Life Sucks


Well-known member
I'm with nafadda on this one. My ex had way worse problems than I think most of you on here do... based on what I know, it's a safe assumption. She has SAD, was raped repeatedly in her childhood starting at the tender age of 3, is going to die before she's even 50 due to a heart disease caused by a chemical dysfunction in the brain, and had a horrible family growing up. Some days she's so depressed that she doesn't get out of bed till 6 in the evening. Her OCD is pretty bad-- she has to shower every time she touches something slightly germy.

Nowadays she's married and has two children-- and despite SA, OCD, depression, being a rape victim to five different men, and an impending death, she not only has faith in God (which you have to admit is, whether you believe in him or not, quite impressive), but she lives on with her life, doing the best she can. Graduated with a 3.8 as a biology major specializing in organic chemistry, and has already invented several new molecules that will help fight diseases.

If she can do all that, with all that baggage... You can do something too... Whether you feel like you can or not. Not saying she was invincible in the time I knew her; I had to drive over and comfort her many times. But she's trucked on and is trucking on... So should you be.


Well-known member
I'm with nafadda on this one. My ex had way worse problems than I think most of you on here do... based on what I know, it's a safe assumption. She has SAD, was raped repeatedly in her childhood starting at the tender age of 3, is going to die before she's even 50 due to a heart disease caused by a chemical dysfunction in the brain, and had a horrible family growing up. Some days she's so depressed that she doesn't get out of bed till 6 in the evening. Her OCD is pretty bad-- she has to shower every time she touches something slightly germy.

Nowadays she's married and has two children-- and despite SA, OCD, depression, being a rape victim to five different men, and an impending death, she not only has faith in God (which you have to admit is, whether you believe in him or not, quite impressive), but she lives on with her life, doing the best she can. Graduated with a 3.8 as a biology major specializing in organic chemistry, and has already invented several new molecules that will help fight diseases.

If she can do all that, with all that baggage... You can do something too... Whether you feel like you can or not. Not saying she was invincible in the time I knew her; I had to drive over and comfort her many times. But she's trucked on and is trucking on... So should you be.

I don't think many people can complain after that. No one should ever stop telling that lady she's amazing.


Well-known member
Thanks you guys for being so open to my cry for help it's been really hard time lately. I will blog in a few days to tell you guys how I am feeling and will continue here when I have more things to say. I am so thankful and hope that you will msg me and continue to support me in my difficulties.


Well-known member
Okay not much new has happened lately just really dissatisfied lately things just won't go my way no matter how much I want them to. I really just feel like a soul that is burdened by my own past and I am just so mad at myself. I just feel so stupid with no reason to live except to just be unhappy and unsatisfied and unrelieved and corrupt. No matter how hard I try I just can't seem to let the past go, its still who I am and its killing me it feels like. I just want to die and let all this **** go away so I can start over with no memory and with no regret.


Well-known member
Life can be amazing, inspiring and unexpected. Days like that can be rare in one's life. It's worth it when days like that come along.

I've lived days like that in the last three years. At the moment I'm going through a hard fearful time of uncertainty about my future. I am not sure if I will live anymore great days, but I am thankful for the ones I have lived.

I've had glimpses of how incredible life can really be, and I want to fight hard to see more glimpses like that. No guarantee I will succeed, but I will try.
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I agree with Kiwong, life can be so beautiful, although we go through a hard time, i think we can make good times out of it too.

''luck is in your own hands''

''you can create your own way of hapiness''
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Well-known member
Scooby, are you in any sort of support group or program?

There are things for people with drug/alcohol problems.. some have been helped very much with good programs..
My uncle had an alcohol problem, but is 100% sober now, for many years.. he still goes to the group, right on schedule..

Please work on this, it will make it possible to have a good relationship and work experience, you don't want to drag a woman through alcohol or drug-related frenzy...

Guess what? 26 is still very YOUNG!! People in their 50s or later have changed careers and had a life makeover etc. What about people who got divorced and had to start anew, or people who lost jobs or experienced a tragedy etc. They have to learn how to deal with it somehow.. You are lucky to have learnt and experienced many of these things now, so you can start working on a better life and better solutions... Sometimes things have to 'crash' so you can make it better, and that's apparently what has happened to you.. Now you can 'make a clean slate' and start anew... And you can start anew EVERY DAY!!

I applaud you for staying away from drugs, please get support though!! You can probably google up something online too, there are online support communities too, specifically for those things...

Also, maybe it would be helpful to read biographies of people who went through what you did and than managed to 'make it'!! Lots of people in showbiz and elsewhere had troubles with drugs or alcohol, some with jail too, and then still managed to make it in life!! and get married and everything...


Well-known member
I am so depressed that I can't even enjoy things like video games anymore or just cleaning my own house much less get out and work my way up and get some cheese its just all too impossible for me .


Well-known member
you need motivation man. you need a reason to get your azz up in the mornin. even if its just for the simple task of making some delicious coffee, idk if you like coffee...thats irrelevant..but really tho. ya got make up some ambition. lk that lady that invented that sciencific molecule thing..that one person said...idk see im retarded too. just dont be hard on yourself. im gonna come at you like this, i cant bullsh*t you...there is two directions in life...either you live....or you die. dying is the bitch way out. but the fun way to do it, is to LIVE IT OUT...ya kno. look dude, i know for a damn fact that i am a strange person. and im not saying that you are. just is embracing yourself man. you'll do fine. "life sucks, **** happens, then you die"....thats not very far from the truth. just live it for what it is. and do what you can. you can do it.