Is it hopeless for me to get girlfriend?


Well-known member
I feel it's hopeless to get a girlfriend. I have never had a girl interested in me that I was interested in back since 2nd grade. I'm 38. I know my username says Jesushasomeoneforme. But in reality, I only attract mentally retarded girls. I am noti nterested in them. I'm very intelligent,but so awkward around girls. Plus, I hear voices in my head GOd saying I'll never send you a girlfriend. Talk about feeling hopeless. I am the most awkward around women as anyone in this area. Is it hopeless to find a girl whom I find attractive who looks at my heart? Need your feedback.


Maybe yours is a hopeless case. I really can't tell. You seem adamant that Jesus will send you a girlfriend but at the same time you're hearing God say that He'll never send you one.

Now I don't know if you believe that Jesus is God or simply that Jesus is the Son of God, but either way you need to get on a direct line to the Almighty and ask Him what is going on. He'll be able to fill you in a lot better than any of us for, as the bible says, "Who hath known the mind of the Lord? Or who hath been His counsellor?"
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Well-known member
It's not hopeless, it's just your attitude. If you are determined to get a girlfriend, it will eventually happen. If you set yourself up for failure, you will fail. But if you keep trying with a positive attitude, sure you will find girls that are not interested, but you will learn from your mistakes and improve the next time you try. I assure you, there are tons of girls out there who are looking for boyfriends, and you will eventually meet one who suits you and things will eventually click with her.

There are a lot more guys who are just looking for a one night stand, and women tend to attach themselves to one guy much more quickly than most men.
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Well-known member
There are many of us who feel the same way. SA and depression has kept allot of us single our entire lives, and will continue to remain single until we get help or some divine being drops "the one" into our laps.... Some of us are just too fearful of social encounters with the opposite sex for any friendship or relationship to even happen, which describes me perfectly. What I am struggling with is how to keep going through life feeling okay with remaining single... That is what I struggle with every day, this makes me depressed.... There isn't a day that goes by that I don't wish for a girl friend, but as fate would have it, I am a doomed man to remain single and feeling lonely and depressed until old age takes me to the silver shores and beyond.... ::eek::


Well I am in a particularly unhappy mood today so I will begin with this...

There are lots of people who feel the same way. I have come to believe that human beings are just not meant to really get along with each other. I see evidence for it all the time. I dont think people are really all that interested in who YOU are..why would they? Most people are far too concerned with their own lives to take any notice of you... ESPECIALLY if your the more quiet reserved type. Now thats my cynical, misanthropic side speaking...


There are many many people who you will find something in common with, who is on the same wavelength, and can understand the world the same way as you. The trouble is, is that most of us dont want to give that information away to someone they dont know.

Intimacy and trust takes a long time to develop, and its not easy to achieve. I am single myself, but I have had girlfriends in the past, and I dont consider myself to be particularly interesting, charming or good looking. And if there is one thing that I have learned is that most girls will always find CONFIDENCE attractive...despite all your other flaws. Trust me... I know...i have been dumped many times because of it.

If I may, perhaps you could try internet dating. There are less barriers to battle through and everyone is on there for the same reason, and you can gain a lot of information about the other person in a short period of time.

but then again, with all the bull**** and mind games and potential pain that go with a relationship, you have to ask you really want to?


Well-known member
I feel it's hopeless to get a girlfriend. I have never had a girl interested in me that I was interested in back since 2nd grade. I'm 38. I know my username says Jesushasomeoneforme. But in reality, I only attract mentally retarded girls. I am noti nterested in them. I'm very intelligent,but so awkward around girls. Plus, I hear voices in my head GOd saying I'll never send you a girlfriend. Talk about feeling hopeless. I am the most awkward around women as anyone in this area. Is it hopeless to find a girl whom I find attractive who looks at my heart? Need your feedback.
What about someone with social anxiety. Afterall that person feels the same way that you do right? Have you ever been to any s.a. meet up groups?
That would be a good way to meet a person unless you find one on a social anxiety website. I know quite a few ppl who have met in person and are in a relationship. Don't give up. Try something like an s.a. group. has social anxiety meetup groups just look for your city. :)
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Uber Schnitzel

Well-known member
Firstly, as someone else posted, it's not impossible to get a girlfriend it's the attitude toward getting one that will stop you. I'm not sure if you really believe in God/Jesus etc (each to their own) but if you're gonna sit there and wait for Jesus to send you a girl you're gonna be waiting a long time. You need to pick yourself up and make an effort to get what you want. Although you may not be interested in these "mentally retarded" girls (I'm still not sure what you mean by this) but they could become good friends and there's the possibility that they just might have some friends that do get your heart racing. If nothing else you've made a new friend.


I feel it's hopeless to get a girlfriend. I have never had a girl interested in me that I was interested in back since 2nd grade. I'm 38. I know my username says Jesushasomeoneforme. But in reality, I only attract mentally retarded girls. I am noti nterested in them. I'm very intelligent,but so awkward around girls. Plus, I hear voices in my head GOd saying I'll never send you a girlfriend. Talk about feeling hopeless. I am the most awkward around women as anyone in this area. Is it hopeless to find a girl whom I find attractive who looks at my heart? Need your feedback.

I dont think its hopeless my teacher is 40 and have a girlfriend:)


Well-known member
I highly doubt he means girls with real MR, just girls he thinks aren't intelligent enough. Just found it a tad insulting, that's all.

Judging from your posts, you don't seem unintelligent. Contrary to popular belief, men prefer intelligent women over unintelligent women.


Well-known member
Judging from your posts, you don't seem unintelligent. Contrary to popular belief, men prefer intelligent women over unintelligent women.

No, I don't think I am. I have been in relationships, well just one I think, where he made me feel like I was...maybe that's why it's a sensative issue for me.


Well-known member
So what do I have to do for Jesus to hook me up with one of his friends?
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Well-known member
No, I don't think I am. I have been in relationships, well just one I think, where he made me feel like I was...maybe that's why it's a sensative issue for me.

i relate! while i am socially retarded, i am not mentally retarded. my ex made me feel like i was. finally got over his condescending personality and moved on. someone else can take it but it's not going to be me!