Left-handed, right-handed or ambidextrous?


Well-known member
Well with writing, im left handed. But when it comes to things like cutting, texting, brushing teeth etc im right handed. If i try to do them things with my left it all gets a bit too awkward.


Well-known member
completely right handed
Female but completely male brained!.....not pretty in reality....


Staff member
Ambidextrous here.
Hey Ned Flanders is supposed to be left handed but he's waving with his right hand in your avatar....hmmm



Well-known member
but he is holding the sign in his left hand.....I'm right handed and I would hold it in my right.....far out it's late......


Well-known member
A combination of right-handed & ambidextrous. I do most things with my right hand, but I use my left hand & can do a lot more with it than most purely right-handed people can.


in a VAN down by the RIVER
I'm mostly right handed now, but when I was a kid I did quite a few things left handed, too.

Had no one ever brought it to my attention, I like to think I'd be dual-wielding all over the place today.