If you believe in God.. Don't


Well-known member
You know Crashmodem.... what puzzles me about you is that it seems as if you blame the people here at this forum for your unhappiness. I don't know exactly what you expect of us, we are all in the same boat you are in, the only difference is that we look for postive ways to make changes and then act on them. It seems that you expect us all to 'send you' some sort of cure or even a girlfriend to change your life and make you happy. Get with the program Crash.... that just isn't possible. It's not up to US, it's up to YOU.


Active member
nezzy said:
religion is the single biggest mistake mankind has ever made, it's been responsible for more killing and persecution than any other reason, not to mention being the best thing for controling the masses.

check your history

Consantine created "christianity" as a substitute for the dying "pagan" religion
and used the story of the prophet Jesus as the basis.

its all bullshit. islam, christianity, judaism, chatholisim... Bhuddism is the only religion actually in tune with anything.

I'd rather a world were people believe in themselves.

Some people just never learn.

I wonder how someone can look at a sunset, or spend the night under a full moon on a beach, and still not believe there's a higher power.

Is it easier to believe that a monkeys evolved into humans? Why are there still monkeys running around?


Well-known member
there is scientific evidence for each of those things.. there is no proof that god has created those events. And there is scientific proof that we(as humans) evolved from apes, just look at some of the politicians and the lawyers.. lol.. seriously.. there is lots of evidence that we evolved from monkeys and apes.. it does explain quite a bit doesn't it.

we all have our opinions, and people who claim that they are sick and tired of my negative thoughts, well these are my feelings, and i can't help how i feel.. so please don't tell me how i should or should not feel, and my goal is not to bring everyone down, i am trying to see if anyone else feels this way about life because of SP or depression.


Well-known member
If believing in a god gives you comfort than do so. Dont slam other peoples beliefs just because you dont share them. Its obvious your going through a hard time at the moment, CrashModem, I hope you feel better about yourself and others very soon because we aren't all bad.


Well-known member
Hey folks, we don't need an all-out holy war here. I'd like to think that we can conduct ourselves here better than our fellow humans do in the Middle East and elsewhere.

OF COURSE a Christian is going to find his/her religion superior to all others. That's part of the religion.
OF COURSE a Muslim is going to find his/her religion superior to all others. That's part of the religion.
OF COURSE any beleiver is going to find his/her religion superior to all others. That's part of the religion.
OF COURSE an Atheist is going to find his/her religion superior to all others. That's part of the religion. (Yes, Atheism technically IS a religion.)

I used to be a Catholic. No I have no religion. For those who take Crashmodem's scientific viewpoint, such as myself, the only 'scientifically valid' stance on religion is agnosticism-- the admission that science has nothing to say about the existence of God or gods, and that, hence, we don't know. That's why believers are said to have 'faith'. It is not knowledge, per se, as it cannot be proven or disproven. It's akin to the world's strongest hunch.

As a matter of faith, it is pointless to argue about it. Utterly. Faith, whether it is faith in the existence of God or faith in the nonexistence of God, is simply belief. It can be used to widen one's perspective or close down one's mind. It can point persons towards higher truths or it can lead them into the depths of delusion.

The "jihadis" (in the Western and al-Qaedan use of the term, not the true Islamic meaning), the televangelists, the fire&brimstone preachers, are all in the latter category-- the BAD category. They lead us to delusion and hate and war, and are the reason that religion is a leading cause of death in this world. This also includes sanctimonious Atheists (I used to be one) who look down on the "poor weak-minded persons" who believe.

The former category--the GOOD category-- includes all those who discuss the topic reasonably, ecumenically, those who seek to find the common threads (such as the common basis of Christianity, Judaism and Islam, for all they seem to oppose one another). They lead us to come together, to acceptance and respect for others, to peace and harmony and higher truth through common striving. This includes open-minded agnostics and others of 'religion' yet not faith (parts of the Unitarian Universalist Church), or faith without religion; they can be Christian of Muslim or Jew or Buddhist or Taoist or Zoroastrian or Wiccan or anything. I like to think I'm now in this category. :)


Active member
hi crashmodem

u seem to have problems in figuring out the opposite sex. Isn't it strange? He badmouth the girl, make fun of her, scold her in public, ignore her, even played her for a sex object; and the girl would stay with them. These girls even got the nerve to seek comfort by sharing their relationship problems with us 'regular guys'... and just when we think we might have a chance with her, she ran back to her jerk boyfriend for more abuse. What the hell is happening here?

Attraction is what happen. Girls (particularly the younger ones) are not attracted to any guy that is predictable. Girls are attracted to jerks because jerks are unpredictable, crazy, exciting, confident, and they just don't care. its like driving a Porsche at top speeds along the highway against the traffic! They got the rush from the speed and the crazy stuff that comes with driving it, they know in the back of their mind that they can crash and die - but they can't help it.
You do not have to as abusive/ compulsive as jerks to get girls. but i do think that u have to have some of their traits to get girls attracted. From ur post, i see that now u just hate girls right now don't u.

You should USE that attitude. Don't give a rats ass what girls think of u.. have fun with ur self! Think of it as a psychology experiment! Say 'Hi!' to any girl u fancy, and just say out loud the first thing on your mind. Take out the 'Dating for Dummies' book and read outloud to a girl the lamest pickup on that book. Will u be rejected? Yes! of course! but you don't care! Just do it for the sake of learning/overcoming ur fears with girls/people. You might even get yourself a date for the weekend. Good luck!


Well-known member
Mystery, not all girls are like that. I'm a girl, and I'm not attracted to jerks at all. I can't stand them. I like nice guys, and I don't care if they are predictable. Maybe I'm the only girl that thinks that way, but at least that means there's one girl that isn't like that, and I do happen to be one of "the younger ones" that you are stereotyping here, so I really don't think age has anything to do with it. It's all about moral expectations. I like to be around people who are nice and good, but some girls, like the ones you use to characterize us all, are attracted to jerks. Crashmodem, you don't have to stop caring what girls think of you. You just need to stop caring what the stupid ones think of you. If you are a nice guy, all of the nice girls will like you, and that's all that really matters.[/quote]


Well-known member
While were all on this god topic....I was sitting at dunkin dounuts last night with a friend and some bible pushing weirdo came up to us and starting preaching how jesus died for us and blah blah blah blah, now i think thats so rude for one thing, if i didnt have SP i would have told her to go F*&^ off. ive never been to church a day in my life and i dont plan on going. i honestly dont know what i believe and i dont think it really matters. I just think if you believe then keep it to yourself dont try and change what someone else believes.


Alternator said:
nezzy said:
religion is the single biggest mistake mankind has ever made, it's been responsible for more killing and persecution than any other reason, not to mention being the best thing for controling the masses.

check your history

Consantine created "christianity" as a substitute for the dying "pagan" religion
and used the story of the prophet Jesus as the basis.

its all bullshit. islam, christianity, judaism, chatholisim... Bhuddism is the only religion actually in tune with anything.

I'd rather a world were people believe in themselves.

Some people just never learn.

I wonder how someone can look at a sunset, or spend the night under a full moon on a beach, and still not believe there's a higher power.

Is it easier to believe that a monkeys evolved into humans? Why are there still monkeys running around?

LOL man thats funny... you trying to tell me you believe that a GOD created the sun and the galaxies... yet you don't believe that we evolved from a distant primate. when we share 98% genetic information with Chimps?

You only have to watch the social interaction that primates have to KNOW we are a more advanced version of them.

Look if you would rather look at it your way, cool. But the earth is hundreds of millions of years old. as is the sun as is the oceans why is it hard for you to see the evolution from primates to human?



Well-known member
But that %2 is so so important.

You know %99 of the genetic code is solved but still it's no help (no medical improvement) cause even that %1 is so complicated and includes so many characteristics.

Forget about that ape thing. Just think this: How did the first living thing appear? Then maybe it can evolve but how did it non-living things start living in the first place?


Well-known member
You guys realise the whole "seven days" thing could have been used metaphorically. And the story of the creation of the earth could have been metaphorical also, so it's still possible for god and evolution to coincide.


Well-known member
I know that theory and it explains NOTHING.

But i'm sure you didn't read it yourself

It only explains how the amino-acids appeared? But it doesnt explain how living cells are formed from these amino-acids and other organic compounds.

It explains the forming of the amino-acids and says:

"But how did these proteins and other organic compounds form the first cell? It is not very clear, but most likely, a group of organic molecules including proteins, and primitive fatty acids formed into a droplet, or bubble-like structure, which had the ability to combine with external elements, such as proteins not a part of it. Eventually, these droplets would grow, and divide. These droplets would eventually evolve into the first true cell. These early cells would have been autotrophs, which are organism which produce their own energy, usually from sunlight. Some of these cells would then evolve into heterotrophs (organisms which ingest organic material as a nutrient source)"

Does it make sense? Omg...how can smo believe all this shit?

"Droplets would eventually evolve into first true cell"

What the fuck? How could non-living organic compounds evolve into a living cell? It explains NOTHING as you see.


Well-known member
Sorry about the language by the way, since i cant edit it i thought i should write this. No offense pls. I'm just a little too sensitive on these topics, sorry again. :oops:


i find it a million times easier to believe that, than believe that some "God" created us.

And i did read it. but i have found it useless to argue with people obviously brianwashed by religion.

I'll let it go.
and say no more on the subject.....
unless you think i'm chicken.



Well-known member
Bringing up religion will always spark a big debate. No two people really agree completely about all that stuff, so it is human nature to argue endlessly about it...I'm tempted to make a few comments to Nezzy, but I don't want to have any more to do with this discussion. Well, okay, I kind of do, but I know I won't be able to change anyone's mind, so why bother, right?...


Well-known member
Respect my belief in a God

I tend to be the opposite of a lot of people. I used to be an atheist, and now am Christian. For a few seconds I embraced Catholicism and for a second I considered Jehovah Witness ‘. Now I am only a Christian. I do believe in a God, but I also understand why many don’t. There is no need to call believers stupid. No one can prove that there is no God.


Well-known member
Re: Respect my belief in a God

HiApeNest said:
Bringing up religion will always spark a big debate. No two people really agree completely about all that stuff, so it is human nature to argue endlessly about it...I'm tempted to make a few comments to Nezzy, but I don't want to have any more to do with this discussion. Well, okay, I kind of do, but I know I won't be able to change anyone's mind, so why bother, right?...
Good point.
Well I'm sure people have been arguing for thousands of years about this subject. (Of course there's been more and more people believe in the religion called Science. Yes I do think Science is a religion. My Science textbook says it's a body of knowledge but Also a way of thinking/mindset...)

Now about the stuff that you people have been arguing about.
How could non-living organic compounds evolve into a living cell?
Well I don't consider a living thing much more different then any other thing around us just because we are living things. (Sorry I tried not to argue with your beliefs) Well, a living thing can move and function. A planet/star can also move and function. You could say a planet is a lot more simple then a cell. That's okay. Anyway I don't consider living and non-living so much different... Aren't they all made up of atoms, electrons and neutrons? :D Well due to my limited brains I may be wrong but anyway there are so many things that Science cannot explain like how was living things created and how did the universe form etc. But other religions explains them. There is no solid proof to anything but if someday someone can create any living thing he/she wants, (Which I'm sure is not that hard, although it's hard enough for us humans) you will believe it. But there is also a possibility that there is a God. And all of it could be real. So as I said you can't win the debate if you have no solid proof.
Of course the things I said was strongly biased because we don't believe the same thing however the point is believe what you want to believe and live a happy life. :wink:


Well-known member
As much as appreciate the emotional input from everyone about this, There isn't any point in trying to look for something that is not there. I have been looking, and realized that there is nothing to find.