If you believe in God.. Don't


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daxcharm said:
crashmodem said:
God does not exist..

You sound confident. Prove it.

In logic, the null hypothesis is granted. It's the claimer of extraordinary hypotheses-- such as god-- who needs to provide the proof. So, prove to us that god, any god, exists. Heck, we'll even settle for a preponderance of evidence.

We won't be holding our breath though; I have yet to get a single answer to this question in over 8 years of asking people online LOL. In fact, I have yet to be offered even one measly shred of evidence that isn't immediately explainable by a number of far more plausible hypotheses. In fact, in the centuries since people in the West begain asking these questions during the Enlightenment, no evidence has been produced. (There has been a LOT of forgery, chicanery, and lying by allegedly pious persons, though, and several cases--a famous one being the 'discovery of Noah's Ark,' an expedition to Turkey based on a misinterpreted translation of an April Fool's Day article in German--of the hopelessly faithful being deluded by accident or by intention.)


Active member
Many of you are trying to rationally discuss this topic, but pure reason will get you nowhere except open ended, pointless arguments that leave no room for anything except to be agnostic.

There are levels of consciousness higher than pure reason, though, and when you combine these transrational, intuitive modes of awareness with reason, only then can anything be definitely concluded. For more information on transrational intuition, you should read about the mystics that, although they span different regions and times, have come to the general same conclusions.

You may not believe that there are higher levels of consciousness than reason, but this is only because you have never experienced them. And this transrationality is not just some pie in the sky thing atainable by only a select few. There are specific practices (scientifically speaking, they are like experiments performed over and over until their conclusions are confirmed), and these practices can lead a person to higher levels of consciousness. Meditation is just one example of these practices.

In other words, you guys are talking about something we cannot even comprehend. By the way, the pure materialistic reductionist stance can be easily destroyed by sound, rational arguments in case you want any.


Active member
Oh yeah, I agree with those who think that Christianity is hypocritical and full of bull UNLESS you view and interpret all the Bible stories allegorically


Well-known member
I was raised up in the church and so had the beliefs installed in me from a very young age.

I no longer know what I believe but I DO believe in a spiritual world. Also I think that any faith can be positive as long as it doesnt harm others so would never belittle another's faith.

I can however say that I was put off from the christian church primarily because of the hypocritical, emotional masturbatory, ego stroking, self centred, pathetic attitude and behaviour of a large proportion of christians.

On the subject of God I am unsure. I believe in something, I just dont know what.


P.S. Apparenelty I am "possessed"


Well-known member
I kind of like the way Douglas Adams put it. For us to try and understand religion, higher consciousness, gods, the universe, etc. may be like a tea leaf trying to comprehend the British East India Company. Perhaps the answer to all this is, actually, 42. Sounds good to me. :roll:


Well-known member
Hi, I just wanted to give my 2 cents on this topic. Coupla months late but nevermind! I guess it’s a bit futile trying to convince people about things like religion with just a little bit of text so I’ll just explain what I believe and hope it helps.
Umm…well…for me I know God is real. I try to be as open as possible so I’m reluctant to say that I’m 100% sure, but I’m pretty close! Like, around 99.9999% you know? The reasons for this are firstly, because I feel it. (Which sounds wishy washy I know) But the bible says gods holy spirit will live inside those who believe, and well I feel it…clear as day. When I was first filled, I remember going for a walk and seeing these fields and tree’s and almost crying (“gay”). But it’s true! I was like “wtf! These are tree’s bobby! Why the hell are you crying!”. But ever since that day I’ve felt god everywhere…whenever I watch films I always well up...I never used to. And I get very passionate about injustice and starvation and stuff like that now…I never used to.
Secondly I believe, because whenever I pray, God answers. And sometimes it’s far more than coincidental. For example, I remember I had this phase when I was searching for the truth with religion. I explored all faiths and I had all kinds of unanswered questions. Then I decided to just say a small prayer asking god “if you really are real can you reveal yourself to me. Can you help me out in finding some truth”. Then later that week, on a totally different subject I was studying my cyberculture module at uni and I was working on my blog. And well, there was this girl in my class that I quite fancied and her name was Sarah Larabi. I knew she had a blog but I didn’t know the address so I just started guessing. After several combinations I tried http://slarabi.blogspot.com and suddenly this mega bible website appeared, seeming to have all the answers I had prayed for in. On further investigation I realised that I had actually missed one letter out in the url. I had accidentally typed http://slarabi.blogpot.com.
But things like this happen all the time, and I’m convinced they’re more than coincidence. There are also many intellectual reasons why I believe, like prophecies and stuff, but I’d be here for days!

But anyway, I was filled with the holy spirit 3 years ago; 2 years before I found out I had SAD. If you had asked me before 3 years if I was, overall, happy with life, I’d have said “no” more often than not. Since being filled I’d answer, “yes” every time. So I guess I’m saying that, for me, God has been the best cure for SAD.


Well-known member
I believe that it was Mark Twain that said that God made man because he was disappointed with the monkey..... I'm not so sure He would be "over his boots" about his latest creation, believers and non-believers alike, considering the state of the planet before we came along and the look of things nowadays and we all know the monkeys didn't do it.


Well-known member
well thats true, monkeys didn't cause the planet to be like the way it is now, however people ACTING like monkeys is another story entirely


Well-known member

All i can say, is people can believe in what they want, but they should not force there beliefs onto others...and say they will be doomed if they do not believe.
Though if it wasn't for religon(all kinds), there would be fewer wars fought!
I don't know if god etc exists.I am neutral, leaning to not.
Anything is possible, but my personal view(only mine), is that religon is a copeing mechanism for life. Though, i do not take this thought away from the believers...if it helps them personally then i am happy for them.
Just my two bobs worth.
Take care everybody


Well-known member
Anonymous said:
The reason for THIS, Crashmodem:

"People are nothing more than murderous, selfish, and ignorant. Just look at the problems this world is having. "

Is because these people have the same disbelieving attitude that you do and are not Christ like. If they were, the world would not be having these sort of problems.

Hmmm, I remember a few years back when hardcore religious people were bombing abortion clinics and killing doctors. That sounds like a problem to me. How about all the child molestation within the church that is denied even by the pope! No problems if everyone believes in God! You need a real reality check!


Well-known member
HiApeNest said:
God does exist, and if you don't get that into your head soon, you will probably be doomed to spend the rest of eternity in you know where. God loves you, and He is helping you whether you realize it now or not. But He will punish you for saying such things. You should probably apologize. He might not punish you as severely if you apologize.
And another thing. Not all girls are like that. I like nice guys. I'm always on the lookout for them, but it seems there are so few of them. (And you seem to think you are one of them...You're not. You have really bad language and worst of all, you don't believe in God.) You're right about one thing: The world is full of murderous, selfish, and ignorent people. But there are also a few good, kind, sweet, virtuous people. God is on our side. He is helping us. SA is probably a test or something, to see how strong our souls are. We can all be free, but we will never be free without our belief in God.

You see this is why some people can't stand the religious: because some of them are always trying to force their views and change people. Fuck off and let us find God ourselves or live in hell!


Staff member
hey I dont agree with what apenest said either but theres no need to use profanaties!


Well-known member
parsec said:
Let's point out that you can believe in what you want, but don't be aggressive and intolerant, don't think you own the truth because really no one can be so pretentious.

Amen, brother!


Well-known member
Ads7800 said:
HiApeNest said:
God does exist, and if you don't get that into your head soon, you will probably be doomed to spend the rest of eternity in you know where. God loves you, and He is helping you whether you realize it now or not. But He will punish you for saying such things. You should probably apologize. He might not punish you as severely if you apologize.
And another thing. Not all girls are like that. I like nice guys. I'm always on the lookout for them, but it seems there are so few of them. (And you seem to think you are one of them...You're not. You have really bad language and worst of all, you don't believe in God.) You're right about one thing: The world is full of murderous, selfish, and ignorent people. But there are also a few good, kind, sweet, virtuous people. God is on our side. He is helping us. SA is probably a test or something, to see how strong our souls are. We can all be free, but we will never be free without our belief in God.

You see this is why some people can't stand the religious: because some of them are always trying to force their views and change people. Fuck off and let us find God ourselves or live in hell!

Okay then. Have fun.