Inferiority Complex


Well-known member
I have come to the conclusion that social anxiety is the by-product of an inferiority complex. In our minds, we never stack up against other people, thus creating a feeling of anxiety when around others.



Well-known member
I think you've solved our problems. There is no overcoming my feeling of low self-worth. Even if I was loaded rich I'd still feel beneath...not just people, but nature, animals, everything. We are specks, and too many people like to believe the world revolves around them. We are truly nothing. Go to a park trail one nice day and just walk around alone with your thoughts and realize that humanity is nothing but trouble and poison.


I like that!!

I regularly come up with all sorts of ideas, based on logic, dreams, thoughts, research, etc...

It's really good to know someone else does.

Root cause of all troubles, in a nutshell. There are many different roots; it's hard to work out which is the most accurate. No absolute answer to anything in life.

Never heard of this one


I have to agree. I used to have really bad inferiority complex because this one guy at school kept bullying and teasing me. I couldn't even walk in front of people without, like, panicking or something. I ended up walking like a robot haha. Didn't have a good childhood because of my social anxiety. =( Now I'm okay though.


Well-known member
Its more like a circle to me,I was born with an anxious temerment that caused me to lack behind my peers,which led to inferority complex and so on....


Well-known member
I don't know about that, I have a friend who is extremely social, always up for an adventure, yet she has an dangerously low self esteem
^ how can one be very social yet have very low self-esteem? :/

.....very easily? You can think you look horrible but still be fine around people.

Remember we've got social phobia, an irrational fear, so trying to define it is sort of useless. Just my opinion


Well-known member
I'm not fine around people I don't know very well. I can't make eye contact. I have low self-esteem, which makes me not very social.


Well-known member
In my expierence that feeling causes a lot of my anxiety... I feel so inferior to virutally everyone especially attractive men or men who I see as having a brilliant personality and able to make people laugh. As you can imagine this makes being in a relationship really difficult because I always fear the girl I'm with see's them as a far better person than myself in every single way which causes paranoia sets in.. Feeling so worthless and inferior to other people makes life so difficult and it does add to my anxiety though I don't think that's the only cause, its just a small part of the puzzle at least in my case.


Well-known member
There are so many facets to this that it's impossible to conjure a one explanation covers all solution. and furthermore, each person is different, unique, so the same issue will have a different flavor. One of the reasons why I am so against psychology, they love to put people into neat little categories and impose absurd ideologies on them. Your situation is an example a shape against the grain of thinking.

True. It just seems like an inferiority complex is akin to the majority of social phobics. The low self esteem, avoidance, shyness, anxiousness, etc. All by-product feelings of the way one percieves his or her self when compared to or in the presence of others. We have to shake this notion of constantly comparing ourselves to others. Everyone is different. And until we are happy with ourselves, it's virtually impossible to make anyone else happy.


Active member
I absolutely have to agree with you on this. I believe OCD and anxiety are the extreme manifestation of inferiority complex. However, I don't think not all the cases of social anxieties are caused by inferiority complex. It could be really due to biological disorder or other psychical disorder. As for me it's the inferiority complex that causes my AVPD and anxieties in general.


Well-known member
I'm still trying to put my finger on this. When I get drunk, I totally stop caring about what people think of me. What causes this? Does alcohol increase my self-esteem? Or is there something else going on here?


Well-known member
I have suffered from low self-esteem for as long as I can remember and it definitely contributed to the development of my SA problems. When I was in therapy a lot of our sessions was about building self-confidence, and to learn to be content with who you are and stop comparing yourself to others. I can't say it has worked 100%, but it has helped.


Well-known member
I had extremely low self esteem when I was younger and my SA was much worse, my inferiority complex made me think everything negative that I felt/thought was justified and that everything I feared other people thought of me was valid. Now I've got much more self esteem even though I'm still very self conscious, as in I don't tend to think too lowly of myself even though I worry what others think.

there are times when an inferiority complex manifests quite badly though... it was a big problem for me in a relationship I was in with a girl I thought very highly of, who wasn't at all judgmental and was very accepting of me and all my shortcomings but that didn't matter since I judged myself to the extreme which caused some pretty big problems. Her accepting me wasn't enough when I couldn't accept myself. I've since concluded that finding someone who's perfect for you isn't enough, you not only need to be good for them too but you need to be good for yourself. Comparing yourself to others and feeling pathetic really sucks.