Thank you, ads. Thank you, Remus. I'm sorry to offend you too. I'm not trying to force my beliefs on other people. Well, okay I guess I am, but this is a touchy subject. lol I can't help it. I just know God exists, but if you don't want to hear it, then I'll leave you alone about it. It's really none of my business, I guess. I also hate how people turn the words of religious texts into something entirely different. It's a sin, obviously. It actually says somthing kind of like that in Deuteronomy. It says people will be punished if they lie about what God says. I don't do that. I don't try to convince people of things that aren't true so I can control them. I try to convince people of things that are true so they can do a decent job of controlling themselves. People always get mad though. lol I guess most people don't like being preached to, especially by amatures like me. lol My fear of God is healthy apparently. The Bible says we're supposed to fear Him. Obviously, we're not supposed to be comletely horrified that He will destroy us every moment as we go about our lives. That wouldn't be healthy, because as long as we're being good, we shouldn't have to worry about that all the time, and I don't. I was just saying that I am afraid of Him, because I know He rules the universe and can do whatever He wants to me. I'm not constantly worried about it though. I just want to make sure I don't make Him mad or make Him think I'm weak or something. Hmmmm. Remus, that kind of got me thinking. There are two testaments in the Bible. Christians believe in both of them, and Jews only believe in the first one, but there's not really a religion that believes in only the second one, is there? I wonder what God woud think of that. The Old Testament is really annoying. lol I mean, I would find it hard to just chuch it aside, but a lot of it doesn't really make all that much sense to me. I wonder what would happen if there was a religion that only believed in the New Testament...It might be a sin though. I don't know. More confusion... :?