieving air. I would hate to live in that house...but it's certainly fun to watch!


Merry Christmas social phobia world... be kind to other people, but most of all be kind to yourselves... I wish everyone here a safe and happy holiday.