Realization (?) time:
Is it possible that some of my social issues stem from a lack of... understanding contemporary social issues?
If I am not knowledgable about or sensitive to say, the many, diversified cultures of others--then my worldview is shaped by that lack of understanding. If I do not understand people's trials and tribulations, collectively and individually, where they have come from, how the world has shaped them; if I do not try to understand their plights, their traditions, what they take seriously, intimately, to the level where I can empathize with them, how can I hope to not offend? And more importantly, how can I hope to truly connect? How can I relate to people without at least trying to take what they take seriously, seriously myself?
As an example: our humor is informed by what we are informed by. Our world views are, in large part, shaped by investigation. If what I find funny is informed by my ignorance, is informed by a lack of investigation into a variety of topics, then what I find funny is potentially and quite possibly grounded in ignorance, in unintentional irreverence. Some things should be treated with reverence, if one cares at all about another's feelings and respects that person. And perhaps that is why my humor falls flat a lot of the time. Simply because I make jokes that are actually idiotic, crass, and ignorant to the informed individual.
Or alternatively, I simply sound immature with my humor, since that humor does not come from an "intellectual" place--it comes off as what a 14-year-old might find funny--whereas my humor might be more mature if I were actually truthfully informed by the social world around me, which is what investigation might lead me to.
By filling my mind with understanding, I virtually eliminate crass humor, since that crass humor is rooted in a lack of understanding. There will be no more room for crassness when I understand.
And I admit, some of the things I find hilarious are immature and probably insensitive to the sensitivities of others. And I'm confused as to why I feel judged by others... when I am the one that has been ignorant and incidentally, although not consciously, judgmental (with my crass behavior)?? Now that's funny.
I've barely, barelllyyyyy done any investigating into "people" topics, like race relations, for example. I was raised in a pretty liberal community, though, admittedly, never really mined the depths of liberal ideologies outside of that. I've cared, superficially, about such topics, without truly understanding them. Perhaps it's time to explore these topics, to better understand the human condition, and to better understand the people around me. They don't even have to be liberal topics per se, but I think exploring more would be good for me and those around me.