Life changing moments?


Well-known member
working backwards from now, I'd say the biggest ones would be:

-watching my grandfather die
-having my heart broken
-being diagnosed with a disease
-being physically assaulted
-realizing; after a moment on stage, what my true calling was
-witnessing my brother's birth
-being sexually assaulted


Well-known member
From then till now:

-Being sexually assaulted regularly over two years.
-moving home four times in three years.
-Being sexually assaulted by 3 people (they were siblings of a family friend) on five occasions.
-Bullied at school for my whole school life.
-Being sexually advanced upon by my grandmothers neighbour. (I got away from this one)
-Tour of Bosnia with army. Mental scars.
+The birth of my daughter
+Getting married
-Florida holiday from hell (huge family fallout)
-Leaving my job to look after wife and having to declare bankruptcy.
-Diagnosed with OCD and social anxiety disorder
-Diagnosed mild PNES.
-Diagnosed asthmatic


Active member
being able to teach myself rigging (its just some technical control making). i feel like i can actually do a thing, and be useful.

living with 25 room mates and never opening up to any one of them: i have serious issues.

-realizing what my childhood was about

-the choice to stop talking for a period of time was really bad move, i know this now. will never do it again


Well-known member
studying mature age.
my mothers death
discovering new plant species
beating panic attacks.
living in pain and working for three years to rebuild my knee.
learning to swim as an adult after having a life long fear of water.
running again after 23 years.
Finishing the Bridge Run my first fun run since 1985
completing 15 Half Marathons
each and every brilliant moment I have spent running and racing this last four years.
Discovering nature.


Hie yer hence from me heath!
- Realizing I have cerebral palsy.
- The racist bullying (I'm mixed race) I had to endure during my whole school life. ("Best years of your life" BULL****!!)
- My mother's emotionally neglectful towards me during childhood, which I think resulted in me developing social anxiety.
+ Discovery my love of art at an early age
- Going through a surgical operation age 13 to help with my cerebral palsy, which failed because I was still growing at the time.
- Being so doped up on painkiller medication during my rehab from the above mentioned surgery that started hallucinating and having weird lucid dreams.
+ Picking up an electric guitar age 14, and having a real passion for it and music
- My father decided to just walk back into my life when I was 15 like his years of abscence didn't happen.


My mother met my stepdad and the events that took place for a very long time afterward.

I enrolled in a boarding school for disadvantaged children and moved away from home to live there after I was accepted.

I left college after a severe bought of depression, and the months I spent at home immediately following.

I “lost my faith” at age 20 and became an agnostic atheist.

I fully realized how messed up my dad’s side of the family is, and how I want nothing to do with them.

I went to community college for a year while living with my grandparents.

I lost my virginity to someone I didn’t love and ended up wanting nothing to do with him.


Well-known member
emotional abuse by stepparent
grandmother died when i was 12...we were very close
was too messed up to sustain a proper relationship with the love of my life.broke his heart and never saw him again.
mother abandoning me when i was 17
father abandoning me when i was 2 and then again when i was 18...then again when i was 23
suicide attempt that left me in the trauma center of emergency room
miscarriage at 25
birth of my son
being cheated on by his father when i was pregnant
having no place to live and having to live in a hotel that was paid for by an employer
marrying my husband
having a hysterectomy at 28yrs old
getting my motorcycle and realizing how alive i feel when i'm riding.


Well-known member
I may have things to add here, but reading some of the posts in this thread...truly saddening. I feel for all of you. ::(:


Well-known member
Magic Mushrooms, the relief I felt from my symptoms was unimaginable. For the first time in years I was able to enjoy the precense of other people. I was able to enjoy life. I felt inspired, I felt rational, emotional. My depression was lifted and I actually felt normal. The effects lasted for about a week until the next dose. I've done some research and have concluded that psilocin ( what psilocybin, the active chemical, breaks down to in your body) is a certified natural anti depressant and has a huge potential to cure people suffering from depression, SA, OCD and numberous other ailments. It's given me hope and I will never forget the return to normalcy, to the world that I felt while taking a weekly dosage. They saved my life and helped me to rediscover who I am and my place in the world...


Well-known member
your guyses are sad :S *hugs*

*Watching my mom get beaten when I was 8
*Reading the Bible then becoming an atheist
*Getting bullied physically for 5 years made me anorexic
*Getting bullied mentally for 6 years made me suicidal
* 7th grade I met my 8th grade buddy and she ruined my innocence
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not actually Fiona Apple
I'm still young so what seems life-changing now may not be as significant in the long run. Here's them in order of impact as I see them.

-In 7th grade a pre-wwII like series events, leading up to me retracting deep into my shell with strong feelings of low self-worth and excessive guilt. Included a development of a personal moral code and other introspection, becoming more aware of my surroundings and myself in them, and starting to worrying about fitting in with the world and not making mistakes.

-January 2nd, 2008: I saw Fiona Apple on "VH1's Top 100 90's Countdown." Was in awe of how much I felt in tune, started to feel less alone in the world.

-Religion. Complicated, changed life many times in many ways though.

-First day of English for senior year. Girl sat next to me and said "Hi! I'm glad I have a friend in this class, I thought I wasn't going to." I hadn't said more than 100 words to her in my life, my first thinking "what?!.....Crap." Inspired me to have a very positive school year in the end, she sitting next to me was major influence.

-In 11th grade I decided I was going to turn my life around, started an online program, started getting straight A's, became much better at Discus, Ate healthier, started drinking water on a very regular basis.

-fall 2010, college began. 3 days later, joined SPW, started losing touch with reality (over time)

-Sometime in my toddler years, I became potty trained. I can only imagine where'd I be now if that didn't happen.

-April 2009, First job.

-January 2010, began cutting and other para-suicidal behaviors after I hit a bump in the road. Lead to a suicide attempt at the end of high school, opening floodgates for many more following.

-4th grade, closest childhood friend moved to town.


Well-known member
Mine seem kind of boring after reading everyone else's:

Being born the youngest of eight to emotionally handicapped (but loving) parents.

Being the butt of all my siblings' jokes and tricks while growing up (hellooooo, low self-esteem!). They didn't mean to warp me.

Deciding to attend art school after high school.

Getting married at 19 to the first guy who ever looked twice at me.

Losing my religion at 19. (This one was HUGE.)

Discovering the existence of a thing called Borderline Personality Disorder.

Divorcing at 22.

Abusive relationship from 22-25ish.

Meeting my current partner when I was 26.

Deciding not to apply to veterinary school in favor of a simpler lifestyle.

To be continued...
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Well-known member
Getting married at 19 to the first guy who ever looked twice at me.

Divorcing at 22.

Abusive relationship from 22-25ish.

Meeting my current partner when I was 26.
For someone who has had awful luck with partners (particularly the abusive one for about 4years!!), you seemed to have never given up hope. Kudos to you, Sweet Marie.


Well-known member
When my dad died when I was 5. I know I'd be a completely different person if he was around. It's definitely affected how I feel about people, life and family.

Also when I met my boyfriend. I actually met him on the 12th anniversary of my dad's death. The world seemed really bleak and I just wanted the day to be over. He came over because I looked sad and didn't leave before I told him what was wrong. It's his birthday today actually, bless him. ::eek::

There are other things but they've had much less of an impact.


Well-known member
The death of my grandfather last year
Losing my religion at 19 and becoming an agnostic atheist/secular humanist (I remember the exact moment I admitted it to myself)
The time I read up on SA and realised I wasn't alone
My parents' divorce when I was 11
Not being able to get into a local university
And lastly resolving to turn my life around, work for grades and try to beat AvPD

I think that's about it. :)
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Well-known member
It's really quite "lame" sounding, but watching a movie 3 years ago that made me realize what life really is! Changed my character, 180 degrees in one night, and got me started on remembering who I am and through that the path to healing and growth. Most important moment of my life so far, and SO insignificant sounding. Makes you realize how important every moment is, and to take part of any opportunity that reaches your awareness.