How do you want to die? and when

Not totally depressing, I'm just wondering if anyone else ever considers this. I think most people assume that they'll live to be a hundred or something.

I hope I get cancer and die at age 40. Cancer because, it seems the most likely, and I'm lacking imagination at present.

40 seems like a good age to go. I figure I'll be pretty tired of this place by then plus I imagine that age will be taking its toll on my appearance too. and I'm too lazy to buy anti wrinkle cream.
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Well-known member
40? Life begins at 40! as 'they' say whoever 'they' are, but i wouldn't know, i still have 22 years until i'm 40. :D

I'd like to die saving someones life, and i don't mind when. And when i die, i hope to continue to save someones life by donating my organs if they are still in good nick!
40? Life begins at 40! as 'they' say whoever 'they' are, but i wouldn't know, i still have 22 years until i'm 40. :D

I'd like to die saving someones life, and i don't mind when. And when i die, i hope to continue to save someones life by donating my organs if they are still in good nick!

Life begins as soon as you stick your head out of your mom's ****** (can I say that word?)

I have 17 years to go. That's a ridiculous amount of time so I'm not really worried.


Well-known member
I'd like to die peacefully in my sleep, but i know that's not going to happen, my whole life has been hard so my death will be as well

Lorraine Manca

Well-known member
age 37, i want to disappear in west virgina and die deep in the woods where no one will find me. i really really dont like the idea of somebody finding my body or someone doing the funeral stuff to it.


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ʞɹɐqʎǝʞɐןɟ;255743 said:
40 seems like a good age to go. I figure I'll be pretty tired of this place by then plus I imagine that age will be taking its toll on my appearance too.

Okay...wait now... I'm 41 and I'm not wrinkly just yet... So the saying goes, you're as only old as you feel... Well, I feel like I am about 150, so I am way past my expiration date... Since nobody will have me, I might as well step out in front of a train and just end it quickly.::(:


Well-known member
I'd like to make it past 100, but so long as I'm still reasonably active and productive up until I go I think I'd be happy. I don't like the idea of being trapped in a body that's too old to do anything and have to just sit and wait to die for the last few years. I quite like the idea of dying peacefully in my sleep amongst friends and family in a nursing home or something.


Well-known member
I want my death to be tragic, heroic, and epic. So I guess it'll only happen while doing something heroic and epic. Death will provide the tragic part.

For some reason I feel like I won't live past 40, so that gives me 11 years to think of something suitable.

I know! I want to get a guitar and amp setup that is literally deadly. I want to plug in, crank up, and hit an E5. Then I want to explode. Like in Back To The Future.



Well-known member
I hope to die in my sleep peacefully and much later than 40! I still think 40 is young. I want to live as long as i can so my daughter can have her mum around for her. My biggest fear is dying before old age and not being here if she needs me.
wow.. it just struck me that my life as a young person is going to waste, not using my appearance and so.. abilities to do stuff, if they exist :piunnoo. dont wanna think about it :)
I wrote somewhere in this forum that I want to be eaten by a bear or fall of the tree trying to get the coconut... It would be nice to die heroic, tragic too. Or to die in a surgery experiment... The age... hmm... Maybe 60, that would be enough for me. It's a bit pointless to sit, do nothing and wait for your death, unless I be in a very good shape at that age, but I don't think I will, because I don't live very healthy life you know...
i want to die hang gliding over mount everest while killing Nazi zombies with ma pals Jesus and Superman and Spiderman if he wants come with to since he could just make some hang glider wings out of his web, while riding raptors who can shoot rainbow lazer beams out of their eyes which instantly freezes. did i also mention that these raptors also are part unicorns and can actually pass through dimensional rifts and solve murder mysteries while just being in time for lunch?

im bob dole


Well-known member
Preferrably only after I've done and achieved everything I've wanted to in life. At 80 or older (provided I'm still functioning and healthy), peacefully in my sleep... though I'd settle for dying for a loved one too.


Well-known member
Get eaten by a Great White Shark. That just sounds epic, and I think it would be fast too. Other than that, maybe a tsunami or astroids, sky diving without a parachute. If I die in my sleep I won't complain becuase that would be easy but it would be ideal for me to go out with a bang.


Well-known member
One time I fell asleep under a tree,it was afternoon and was so peaceful,I think I would like to die like that.


Well-known member
Like plenty of people, I'd prefer to die in my sleep. I don't care how. Maybe my heart will just give out. I'd like to just stop breathing. Nothing too traumatic. Disease scares me to my core, so I'm hoping I don't get cancer or something. If I do, I expect I won't be getting treatment or anything. I'd probably just let it take me.

As for age...I honestly don't know. In all honesty, I'm scared to die. At the same time, I think about it a lot and sometimes wish it would just happen already. I want it to be painless. I don't want to get incredibly old and frail. If I ever lived to see the day where I'm so old I can't even wipe my own ass, I'd just want to be shot at that point. There's no reason to live after that period. So, I'm screwed. I don't want to get old, but I don't want to die. But I kinda do, so I'm just one big contradiction. I hate death, but it seems like an awfully promising release.