I hate Valentines Day


I work in a retail store and to see all the Valentines Day junk out really gets to me. Its like the Hallmark corporation is mocking me for being single. Im sorry just had to vent.


Well-known member
lol, shygumi... you're not the only one.

There are homeless people out there who don't even know what day it is. They just know it's cold, and they hope they can get their food today, and hope they won't be chilled to death tonight. Valentine's Day is the last thing on their minds...

How easily we can deceive ourselves of the importance of things.


Well-known member
Valentine's day is like the day I hate the most prbably and wish it didn't exist. Like you know how the atheist are about Christmas and stuff that is how I feel about valentine's day ever since I was a kid it has been the worst and most crappy *** day and it's stupid :DDDDD I really wish that there wasn't some stupid day where everyone was even more hormonal than usual cause its nasty and I wish that everyone that is happy on valentines day would lick my *** because its the worst most stupid and did I say worst day of the year. There isn't even anything cool about it just alot of gay humping.
I seriously am going to take a dump on my calendar where valentines day is to sybolize how it makes me feel every year like a piece of crap. Oh yea and we should help the homelss that would be a nice thing to do. Maybe if I can find the day under all the **** on my calendar then I will go help the poor on valentines day. You know I may even be able to hustle my parents into giving so money to me then I could give it to the salvation army or something like that because you are right it is really cold out there.


Well-known member
I think when one is single then yes! valentine's day sort of rubs salt into the wound for being single while the couples are out having dinner somewhere nice ...

i really like it although i know its a strategy for marketing it's a fun day, i mean if we didn't have days like this or easter or christmas then it would take the fun away from it ...i actually wish there were more days that had themes, like national music day or roast chicken day or something really cool like black pants day or green top day ..


Well-known member
Valentines Day is easy to shrug off your back compared to others. At Christmas you have to contend with crazed shoppers, stressed colleagues and then the potential for interrogation by extended family regarding the lack of any partner.

On New Years Eve you can try your best to block it all out but the bastards have fireworks and loudly sing Scottish songs that 99% of them don't even know the meaning of. It is a lonely time.

Valentines... yeah it is a brief slap in the face if your single, especially if you've been single a long long time. But every day is a slap in the face like that. Sure the slap might be a little more resonating than usual but I find it less depressing than the rest of the 'festive' season.

A friend

Well-known member
Valentines day is insulting to all singles out there....

To me, it's like the opposite of Christmas (in terms of religon). There's episodes of certain TV shows that display great people showing sadness because they were left out and rejected by the lovers they wanted. It's a sad thing for many people...


Well-known member
Trust me, lots of people hate valentine's day. There are outgoing people that hate it. I don't see how any1 could possibly like valentine's day when you don't have a significant other.


I like what some other people have wrote. It does suck to be reminded that you are single if that's something which plays on your mind. But they really are bigger worries In life I think, while we might not enjoy it the world does not revolve around us (I'm not implying anyone thought like that it's just what I say to myself). I'm sure for every person who doesn't like it, there is two people In a relationship who do like the excuse to be all romantic.

Plus I think things like this can be good for motivation...we can use days like this to remind ourselves why it's important to try and make progress with our problems where possible, so hopefully next year round we can enjoy these sort of days.


Well-known member
Plus I think things like this can be good for motivation...we can use days like this to remind ourselves why it's important to try and make progress with our problems where possible, so hopefully next year round we can enjoy these sort of days.

So we should remind ourselves that we should be in a relationship? Why is it so positive to be in a relationship? What if we don't want to be in a relationship? Valentine's Day is reserved for people who are in a relationship and for people that are in that relationship who want to be in that relationship. There is no reason we should ever strive for a relationship we don't need because we don't need to be with a significant other. Relationships should just happen, you should never say, "I should work on being in a relationship." There is nothing wrong with being single.


So we should remind ourselves that we should be in a relationship? Why is it so positive to be in a relationship? What if we don't want to be in a relationship? Valentine's Day is reserved for people who are in a relationship and for people that are in that relationship who want to be in that relationship. There is no reason we should ever strive for a relationship we don't need because we don't need to be with a significant other. Relationships should just happen, you should never say, "I should work on being in a relationship." There is nothing wrong with being single.

What? No.. You have taken what I said totally out of context. And you have put words in my mouth I never said. I never said there is anything wrong with being single, I am single myself . Though I do want to be In a relationship eventually when the time is right.

I really didn't think it needed explaining but like i really did not enjoy this new year, but because of that I am going to try my best to try and move forward with my life and fight my anxiety so, hopefully things will be different next year.

And relationships should just happen? I never said otherwise or that you can pick them up at the corer store.They do however require effort sometimes, and sometimes they require you to be in the right place emotionally and mentally before you are ready to take them on.

There are always things we can try and do to move forward..and I really believe in using things that bother you as motivation to change, rather than do nothing. If your happy being single then why even reply to my post and if that really is the case, then valentines day shouldn't even me that much of an issue if you are content.
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A friend

Well-known member
There is nothing wrong with being single.

I agree, but people's emotions try to tell us the opposite. In my opinion, emotions are our worst enemy most of the time. ::(:

It's bad that it has to be like that, but that's what it seems like to me. :confused:


Well-known member
When i was single i would buy myself flowers, chocolate, rent a sappy movie, sip on sparkling wine in a bubble bath and make myself a nice dinner lol ::p: or i would do something nice for a friend/relative, etc. It doesn't have to be so bad... although i have been on both sides of the coin so i do understand..
~passes around heart chocolates to everyone just cause~


Well-known member
I don't hate it or love it. I feel like it doesn't apply to me yet because I'm single. Kind of like how holidays outside of my country don't apply to me.


Well-known member
I'm all about spreading the love <3 I dislike how commercial the day is though, so I refuse to buy Valentine's day stuff. But I will make things myself to give to people. I'm looking forward to making candies this year! I've decided to make dark chocolate peanut butter cups for my friends. Or really, my one friend (maybe two) and my roommates.

I've never had a boyfriend for Valentine's Day though, and that's a little sad.
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