Hi, I just wanted to give my 2 cents on this topic. Coupla months late but nevermind! I guess it’s a bit futile trying to convince people about things like religion with just a little bit of text so I’ll just explain what I believe and hope it helps.
Umm…well…for me I know God is real. I try to be as open as possible so I’m reluctant to say that I’m 100% sure, but I’m pretty close! Like, around 99.9999% you know? The reasons for this are firstly, because I feel it. (Which sounds wishy washy I know) But the bible says gods holy spirit will live inside those who believe, and well I feel it…clear as day. When I was first filled, I remember going for a walk and seeing these fields and tree’s and almost crying (“gay”). But it’s true! I was like “wtf! These are tree’s bobby! Why the hell are you crying!”. But ever since that day I’ve felt god everywhere…whenever I watch films I always well up...I never used to. And I get very passionate about injustice and starvation and stuff like that now…I never used to.
Secondly I believe, because whenever I pray, God answers. And sometimes it’s far more than coincidental. For example, I remember I had this phase when I was searching for the truth with religion. I explored all faiths and I had all kinds of unanswered questions. Then I decided to just say a small prayer asking god “if you really are real can you reveal yourself to me. Can you help me out in finding some truth”. Then later that week, on a totally different subject I was studying my cyberculture module at uni and I was working on my blog. And well, there was this girl in my class that I quite fancied and her name was Sarah Larabi. I knew she had a blog but I didn’t know the address so I just started guessing. After several combinations I tried
http://slarabi.blogspot.com and suddenly this mega bible website appeared, seeming to have all the answers I had prayed for in. On further investigation I realised that I had actually missed one letter out in the url. I had accidentally typed
But things like this happen all the time, and I’m convinced they’re more than coincidence. There are also many intellectual reasons why I believe, like prophecies and stuff, but I’d be here for days!
But anyway, I was filled with the holy spirit 3 years ago; 2 years before I found out I had SAD. If you had asked me before 3 years if I was, overall, happy with life, I’d have said “no” more often than not. Since being filled I’d answer, “yes” every time. So I guess I’m saying that, for me, God has been the best cure for SAD.