Journey of Jazz


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This idea gets into my mind a lot that there's some sort of unborn spirit out there who is waiting for me to pass away so that they can take my place. They wouldn't look or act like me, but they would get to have their own chance to live in the world. They watch me from far out somewhere and wonder why I'm taking so long, and when their chance is going to be. They always ask themselves why I'm still living, when I don't seem to be doing much with my life so far. They think that I'm a waste of space, just a body doing its time until it dies, and then they can come down to the world and live. I guess they are right. I always get the feeling that I'm a waste of space, just temporarily here until my place is taken.
I hate when some women do that too. Why go back to someone who is mostly always rude to you, usually treats you like crap, and emotionally hurts you? He does have a bad temper, which could possibly lead to something more dangerous down the road, hopefully not. I'm sorry that your mom went through that.

She should have known better after my dad and his abusive psycho ways but she ain't too smart. Oh well. Happy thoughts.


Well-known member
She should have known better after my dad and his abusive psycho ways but she ain't too smart. Oh well. Happy thoughts.

Sometimes putting happy thoughts into your mind can help you take your mind off the pain of bad memories, not always, but sometimes. Lately it hasn't been doing the trick for me, but I hope it works for you often when you need it to jc.


Well-known member
One of the worst things to me about depression is losing the will to do pretty much everything. I lose the motivation to work out, do class work, eat, just getting out of bed in the morning is a horrible chore.

I often think back to when I attempted to kill myself and it scares me. The day before I attempted it, I decided to clear my bedroom so it could look nearly deserted. I took all of the posters down from my walls. I went through my clothes and put a lot of them in a garbage bag to throw out. I took everything off of my messy dresser, all of my books, birthday cards, jewelry, etc., and put them into boxes and bags. I remember my dad walking in and asking me what I was doing. I told him I was trying to clean and get rid of the clutter in my room so I could be more organized. He seemed a little confused and hesitant to let me finish, but he walked away and let me keep "cleaning".

My family was out doing something on the day I attempted suicide. I can't remember what they were doing. I was home alone. I used to imagine myself acting very frantic and sobbing when I was about to try to kill myself, but I was extremely calm. That's part of what scares me the most, my thought process on that day. I was not worried. I was not scared. There was no chaos in my head. The consequences of what I was about to do did not cross my mind. There was just quiet and calm, an eerie calm. My mind was set. After thinking about it constantly, I was finally going to do it and I was not going to back out this time. I wrote a note to my family telling them it was not their fault. That I'm sorry I caused them pain and that I hoped they could move on the best they could. Then I just thought about how much I was ready to be gone. Be gone forever, finally at peace. My family came home and found me before it was too late luckily. Well, I didn't feel lucky at the time. I felt like I had let myself down by it not working.

I still think about suicide a lot. I put on my poker face and pretend like I don't, but I do. It is always in the back of my mind. I think about ending it and finally being able to sleep like I need to. I feel like I've never gotten enough sleep. I think about escaping from the pain, leaving everything in my past permanently. The idea of me committing suicide is like when a dog gets a flea. The flea is always there, constantly nagging me, begging to be scratched.

The only thing holding me back from attempting it again at this point is my family. I already hurt them and scared them with my attempt. I can't put them through that again. I can't let them feel that kind of pain if I tried again, and I especially can't put them through the pain of having to say goodbye to me if I did attempt it again and was successful.

I saw a worm in my backyard earlier that made me think of myself and how I feel. The worm is slithering slowly, trying to edge itself on, but does it even know where its trying to get to? What is the point of trying to keep slithering? The worm sees all of the beauty up above it, and it wants to reach up and join that beauty, experience and live in it, but it can't. It wont. It has to stay stuck on the ground, in the dirt. Some people look at the worm and think of how pathetic it is. Some people even try to step on it. The worm knows its pathetic, but it slithers on anyway for some unknown reason, maybe just for the sake of not having anything else to do. The worm will live its life like this, unwanted and unfulfilled, until its time is up. Then maybe it will feel satisfied at last.
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I am not spiritual or religious by any means, but I can somewhat relate to this. I always think that there is always someone (instead of a spirit) waiting to take my place. I have been pondering the meaning of life and have started to think about how dispensable we are. One minute we are working for some company or corporation and then the next minute we grow old retire and then someone else takes our place in the working world. I've always wondered what distinguishes us as people during this existence. If we all are just interchangeable parts of the machine that is society, then what can we do to lay a mark so to speak and be remembered by people? Death is inevitable. The condition of being fully psychologically developed human beings can be a fearful experience. As far as we know, we are the only animals in nature to be aware of our own demise. I think a lot of us try to cope with this realization of our impending doom by doing something that will make us be remembered. If I can't literally live for ever, then I can live forever through peoples thoughts one might think. I used to have a big thirst for accomplishment - I wanted to do something that will at least have a few people talk about me later on after I died or ceased to be a working member of society. But then I started to think some more and later viewed things differently. I started to see that no matter what we do, not all of us are going to join the pantheon of greats such as the great modern thinkers of our times or Neil Armstrong who took the first step on the moon. What I started to see was that the way we affect other people is through a domino affect - we first influence those who are closest to us and then that influence is then reciprocated by them through actions or words to others that are in their social circles. If you haven't noticed by now, which I did, is that the people you have the most influence over are those who are closest to you relationally speaking. Not everyone will be able to do great feats of literary work like David Hume or Bertrand Russell so that their influence has a great ripple affect over the body of water that is society, but they can be sure that whatever it is they do will effect those who are closest the most. So what does this mean? I think it means that we should find good people to keep close to us and have really good reciprocal relationships with them because through them we live more than we can live from a literal point of view. You may not be remembered by everyone forever, but the people who are closest to you will remember you. So I think people like friends and family give life some meaning. That may not be all there is to life (I am still thinking) but I am pretty sure it is a major part of it.

I used to have that same thirst too. I always wanted to be a part of something bigger than myself. I still do sometimes actually. I agree, although friends and family may not be all that there is to life, they do give life meaning. I've never been that lucky in the friend department, but my family does give my life some meaning.


Well-known member
One of the worst things to me about depression is losing the will to do pretty much everything. I lose the motivation to work out, do class work, eat, just getting out of bed in the morning is a horrible chore.
As a fellow depression sufferer, that's pretty much it. You just can't be bothered existing, but you can't be bothered to stop existing. It's like a junction between life and death - not living, not dead.

I've learned to stop depression's very severe effects, but it's still there, waiting to come back. I hope you feel better now, Jasmine.

I often think back to when I attempted to kill myself and it scares me. The day before I attempted it, I decided to clear my bedroom so it could look nearly deserted. I took all of the posters down from my walls. I went through my clothes and put a lot of them in a garbage bag to throw out. I took everything off of my messy dresser, all of my books, birthday cards, jewelry, etc., and put them into boxes and bags. I remember my dad walking in and asking me what I was doing. I told him I was trying to clean and get rid of the clutter in my room so I could be more organized. He seemed a little confused and hesitant to let me finish, but he walked away and let me keep "cleaning".

My family was out doing something on the day I attempted suicide. I can't remember what they were doing. I was home alone. I used to imagine myself acting very frantic and sobbing when I was about to try to kill myself, but I was extremely calm. That's part of what scares me the most, my thought process on that day. I was not worried. I was not scared. There was no chaos in my head. The consequences of what I was about to do did not cross my mind. There was just quiet and calm, an eerie calm. My mind was set. After thinking about it constantly, I was finally going to do it and I was not going to back out this time. I wrote a note to my family telling them it was not their fault. That I'm sorry I caused them pain and that I hoped they could move on the best they could. Then I just thought about how much I was ready to be gone. Be gone forever, finally at peace. My family came home and found me before it was too late luckily. Well, I didn't feel lucky at the time. I felt like I had let myself down by it not working.
That's a chilling story. How long ago was this?

I still think about suicide a lot. I put on my poker face and pretend like I don't, but I do. It is always in the back of my mind. I think about ending it and finally being able to sleep like I need to. I feel like I've never gotten enough sleep. I think about escaping from the pain, leaving everything in my past permanently. The idea of me committing suicide is like when a dog gets a flea. The flea is always there, constantly nagging me, begging to be scratched.
I think suicide is always there as a final escape - sort of a get-out clause in the contract of life that's always available, but once you use it, there's no going back to renew the contract. Does the constant thought of suicide calm you, as it's an option for release? Or does it scare you, knowing that life has enough bright spots to warrant living?


Well-known member
As a fellow depression sufferer, that's pretty much it. You just can't be bothered existing, but you can't be bothered to stop existing. It's like a junction between life and death - not living, not dead.

I've learned to stop depression's very severe effects, but it's still there, waiting to come back. I hope you feel better now, Jasmine.

Yeah, that's exactly how it feels. I begin to feel like a zombie, just waking up and going through the motions.

That's a chilling story. How long ago was this??

It happened about two years ago.

I think suicide is always there as a final escape - sort of a get-out clause in the contract of life that's always available, but once you use it, there's no going back to renew the contract. Does the constant thought of suicide calm you, as it's an option for release? Or does it scare you, knowing that life has enough bright spots to warrant living?

It scares me because I do think that there could possibly be something good to gain out of life, but that idea seems to enjoy playing a game of cat and mouse with me. Its like I see a glimpse of what life could offer, a brief shining light, and then something runs in front of it and blocks the light from me, over and over again, a pattern. It also scares me because I know my family would be hurt if I tried to commit suicide again, like I mentioned.


Well-known member
Thank you, Jc and Steiner. I've posted my voice on this forum before, but posting a video was definitely more nerve-wracking. I thought I'd post it anyway though because I've always loved the song.