If you believe in God.. Don't


wow!what a chat this is.I want to know how anyone can justify there belief in something they cannot prove exists,and then act condesending upon someone who doesn't believe what they believe.Is that something they teach in the bible? I read the bible and I dont believe I read anything about that.I have a question,if scientists were able to"in a lab" create life,would you still believe?In the bible that is.All of the scientific and archialogical finds point to evolution.Oh,and where in the bible does it talk about god creating dinosaurs,and then changing his mind and creating something from his image?Personaly I have nothing against people who have faith in something,but if you want to tell me im going to hell,shit,I'm allready there man!


Active member
nezzy said:
Alternator said:
nezzy said:
religion is the single biggest mistake mankind has ever made, it's been responsible for more killing and persecution than any other reason, not to mention being the best thing for controling the masses.

check your history

Consantine created "christianity" as a substitute for the dying "pagan" religion
and used the story of the prophet Jesus as the basis.

its all bullshit. islam, christianity, judaism, chatholisim... Bhuddism is the only religion actually in tune with anything.

I'd rather a world were people believe in themselves.

Some people just never learn.

I wonder how someone can look at a sunset, or spend the night under a full moon on a beach, and still not believe there's a higher power.

Is it easier to believe that a monkeys evolved into humans? Why are there still monkeys running around?

LOL man thats funny... you trying to tell me you believe that a GOD created the sun and the galaxies... yet you don't believe that we evolved from a distant primate. when we share 98% genetic information with Chimps?

You only have to watch the social interaction that primates have to KNOW we are a more advanced version of them.

Look if you would rather look at it your way, cool. But the earth is hundreds of millions of years old. as is the sun as is the oceans why is it hard for you to see the evolution from primates to human?


As someone has said before, that 2% makes all the difference in the world. Now, you're being generous by saying that we are just a more advanced version of them. How can you say that after seeing all of this technology that mankind has developed?

And I'm not TRYING to tell you I believe in God. I just think that even if I wasnt raised as a Christian, it would be easier for me to believe in a higher power, than believing that we evolved from apes. And theres no exact proof of the earth's age.


Well-known member
I am very sorry you are feeling so unhappy right know. I can tell from the tone of your message that you are feeling very hurt and angry with people in general. I understand when people keep hurting you when you have not done anything to deserve it it can have a very damaging effect on some one. I too have been badly let down many, many, times by people so much so I almost lost my faith in human nature. However I have come to know their are some good people out there because I have found them. Please do not blame God for all the evils in the world or because of how people in the world are behaving. Jehovah (God) does not want people to suffer how they are and very soon he will remove all wickedness and cruelty from the earth. I hope you willl feel better soon.


Well-known member
annon, I'm just wondering. Do you have any idea when that is going to happen? I believe the same basic idea. (I think God will take all of the good people off of the earth, put us on a new planet, and leave the wicked people on the earth when He destroys it, but like I said, it's the same basic idea.) I'm looking forward to it, because I'm getting really sick of being surrounded by evil, but I have no idea when it is going to end. You said it will be "very soon." Do you have any proof of that? I haven't read the whole bible yet. I'm working on reading it from cover to cover, but I'm still in Deuteronomy. Is there a verse somewhere in the bible that gives us some idea of when the wickedness might end.


Well-known member
For nezzy

Hate to tell you this, nezzy, but there is MORE evidence that evolution didn't happen rather than that it worked. Basically, you have the second law of Thermodynamics, cell theory, the probability that life could evolve, etc.

However, the statement you made about people who are brainwashed by religion still stands.

YOU are brainwashed by the religion of Atheism. There is no way to prove evolution, and there never has been. Only the work of an atheist scientist who was looking for an answer that eliminated God. And most of his theory has been proven wrong.

Oh, yeah. I'm a Christian. But I don't expect the unwilling to believe in God. I just want to present facts.


Well-known member
HiApeNest said:
annon, I'm just wondering. Do you have any idea when that is going to happen? I believe the same basic idea. (I think God will take all of the good people off of the earth, put us on a new planet, and leave the wicked people on the earth when He destroys it, but like I said, it's the same basic idea.) I'm looking forward to it, because I'm getting really sick of being surrounded by evil, but I have no idea when it is going to end. You said it will be "very soon." Do you have any proof of that? I haven't read the whole bible yet. I'm working on reading it from cover to cover, but I'm still in Deuteronomy. Is there a verse somewhere in the bible that gives us some idea of when the wickedness might end.

In reply to your question The bible dose not give the exact time or day however if you read Matthew Ch 24 you will read what Jesus said about the end of this system of things. 2 Timothy ch 2 v1-5 describes how people
would be at this time. The best suggestion I can give to you is to ask Jehovahs witness to explain this to you their are bound to be some near I am one of jehovahs witnesses in case you had not guessed. It is really good you are taking the time to read the bible so many people do not these days. I know things seem to be getting worse but once you understand what they mean you wil realise things are going to get better.


Well-known member
trlkly said:
Hate to tell you this, nezzy, but there is MORE evidence that evolution didn't happen rather than that it worked. Basically, you have the second law of Thermodynamics, cell theory, the probability that life could evolve, etc.

I hate to tell you this, but you have no idea what you're talking about.

One tiny for-instance: if evolution did not occur, hospitals wouldn't be overrun with antibiotic-resistant germs.

God cannot be proven or disproven; argue over that if you will. But you should do more reading/research, as falsehoods tend to undermine one's arguments.


Well-known member
rubius said:
And to those of you who believe in nothing. What examples do you follow? How do you make the world a better place? I hear you complain about the world, you blame the people of faith. But what do you do about it? Does your complaining make the world a better place? What is your purpose. What do you do with your gifts and intelligence?

I believe in doing anything you can to make everyone's lives as happy and peaceful as possible. I don't need to have something to worship to do that.
And the reason you disbelieve all the other religions is the same reason I also disbelieve yours.


Well-known member
i don't believe in god but i think you're wrong. if there were a god i don't think he would have put you on earth to make it easy on you, everybody
has to face chalenges, some harder some less but what counts is how you handle it and face the challenge, i know SP is hard and it sucks big time. there are times i wished i would have anything else, just let me talk! what the hell was i a mass murderer in my previous life that i desrved this???
kind of like that... but now i know that i have SP wich i did not a few months ago and that many other people have it also and most important that you can overcome it
so it's not something that is directed to me only and it's up to me to take the effort and overcome it.


Well-known member
I think the difference between atheists and religious people is that we accept the materiality of this world and we recognize our human knowledge limits (experience).

However it's harder to admit we are only a product of the evolution and we aren't the center of the world.We are like other animals, we are not eternal.You have to accept it.If you think there's a trascendental life, a god in the skies, please PROVE IT with the scientific method.If you can't prove it, it's a fantasy and i don't care, it's your fantasy, your problem.Stop it.

You can't talk about this thing called God and say it exists:in this way you attribute existance to an idea, it's impossible.Ideas are immagination, our world is concrete and all we can do is perceive by experience.EXPERIENCE.No silly superstitions and dogmas.

Let's point out that you can believe in what you want, but don't be aggressive and intolerant, don't think you own the truth because really no one can be so pretentious.

I suggest reading Leopardi in the "operette morali", he destroys the religion saying that science and reason it's the only rational way to go.He lived in 1800!!!!!!




Well-known member
Soooooooooo sad

It's a shame that any man (or dulusional man) can actually claim that he knows what the creator wants or is. By the way, isn't this a web sit about social anxiety? Oh well, these people have gotten me started ;) 1st of all I believe in a creator, but know one knows for sure that there is an all important god that gives a fuck about mankind. It would be nice, but there is no conclusive proof. So we must take it upon ourselves to be good people and make this world a better and just place, as well learn the importance of taking responsibilities for our actions. Ultimately if someone wants to kill themselves it is up to them- still sad because because WE ONLY HAVE ONE LIFE TO LIVE it is so important that we even live for the rare happiness and beauty this world has to offer. The only reason why this world is such a mess is because of all the arrogant religious assholes or people that don't believe and understand that it is possible and reasonalble to be ethical and good regardless of a god who seems to get his or her (sorry to all the fanatics) kicks off of irrational people killing themselves over him. The world is like a web, and how we treat others will eventually come back to us or make other peoples lives hell on earth. The prophets no matter how delusional they were, served a good purpose in that they help create structured and moral societies, but they weren't perfect. Also to all the ignorant- jesus was suppose to be an incarnation or some sort of segment of god on earth, who after serving his purpose of prophesizing was once again rejoined with the 'father'. I believe he did have a wise message of tolerance and putting an end of the vicious ends of violence and strife between humans through forgiveness. The whole concept of god forgiving man after a prayer, I think was to simply put one's concious at ease. Don't you think if there was an all powerful god that he is also all wise and would judge people according to his standards- sometimes offering forgiveness? And as far as people having free will to be good or bad, what is up with all the Islamic Theocracies in the mideast that esscentially force people to live according to the 'Koran'? Well, I don't mean to continue a futile religious debate, because I think all extremists whether Chrsitian, Jew, or Islamic are ignorant to making this world a better and more humane place (all because they want to live for a mythical after-life). Why trouble our selves with other people's humanity (that isn't within our 'group') if all we have to do keep our heads burried in the sand and live for our 'god' and tommorrow? Well if I ever get stupid and feel the emotional need to worship a man made god- I think I will turn buddhist- hehe. In anycase, my new pledge is to stick to the topic of Social Anxiety and not to offer anyone false hopes through religion but to offer pratical, philosophical, and humanistic advice. Take care everyone.


Active member
crashmodem said:
God does not exist.. There is not anyone out there that can help. So much for a spiritual awakening.

I felt the same way, but later on I was blessed.

It happened during the month of Noctober, far before Holloweeny. I was spending my night sitting aside a few cucumbers, some of which had a fairly pleasant conversation. I mean, more than your average cucumbers (please don't be jealous).

All of a sudden, the darkness was broken by a sudden daylight. A large object was floating in the air! Aliens? Balloons? Drunk drivers? No way! It was... the Great Pumpkin! A legion of shining, fresh broccoli followed Him, beautifully singing "Amazing Grace". You'll never know what is this music until you have it sung by vegetables.

This mystical experience lasted but a few seconds, but was enough.

Since then, I felt blessed and never returned to the path of sin. Believe in the Great Pumpkin, and you'll be saved. That's all you have to do.

Now, excuse me but I must go. I am supposed to seek out some heretics that believe in the Watermelon Lord, and convert them before it is too late!

May the Pumpkin shine on you!


Well-known member
Leaping to conclusions?

Anonymous said:
I hate to tell you this, but you have no idea what you're talking about.

One tiny for-instance: if evolution did not occur, hospitals wouldn't be overrun with antibiotic-resistant germs.

God cannot be proven or disproven; argue over that if you will. But you should do more reading/research, as falsehoods tend to undermine one's arguments.

It's one thing for bacteria to undergo small evolutionary steps to become "super bacteria", but it's quite another for a bacterium to undergo the enormous evolutionary changes required to become something ostensibly more complex, like a person sitting at a computer reading an internet message board. :)


Well-known member
trlkly said:
Hate to tell you this, nezzy, but there is MORE evidence that evolution didn't happen rather than that it worked. Basically, you have the second law of Thermodynamics, cell theory, the probability that life could evolve, etc.

However, the statement you made about people who are brainwashed by religion still stands.

YOU are brainwashed by the religion of Atheism. There is no way to prove evolution, and there never has been. Only the work of an atheist scientist who was looking for an answer that eliminated God. And most of his theory has been proven wrong.

Oh, yeah. I'm a Christian. But I don't expect the unwilling to believe in God. I just want to present facts.

I agree. The evolution theory is just that, A THEORY. It is one thing for bacteria to mutate into a super bacteria and another to mutate into a person.


Creation and evolution don't contradict each other. They both coincide. I don't know why everybody thinks that. I believe that life has a creator. Before life, the laws of the universe were created, one of the major sets being the intricacies of evolution. In essence, life came to be through evolution, through a creator. You're not supposed to take the bible literally word for word. Learn that.


Well-known member
Just why are we not supposed to take the bible litral? :? People take other things in that way. I know people would rather like to think Jehovah
(God)does not exsist but he does and futher more time for this sad system of things is running out fast. One only has to look at the state of the world to show we need some one with superior intellegence to save us from ourselves. You people who say there is no God have no real alternatives to offer apart from man made ideas that change with the fashions and flavours of the month. Those who critizise the contents of the bible have very rarely read it . As for me well I know there is a God and I know he cares about us I also know that the bible is his writen word.