How many friendships have you had so far in your life?

These are all the real friends I had (definition: people who I've felt comfortable around and have spent a lot of time together with, and who is not my cousin).

1 before kindergarten
1 in kindergarten
1 in first - second grade
1 in forth - fifth grade
1 in 7th grade
1 in 8th grade
1 in 9th - 12th grade
2 in 1st year uni

Historically I've not been able to handle more than 1 real life friends at a time, but that's changing!

so to answer the original question: 9


Well-known member
Hmm how many friends have i had so far
I don't actually know if half of them have even been friends tbh. Just people to be around, but most were close so i'll type what i thiink anyways..
Hmm in primary school..only really had 2 friends, couple of girls.
Then met chris.
About 3 people from the block where i lived that i'd hang round with.
Moved house..
Met about 2 girls that i could say were friends.
Moved again. Didn't make any new friends.
In High school.. only made 1 friend to be completely honest.
Still in touch now we've left.
All the rest have not really been friends so i've left them out [:
So it is.....9 people. I think would be right. Not many, not good really. Oh well.
And now i have no friends. Lol. How great.
My fxcking life. Wat a bluddy joke eh.


Well-known member
I've had 4 good friends since I was little in grade school. Not more than 2 at any one point in time though...


Well-known member
Had a couple until I was about 10. No idea how we got together but I know that even then I didn't start anything myself. None at all now.


Well-known member
I've had many friends throughout my life... Four or five best friends, many people that I have called my "friends." But everyone fades away.
At the moment I have four friends and a fair number of acquaintances ("friends"). I like them, but I prefer to be alone.


Well-known member
I have never had real-life friends, or people to hang out with after my early-ish childhood.

After my ninth year of life I became increasingly withdrawn, reclusive. Later in middle- and high-school I would always walk home right after school or not go to school at all. Between class hours I would look for some teachers to talk to. So, during the significant years of my life I was almost always at home alone in my room, or with family (but they don't count as 'friends', even if they functioned as such), or outside in the forest.

That is, for almost ten years by now I haven't had a single person in real-life I would talk to regularly or share details about myself with.


Well-known member add, honestly i am really sick and tired of trying to make "friends" now..I dont even really like the people i see now anyways...ahh sdflslf;sdfsfdsdfsdfsd
i've had many friends throughtout my life. I have only had about 2 or 3 though that i can honestly have called/call my best friend. All xcept for one i have lost contact with, and he is more than my best friend. he is like a brother. we have done some crazy things and been in bad situations, but i kno he has my back through watever and i have his.


Active member
I can remember having one best friend in primary school. I can also remember having one or two friends who I only ever saw during family holidays when I was growing up. In high school, I was part of a large group of around 10-12 girls. I was only really close friends with one of those girls however, and I've since lost touch with all of them.


Well-known member
I always had plenty of friends in school and sixth form, and a few at university. My problem was that every time I moved on I lost most of the friends I had. I could never keep in touch with them. Back then very few people had e-mail, and only one person in the whole sixth form had a mobile. I am in very occasional touch with one old friend.

I have always been shy and have developed slowly over the years into anxiety disorders. I suppose it was in the sixth form where I started to become uncomfortable. By the time I left university I had started some serious avoidance, which has only got worse over the years.
This makes it very difficult where friendships are concerned. I really pushed myself a few years back and made contact with an old friend and was able to meet up.