No, I don't know what I am. lol I think I might be a Quaker. I'm a Christian though. It's kind of hard to get on the right track when your parents aren't very religious. My parents both believe in God, and they're good Christians and everything, but I don't know. I'm confused, because they never really pushed religion on me that much. Apparently I don't need them to, because I'm obviously a religious freak, but I'm terribly confused! I know I'm probably really annoying a lot of people. I'm just messed up right now, I guess. I interpret the bible exactly, even though my mom says I shouldn't. I don't understand why. If God says something, it seems like I should do exactly what He says, and I don't think He ever said not to interpret it exactly. I don't know what to call my religion, but I want to have a name for it, I guess because that would make me feel like I'm part of something. I know I'm probably being a little irrational. My beliefs are probably a little bit warped because I'm so worried about pleasing God myself. You probably think I'm a total freak. lol I'm sorry to offend anyone. I just get so mad when people don't believe in God, because I'm absolutely one hundred percent sure that He does exist and that He wants us to accept that. That's all I'm really sure of and of course that we have to be good people. I don't think all atheists will go to Hell. I think God will spare most of you as long as you are good in every other way. I just get mad sometimes. It's almost like I take it as a personal insult when people don't believe in God, which is probably kind of silly, because it's not really my problem. It's between y'all and Him. I'm just so worried about you all. I don't want any of you to end up in that horrible place. I want you all to have nice, happy eternities. Naturally, since I'm so supersensitive, I feel like everything is my responsibility, which it's obviously not when I really think about it. God doesn't expect me to save you all. It's not my responsibility, and I don't think there's really much I can do anyway. Insulting you sure won't help. That will just make you all even more bitter toward His followers, which is not likely to get you to listen to us. He's probably more merciful than I think He is. I'm just so terrified of Him, that I want to make sure I please Him, and I don't know exactly how to go about doing that. Urghhh. Maybe I'm just crazy. Or maybe not. I have no idea. Anyway, I'm sorry to offend you all. I love you, even if you don't believe in God. I'm just a weirdo, so if I say something that upsets you, try to ignore it, because I'm not saying it to make you mad. I just don't understand the universe as much as I think I do sometimes. lol I guess I'm kind of a know-it-all. :roll: