I think my waters are more murky than they are deep. 
A better quote for us.
"Still waters run deep."
I think my waters are more murky than they are deep.![]()
So you are shallow? ;p
dont answer that wings Pookah you dont want to mess with , there are people on this site not to mess with shes 1 of them
walk away walk away ........
I fear no Pookah! My kung-fu is strong!
*mantis stance*
Is it just me or am I horrible about going off topic?
Lol I am sweet and nice WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!
Good point. Guns are much more efficient!Gonna hit a girl? :\
Good point. Guns are much more efficient!
*locks and loads*
I've always hated this saying. Have you?
Its basically saying all shy people are weired when its not true.
I've known people loud and happy, popular and then the next thing you know they have commited suicide. That happened with a boy at my school.
yea in fact there are more guys that use there charm to get girls alone , like rapists and stuff , there not shy .....they turn on the charm then when there alone turn nasty..
im generally a negative person but and i understand being offended by this saying. but in a sense being quiet can make ppl more interested in you and will want to watch you because there is a side of mystery. so quieter ppl often receive more attention.....
i go through major cycles in which i am talkative becuase my mood is lifted and i feel better however also when i am depressed i can become so quiet i hardly say anything and seem disinterested in any conversation even if the topic may have interested me on another day.
I hate that saying. Once, people started saying as a joke that I was an assassin 'cause I never talked. I didn't like that. I should have assassinated them.