If you believe in God.. Don't


Well-known member
You see what I mean! This guest just had too, didn't he/she. They can't leave anyone alone! Once again, FUCK OFF with your damnation talk!
And by the way, I'd like to apologise for keeping the religion side of this topic going, because after all it's supposed to be about crashmodem's anxiety. :oops:
GettingThere you're absolutely right.


Active member
Ads7800 said:
You see what I mean! This guest just had too, didn't he/she. They can't leave anyone alone! Once again, FUCK OFF with your damnation talk!
And by the way, I'd like to apologise for keeping the religion side of this topic going, because after all it's supposed to be about crashmodem's anxiety. :oops:
GettingThere you're absolutely right.

That was me again. Just to claim my words. You really do have attitude problems, dude, and I'm a girl just to clear that up as well. Remus is right. You need to take a chill pill. Of course I can't leave anyone alone. I'm too worried about everyone, because everyone seems to be so stupid. People these days...


Active member
I'm especially worried about you, Remus. You seem like such a nice, sweet person. I can't imagine you going to Hell. You just wouldn't belong there. I think you're going to find God some day. The evil in you isn't strong enough to last. There's too much good there. I'm still worried though. You don't seem like you would change your mind easily. I'll keep you in my prayers, which might offend you, but I can't help it.


Staff member
If your god does exist apenest, I cant really see him not letting me in heaven just for being an aethiest who has been good and kind all his life.

If that is how judgemental he is then I'd take hell anyday :lol:

just because someone dosnt believe in god dosnt make them evil or stupid dear, thats a pretty big insult, I'm sure Jesus would agree.


Active member
No, I don't know what I am. lol I think I might be a Quaker. I'm a Christian though. It's kind of hard to get on the right track when your parents aren't very religious. My parents both believe in God, and they're good Christians and everything, but I don't know. I'm confused, because they never really pushed religion on me that much. Apparently I don't need them to, because I'm obviously a religious freak, but I'm terribly confused! I know I'm probably really annoying a lot of people. I'm just messed up right now, I guess. I interpret the bible exactly, even though my mom says I shouldn't. I don't understand why. If God says something, it seems like I should do exactly what He says, and I don't think He ever said not to interpret it exactly. I don't know what to call my religion, but I want to have a name for it, I guess because that would make me feel like I'm part of something. I know I'm probably being a little irrational. My beliefs are probably a little bit warped because I'm so worried about pleasing God myself. You probably think I'm a total freak. lol I'm sorry to offend anyone. I just get so mad when people don't believe in God, because I'm absolutely one hundred percent sure that He does exist and that He wants us to accept that. That's all I'm really sure of and of course that we have to be good people. I don't think all atheists will go to Hell. I think God will spare most of you as long as you are good in every other way. I just get mad sometimes. It's almost like I take it as a personal insult when people don't believe in God, which is probably kind of silly, because it's not really my problem. It's between y'all and Him. I'm just so worried about you all. I don't want any of you to end up in that horrible place. I want you all to have nice, happy eternities. Naturally, since I'm so supersensitive, I feel like everything is my responsibility, which it's obviously not when I really think about it. God doesn't expect me to save you all. It's not my responsibility, and I don't think there's really much I can do anyway. Insulting you sure won't help. That will just make you all even more bitter toward His followers, which is not likely to get you to listen to us. He's probably more merciful than I think He is. I'm just so terrified of Him, that I want to make sure I please Him, and I don't know exactly how to go about doing that. Urghhh. Maybe I'm just crazy. Or maybe not. I have no idea. Anyway, I'm sorry to offend you all. I love you, even if you don't believe in God. I'm just a weirdo, so if I say something that upsets you, try to ignore it, because I'm not saying it to make you mad. I just don't understand the universe as much as I think I do sometimes. lol I guess I'm kind of a know-it-all. :roll:


Well-known member
I don't want to be a dictator, but you should do some research about the Greek orthodox church. Apparently they have the books of the bible that the Romans left out, but I don't really know much about it except that organised religion seems kinda obnoxious to a lot of people, but Greek Orthodox is kinda more relaxed, so if you're confused about what exactly you want to believe, it's a good thing to check out.


Staff member
I'd stick more to the teachings of Jesus Ape, one person I have alot of respect for (as a philosopher).

he basically chucks out all that old testament 'hellfire and damnation' and teaches tolerence, love and forgiveness.

I think your parents sound more sensible in thier beliefs, I'd take heed.


Active member
Greek Orthodox church, huh? I've never heard of it. I'll look it up. Thanks, Crimefish. :)

Remus, did Jesus really chuck out the Old Testament in his teachings? I haven't gotten to the New Testament yet, so I don't really know that much about that part of history. I just started on Joshua. I'm a little behind, I guess. lol I figured Jesus would include all of God's word though. Where did you hear that? I know we're supposed to love and forgive people. That's in the Torah, but again, it's being proven that I'm not as smart as I think. :wink: :lol:


Well-known member
aah man, this thread is mega! Its toooo deep man! What Remus said is such a strong argument. If heaven’s real, then how the hell do you get there? Is being good not good enough? Or how good is good enough? What actually is “good”? Do people have different definitions of “good”? Is God’s definition of “good” different to ours?

*needs a lie down*


Well-known member
One swear word and I'm instantly an aggressive person? I'm just passionate about the right to one's own opinion. You people don't know me I'm in no way aggressive, just passionate.


Active member
worrywort said:
aah man, this thread is mega! Its toooo deep man! What Remus said is such a strong argument. If heaven’s real, then how the hell do you get there? Is being good not good enough? Or how good is good enough? What actually is “good”? Do people have different definitions of “good”? Is God’s definition of “good” different to ours?

*needs a lie down*

I think I need to lie down too. :)


Active member
Ads7800 said:
One swear word and I'm instantly an aggressive person? I'm just passionate about the right to one's own opinion. You people don't know me I'm in no way aggressive, just passionate.

Well, I don't need to f-word off. I'm also just passionate.


Well-known member
HiApeNest said:
I interpret the bible exactly, even though my mom says I shouldn't. I don't understand why. If God says something, it seems like I should do exactly what He says, and I don't think He ever said not to interpret it exactly.

I'm just so terrified of Him, that I want to make sure I please Him, and I don't know exactly how to go about doing that. Urghhh. Maybe I'm just crazy. Or maybe not.

Before my head is ripped off and my body thrown to the lions I would like to make some peace, obviously without the F word.
As far as trying to interpret the bible exactly, I think that's a great idea. So many people have turned the words of religious texts into something entirely different in order to control people and perhaps do harm to them. By going to the source you will not be getting the stories through anyone else's personal filters which means you can make your own conclusions.
And this fear of God is a bit worrying, I'm sure that your not crazy, but you certainly need to get over that before it becomes a huge burdon that can't leave you, if it isn't already.
Good luck with it all.


Staff member
Ads7800 said:
One swear word and I'm instantly an aggressive person? I'm just passionate about the right to one's own opinion. You people don't know me I'm in no way aggressive, just passionate.

telling people to F off is out of order man

you should apologise

lets have rational debate and not sink to name calling


Staff member
and hiape

my god you should read the new testament and throw the old testament out of the window!

I think it is the most profound part of the bible, even as an aethiest I am touched and belive in the teachings of Jesus.

that has to say alot for the man!

mind you I also have read the teachings of buddha and mohammed, equally as enlightening


Well-known member
I didn't call names, I said F-off, there is quite a difference.
Geez, you get a little hot-headed for a minute and people want to turn you into a demon! So I'm young and lose it sometimes. And I already tried to make peace! Or do you think I'm pretending to be someone else to avoid more comments about my tendency to swear?


Well-known member
I will apologise for the language used in the message, but not what the message stood for. So HiApeNest, I am sorry for offending you as I myself don't like being offended and can't imagine why I would make someone feel a certain way that I myself don't like to feel. But, you really shouldn't force your opinions on others, because it can also be offensive.