If you could have any superpower, what would it be?


Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn!
Staff member
Pyrokinesis/electrokinesis. But VERY under control.



Well-known member
I'd want the superpower of Para-Empathy. Be a form of karmic justice. Any person I touched would experience whatever wrong they inflicted on another. If I touched an animal abuser, they would experience the pain they themself inflicted on that animal. A rapist would re-live the rape from the victim's perspective. The same with bullies, murderers, etc. If only there were such a thing.


Well-known member
Immortality... all the other super powers would eventually fall into place :cool:


Well-known member
I would like the superpower to transform into something like a Nine-tailed fox demon, a half-demon, or a Sage like characters like Naruto do :D


New member
I think it would have to be faster than light-speed. If i could bend\break the laws of phyisics than maybe there's nothing i could'nt do. ALL THE POWERS with that one.