im a girl but dont look like one help!


I'm 100% straight guy and I'd hit that like an inappropriate thing to say? Let me translate it to what I suspect is more appropriate, any real man can see clearly that you're a woman and cool one at that. :D

p.s. I guess I'm just assuming you're straight but if you are, who cares what other girls think? they can gossip to their other single friends while you're hanging out with your boyfriend cause tons of guys like girls who aren't nearly identical to every other girl they've seen all day. So...where is it you live? ::eek::
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Well-known member
I'm 100% straight guy and I'd hit that like an inappropriate thing to say? Let me translate it to what I suspect is more appropriate, any real man can see clearly that you're a woman and cool one at that. :D

p.s. I guess I'm just assuming you're straight but if you are, who cares what other girls think? they can gossip to their other single friends while you're hanging out with your boyfriend cause tons of guys like girls who aren't nearly identical to every other girl they've seen all day. So...where is it you live? ::eek::

LOL, thats classic haha


Haha, made me laugh :D Im quite the contrary, Im quite romantic if I must say so myself LOL

Yeah me too, being crude is a cover for actually being a super sensitive sap. Don't tell anyone though or my cover won't be effective...oh wait :eek:


Well-known member
Yeah, pretty much what everyone else is saying. Long hair, a bit of makeup and you'll look like a girl for sure. If you don't like having long hair then you can always tie your hair up (that's what I do, anyway).
Also, longer nails, I find it makes my fingers look longer and more feminine.


Well-known member
I'm 100% straight guy and I'd hit that like an inappropriate thing to say? Let me translate it to what I suspect is more appropriate, any real man can see clearly that you're a woman and cool one at that. :D

p.s. I guess I'm just assuming you're straight but if you are, who cares what other girls think? they can gossip to their other single friends while you're hanging out with your boyfriend cause tons of guys like girls who aren't nearly identical to every other girl they've seen all day. So...where is it you live? ::eek::

The girl who asked this question could be a high school kid, you saying that..yes it's inappropriate, it's not only inappropriate to say to any woman, but especially so to an underage girl.


Active member
I think you look stunning personally :D If you are insecure about it though, Why not give the make-up a go? There are loads of tutorials online, I especially like these youtube users:

panacea81's Channel - YouTube


bubzbeauty's Channel - YouTube

They both give great tutorials for a multitude of things. :D

You don't mention if you want to keep your hair short or long indefinitely, so if you'd prefer it short, why not try using a few cute hair clips? Or cutting your hair into a pixie haircut? Which is a short style that I'm sure you could rock!

I don't really suit girly clothing either, so I tend to wear fitted t-shirts with my jeans, and looser ones with skinny jeans. There are quite a few girly style t-shirt designs that you could probably find if you had a look in a few alternative clothing stores? I'm not sure what names they go by in the US? Hot topic is one I think? T-Shirts including Fashion , Dark Novelty and TV / Movie - Clothing those types of t-shirts are pretty nice, they still look girly without being too over the top.

I don't think you should have to change your look if you're happy with it, but if you want to experiment then go for it, you shouldn't have to change how you look for other people though. I did that once and it sucked. I mean if you wanted you could still keep elements of how you look if you're just wanting to update your style and such. A haircut or some make-up could change your look pretty easily. :3 Find a style and way of dress that suits you though, don't change and find yourself super unhappy with a look, but feeling like you have to keep that look going just to please others or anything.
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I'm 100% straight guy and I'd hit that like an inappropriate thing to say? Let me translate it to what I suspect is more appropriate, any real man can see clearly that you're a woman and cool one at that. :D

p.s. I guess I'm just assuming you're straight but if you are, who cares what other girls think? they can gossip to their other single friends while you're hanging out with your boyfriend cause tons of guys like girls who aren't nearly identical to every other girl they've seen all day. So...where is it you live? ::eek::

im straight, and i dont like when girls are flirting with me!
i live in denmark.. why?


Hi. I think you look good! But one thing that gives you somewhat of a masculine appearance is the hair down along your ears, which looks like sideburns. I think cutting that would improve things, and maybe you could also grow your hair a little longer and use some makeup, then I don't think anyone would ever mistake you for a guy.
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Well-known member
Hi :) I would grow your hair out more. Of course it all in what you prefer but if you want to be more girlie-long hair is always a sure bet to get there. I look waay different when I pull my hair back in a pony tail and I feel like it always makes me look more masculine to not have my hair down so I almost always wear it down.


Well-known member
The easiest thing to make yourself more feminine would be to grow your hair out I think. Your hair is cool now how it is, but if you want a more girly look having it a little longer would be the way to go.

I know you said you tried a change of wardrobe already, maybe some clothing to put a little or more emphasis on you breasts? I'm not suggesting you start wearing skin tight clothing with lots of cleavage, but the baggy shirts and sweatshirts hide what's under there.

I think you look fine the way you are, but if you want to look a little more girly I'd recommend those things :)

good advice and yeah cleavage is a sure way to look sexy. Also yeah some make look very pretty natural...but a little color on your lips say...that would help too :)



This may surprise you, but were I to pass you on the street, I would not assume you to be girl, but would naturally take it for granted that you were. You would though strike me as being tom-boyish given your attire, but a boy? Certainly not. I cannot be more honest and up front then that. Good day :)

Now for my input:

Who told you that you don't look like a girl? Or maybe you just told yourself one day that you don't look like one. I'm not being tough on you here it's just that they're two different things.

It doesn't matter what people say. You are who you are. If you let anybody tell you otherwise then you're basically letting them run you over. I know it's hard to do but that's how I helped myself get past a lot of my problems. I simply didn't care HAHA.

You choose what you want to believe. If you know you're a girl (and just by looking at your picture all of us KNOW you are) then act like one. Not saying be a generic girly chick or anything like that. Just be more feminine.

It just takes confidence on yourself. I can see from the pictures that you're sporting a guy look. Maybe try to slowly change that? You said you tried girl clothes. Did anybody else say you look "gay" in them? It's all in your head.

Everything I've said so far sounds like I'm being tough on you. These are merely suggestions. It's just sometimes we have to be tough on ourselves to make a change.


Maybe it's just me being weird (which I am :p), but personally I don't really know how we can define the difference between what looks 'feminine' and what looks 'masculine'. I mean, I can recognise the difference... but I can't explain it. I don't get how short hair is assumed as masculine, and long hair assumed as feminine. Because I think masculinity and femininity are defined by behaviour, not looks.

Thats a pretty interesting question I reckon. Heres what I think... ahem..

I think it comes down to gender identity and how we are taught from an early age what kinds of behaviours we are expected to exhibit due to our sex. If we werent "taught" at a young age how boys and girls should be, then there probably wouldnt be the typical gender roles that we are so used to seeing.

As with most things like this I think its a combination of nature AND nurture.


Well-known member
Hey Didi, you look quite good! - I agree it's probably the hairstyle & hoodies/loose T-shirts that might make the girls mistake you for a boy, looks a bit 'Elvissy'... you do look girlie in the first photo especially, maybe a bit tomboyish, makes you look a tiny bit like those Asian 'cute guys' in K-dramas or J-dramas! :) maybe try to style it 'down' or 'sideways', experiment a bit? or get a friend with interest in hairstyles or a good hair stylist to help?

yeah, a different bra (not sure if needed haha) or tighter-fitting clothing or eg dress/skirt+leggins might make a difference... if you want it, that is!
Stay a bit tom-boyish, it's a cute style... I mean just maybe go in a 'shade' girlier, not too much overboard with anything you might not be comfortable in! (Or look at some movies/series with 'makeovers'! :) I think you'd look stunning in a glitzy dress too, just mind the style, so it fits you!)

I think your eyebrows are okay, not all girls pluck those... it's up to you to experiment if you wish to, just know when you start plucking you need to keep it up and it can be time-consuming.. And I think hair & style makeover might make a more immediate effect... (if you're in a skirt/girlie clothing, it's more immediately 'a sign')

I've been mistaken for a boy too, especially when younger - I did grow my hair out, I've seen some very feminine girls with short hair too though.. A girl said she needed to use more makeup and more tight-fitting clothes then (?) (she had no eyebrows without makeup though too..) So, hmm..
Some guys have longer hair too, so it's not necessarily the 'ultimate' sign, clothing and/or conversation is a more immediate signal..

You could sort of 'mention' you're a girl early on when speaking to girls, saying things like 'us girls' or 'since I'm a girl ...' or use feminine pronouns/verbs when referring to self (not sure if they exist in your language/s?) my language has different grammar for girls and boys...
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Hey Didi, you look quite good! - I agree it's probably the hairstyle & hoodies/loose T-shirts that might make the girls mistake you for a boy, looks a bit 'Elvissy'... you do look girlie in the first photo especially, maybe a bit tomboyish, makes you look a tiny bit like those Asian 'cute guys' in K-dramas or J-dramas! :) maybe try to style it 'down' or 'sideways', experiment a bit? or get a friend with interest in hairstyles or a good hair stylist to help?

yeah, a different bra (not sure if needed haha) or tighter-fitting clothing or eg dress/skirt+leggins might make a difference... if you want it, that is!
Stay a bit tom-boyish, it's a cute style... I mean just maybe go in a 'shade' girlier, not too much overboard with anything you might not be comfortable in! (Or look at some movies/series with 'makeovers'! :) I think you'd look stunning in a glitzy dress too, just mind the style, so it fits you!)

I think your eyebrows are okay, not all girls pluck those... it's up to you to experiment if you wish to, just know when you start plucking you need to keep it up and it can be time-consuming.. And I think hair & style makeover might make a more immediate effect... (if you're in a skirt/girlie clothing, it's more immediately 'a sign')

I've been mistaken for a boy too, especially when younger - I did grow my hair out, I've seen some very feminine girls with short hair too though.. A girl said she needed to use more makeup and more tight-fitting clothes then (?) (she had no eyebrows without makeup though too..) So, hmm..
Some guys have longer hair too, so it's not necessarily the 'ultimate' sign, clothing and/or conversation is a more immediate signal..

You could sort of 'mention' you're a girl early on when speaking to girls, saying things like 'us girls' or 'since I'm a girl ...' or use feminine pronouns/verbs when referring to self (not sure if they exist in your language/s?) my language has different grammar for girls and boys...

your right :D
but i have difficult speaking with girls,, specially girly talk i hate those!


Well-known member
Sorry but I think you made yourself look like a boy. You're definitely a girl but you've cut your hair short... Maybe try to show a picture of your girly look style and we'll see if you do look like a gay. Coz I doubt it
I dont understand at all. You're clearly a girl.In fact you look like a young Halle Berry. I would never think you were a boy. If you want to feel more feminine I suggest lipgloss,nail varnish and wear clothes that are fitted not baggy. If I tied my hair up and wore baggy clothes Id prob feel like I looked like a boy. You dont look like a boy but if you want to feel* more feminine thats my advice and you dont need to grow your hair long lots of girls have short hair. However theres nothing like a trip to the hairdressers to boost confidence so pick out a short style that you like and go to the salon with the picture of what you want.


Well-known member
your right :D
but i have difficult speaking with girls,, specially girly talk i hate those!

lol there are different kinds of girls with different kinds of interests!!

maybe you just need to find a group of people with your/similar interests and some of them happen to be girls? If you're working on a project/something important/cool/interesting together, then 'girly talk' won't be a problem if you'll be talking about those other things!! (eg how to set up an event/workshop or run a campaign/do interesting and important things for the community etc.)
Choose what really interests you and see if there's something interesting locally? :)