Just go out and talk more


Well-known member
Most annoying thing ever. I know they mean well, but still... I can't help but feeling upset when they say that. I also hate it when they tell me to cheer up and be more positive.

They do that all the time. And I also hate it when they look at me with a smile and say 'you do this to yourself all the time'

Yeah like I would rather be in this predicament...

Even my mom who probably has SA herself projects her anger about it on me. Huh really understanding.
They do that all the time. And I also hate it when they look at me with a smile and say 'you do this to yourself all the time'

Yeah like I would rather be in this predicament...

Even my mom who probably has SA herself projects her anger about it on me. Huh really understanding.

Wow !! My mom has SA too! And she projects her anger about it on me too!!
But she didnt have it extremely like me, So maybe she doesn't understand all of what i'm going through. Or she just want to forget her struggle with SA, because she can live normally now. I really wish I could live like my mom does, or my brother, dad.. They are not anxious at all.
I totally agree. I really did not realize how serious my anxiety was until recently. I had the same friends for a long time and we were younger and would always just hang out with the same people. If there ever was a time where they would go out and see other people, I would not go, but did not really think anything of it. Now that I am 21, I have different friends. I have grown up and grown apart from those people and the people I have become friends with now just do not understand how I am different from them. One of my friends tells me how I never do anything and it makes me feel so bad and I want to do things with them but I just can't. And it hurts because she will just tell me to come out and when I don't she gets upset and says "you suck" and then I just feel even worse and I know she does not hold it against me but when the next time comes around to do something it is the same thing all over again. It was hard enough for me to make the few friends I have now and I am not looking to have tons of friends but I do not want it to get to the point of having no one. And I know I ended up going somewhat off topic with this thread but I just kinda had to vent my feelings.


Well-known member
People who stutter hear "slow down", "take a deep breath", "relax", etc. all the time....it's annoying...


Well-known member
"Go out and make some friends" - Used to make me cringe. At least now my parents know better than to say something like that.


Well-known member
Yup, I hate those comments. Some also say: "I would go crank if I was you, how can you not go out or do things ?" That's the most common from the same persons.:mad:


Well-known member
essentially the advice is correct though as obvious as it seems, the advice doesn't tippy toe around with fancy formulas and it doesn't allow the person to become the victim..once you say to yourself that it doenst work like that you've programmed your mind to believe that its not that easy when it could be that easy, its just taking the first few steps that is hard for people. because they fear rejection..

i'm more annoyed whenpeople say to me " just get a better job",
"just go out and get one already" as if its like going to a corner shop where you put five dollars in the slot machine and out pops a brand new shiny job that pays well ...it takes sending off hundreds of cover letters/resumes and calling companies and alot of energy and that is before the interview as well...
I'm 'obliged' by my country to be a police officer when I was still very young. It is hellish to not only need to talk tactfully to people, create their reports... etc.. You also have to placate people who're enraged, people who're depressed and deal with not particularly nice colleagues who seek to bully the newcomer. Answering phone calls from frantic people and colleagues and so on.

Before I became a police officer, I had trouble even going to the grocery or barber. It was hellish. But I can honestly say that I was the better for it because when it's literally sink or swim, I found out that the human mind is far more resilient than it seems. There's a part that is a survivor.

Then after that, I took up something (also somewhat obligated though not compulsory)... I had to take up something else. And this one almost killed me quite literally because it was just too much and my mind nearly snapped.

I actually believe in just confronting your fears head on or indirectly but at the same time, there is also a limit that when surpassed makes the mind snap completely. (Btw I'm a very sensitive person, not some tough guy by the way. I get hurt very easily... but I think it's important to just try...)
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Well-known member
Don't worry, just go out and talk more.

hey you don't be so patronising, this person obviously finds it immensely difficult even going outside to the extent they are having panic attacks. If it were so simple don't you think they'd have gone out and done it already.

Comments like this are counterproductive, you should think a bit more before spouting off like this. Try and have a bit more compassion and understanding for what this poor person is going through, your comments our counter-productive.


Active member
It's sorta like going to someone who has racist comments said about them and saying "It's easy - change your skin colour. Chameleons can do it."

It's sad how little people understand the effects of a true panic attack.

I'm sure this forum helps a lot of people though ^^.


Well-known member
Ugggghh I get this. Similarily, people not understanding.

My classmate called my sister to ask where I was when I wasn't in school and she always replies with "She's just lazy". Both my sisters contantly tell me how stupid and lazy I must be to not be going to school... >:[
It's incredibly insulting and patronizing.

It's like telling an obese person to just stop eating so much or an alcoholic to stop drinking.