How are you feeling?


Well-known member
just a vent...feel free to ignore

ergh....just came back from a party and I think it may be my last, I just don't understand them. Who makes up all these unwritten social etiquette rules?! The only reason I went was purely out of politeness because I didn't want to offend anyone, but I think I probably would've offended less people if I hadn't even bothered.

The thing that I have the biggest problem with is saying my goodbyes. Because I dread it so much it makes me feel trapped as soon as I get there. The right way to do things would be to go around and try to chat to a fair few people at the party, stay for a couple of hours, then leave at a reasonable time and say your goodbyes etc, that'd be sweet. Except the way it goes for me, is I can say my hello's ok, but chatting to people barely ever happens, so when it's time to leave saying goodbye seems stupid cause I barely spoke to anyone. It's like "hi", then "ok, bye!". It seems pointless. But then if I dont say goodbye people get offended and think I'm rude. And if I do say goodbye they think I'm an idiot cause I haven't even spoken to anyone and Im usually the first to leave, usually at an unreasonable hour.

ergh, so what usually happens, and what happened tonight, was that I said a quick descreet goodbye to the host then just snuck out unseen and ran away! and now I'm feeling totally guilty and inadequate, and argh, I really think that might be my last party. I just hate the f***ers so much. I feel like people get offended so easily. Unless you go around having deep heart to hearts with every guest people assume you hate them.

ergh I dunno....I'm going to bed.

vent over


Well-known member
^ I know exactly how you feel; I never say goodbye either. I'd never thought about why it felt so weird, but I think you hit the nail on the head.


Well-known member
terribly frustrated/sad/lethargic

nothing is worse than spending all day doing hw, 30min each problem and still not understanding it... **** my life


Well-known member
After working all the week in a tofu factory(temporary job),I feel like eating some tofu,it smells so ****ing good when its being made or when its in the freezer.


Well-known member
After working all the week in a tofu factory(temporary job),I feel like eating some tofu,it smells so ****ing good when its being made or when its in the freezer.

I absolutely adore tofu-fa! I'll need to eat lots and lots when I go back to Hong Kong. :)

My mood has been going up and down today but I feel really excited about tomorrow.


Well-known member
I'm good and bad. Today one of my tutors asked me, in front of the whole class, if I would be the class representative at some sort of regular college meetings. I think the meetings are a chance for students to have their say on what they want to change at college, but I REALLY don't want to be a part of that. I tried my best to politely decline the offer (actually I said, 'err... I don't really want to do that, to be honest') Lol. But his response was 'Well, I have to do plenty of things I don't want to do...'

I do plenty I don't want to do, too, but there's no way I'm doing this. *sigh*
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Worthless, totally talentless, pathetic excuse for a human. Wish my mother never went back to my father breifly; then I would not have been born.::(:


Well-known member
I absolutely adore tofu-fa! I'll need to eat lots and lots when I go back to Hong Kong. :)
It is good,today I was told they would give me for free if I asked the boss :),I ate some but today was my last day there.


New member
I'm feeling stressed and nervous -> I have go to school in half an hour.. This is my first week that I'm going to all my classes and I'm so scared!!!!


I feel a bit crap but whats new lol,but Im pleased with myself because I did somthing to hurt someone emotionaly,and the guilt had been killing me.But I sorted it out,or at least made a start and was honest.


Well-known member
Awful. I shouldn't even try to talk to people. Yesterday I was standing outside the hall where my exam was, talking to some friends before we went in, and we were all stressing together and I was very...animated, and it was noisy, so I had to yell. I yelled and gesticulated a bit too much at one point and this girl gave me the filthiest look I've ever seen. I smiled and apologised, but she still gave me the look. F**k it, I'm better off just standing in the corner like I normally do and leaving people alone.