how do you meet a cool introverted chick?


Well-known member
in other words, introverts go out

they just go out by themselves

so, look for girls who are out by themselves

I like to go shopping alone. Not too many women would say that. I like to go do errands by myself. I like to go for walks alone. I go by myself to the gym. I just don't like to eat alone in public. That's just awkward. When I go out, I like to be alone in the crowd. I can people watch if I want, or just tune everybody out. It's when I'm out somewhere that I'm expected to interact with people that I have issues.


Well-known member
I like to go shopping alone. Not too many women would say that. I like to go do errands by myself. I like to go for walks alone. I go by myself to the gym. I just don't like to eat alone in public. That's just awkward. When I go out, I like to be alone in the crowd. I can people watch if I want, or just tune everybody out. It's when I'm out somewhere that I'm expected to interact with people that I have issues.

I would say that because shopping with another women takes on a whole new dimension. It is either chatter chatter so my mind is not focused on making the best decision and forgetting everything I need to do. Clothes shopping is the worst because you must tell the friend they look really good in whatever they think they look really good in and concur with their decision to buy it or your friend tells you that you look great in something and then you feel like you must purchase it or your friend's feelings will be hurt. Does that make sense? Shopping alone saves time and money.
I used to be unable to eat alone in public even if I had a newspaper in front of me and used to eat in my car in the parking lot. I think the fear started a long time ago when I thought I was choking in a restaurant and caused a scene. One day, my memory failed me and I walked into some joint and was too lazy or hungry or hurried to take it outside and ate alone with other people around me and no reading material in front of me. It was hours later I realized it and was stunned and could cross it off my list of things to do before I die.


28.8% of the forum are extroverts according to the thread about personality types, vs 50% of the whole population


Well-known member
I'm always hearing conflicted numbers about the ratio of introverts to extraverts. I've heard 50/50, but usually it's around 60% extravert to 40% introvert. Hard to say it usually just feels like there are more extraverts because they're louder :)


Well-known member
i imagine the continuum from introvert to extrovert is more of a bell curve, with most people being somewhere on the big hump in the middle, loud or otherwise


Well-known member
i imagine the continuum from introvert to extrovert is more of a bell curve, with most people being somewhere on the big hump in the middle, loud or otherwise

As usual, I'm a couple of standard deviations from the norm. :cool:

(Not really, though. I'm not an extreme introvert.)


Well-known member
i imagine the continuum from introvert to extrovert is more of a bell curve, with most people being somewhere on the big hump in the middle, loud or otherwise

Maybe, the desire to be seen as extroverted causes many people to turn to alcohol and drugs to achieve the required persona with disasterous results.
It could be, there is a segment of society who should stop trying to be what they are not and embrace their introverted or non-extroverted nature and be at peace with themselves.


Well-known member
ok, i'm just going to say it...

i've met a bunch of cool, introverted chicks on this forum

you really don't have to look that far


Well-known member
Through a mutual extrovert :)
I met one of my bestfriends through her bestfriend who is a really extroverted, friendly person and really easy to talk to. She kinda broke the ice for us, which was great because it took us a while to be friends cos we are both shy with varying levels of social anxiety...