How much stuff do you own?


Well-known member
I don't own a lot of stuff. Many of the things in my house are "community property" - shared amongst family members.
I've only got stuff that are either tools (anything used for a range of purposes (such as a computer and things for it)) or things that intrigue me.

Much of the simple pieces of furniture I have are hand-me-downs, which I'm glad to revamp into something useful.


Well-known member
Way too much. I don't think I'm a hoarder, per se. But I do accumulate a lot, probably trying to fill some void. I'm thinking about downsizing and simplyfing soon, for my own mental health. And I'll probably end up owning a new book, to teach me how.


Well-known member
Way too much. I don't think I'm a hoarder, per se. But I do accumulate a lot, probably trying to fill some void. I'm thinking about downsizing and simplyfing soon, for my own mental health. And I'll probably end up owning a new book, to teach me how.
Me too. I have waaaaay too much stuff and need to get rid of most of it! I don't shop as much as I used to though and don't have the "sentimental" thing that most hoarders do. It's mostly that I'm lazy and don't want to deal with it all! :blushing:


Active member
I've been taking the minimalism approach and the main theme is: I have far too much stuff. So it's been a breath of fresh air weeding out the unnecessary clutter!


Well-known member
Too much stuff... Tons of CDs and books... But lots of other stuff too. Problem is, I don't like getting rid of things, clearly I'm a hoarder...


Well-known member
I have a hell of a lot of junk that I just carn't bring myself to throw away cause everything seems to have significance! Even stuff like train tickets and sweet wrappers.
I have many, many boxes, bins, shelves, stacks, bags,.. of stuff - a house full & then some. Most of it has no practical use at all (but have an "emotional need" for it all). This includes would you believe, large bags of smaller bags of rubbish! (i call them "archival" bags). And i have many empty bottles, cans, packets all thrughout my house, which making navigating it often a bit like ballet .. twist, turn, foward a step, and back. Can't bathe, can barely use any fridge or pantry space. I am unable to virtually change nothing in my house or environment, else my anxiety levels hit the roof, and i can get unsafe, emotional, depressed, etc. So everything must stay EXACTLY THE SAME, including my daily routine. This makes for a terribly dull/tedious/boring life, even i now recognize this. But there just doesn't seem to be any help for this "hoarding" thing i've got, nothing any good anyway.


Well-known member
I used to have stuff...lots of stuff. My mom used to make sure we had the best clothes, latest gadgets, etc. even if that meant to do without electricity or food. Strange I know.

Now...I am the exact opposite. Over the weekend, I went through some more stuff I had in storage and either donated it, gave it to my brother to sell on ebay or tossed it.

Somehow, it makes me feel better to purge and just let go of all the unnecessary clutter.