How are you feeling?


New member
I've been feeling more and more anxious as days pass. And it's scaring me. I don't even want to go to school because I know that I'm going to be surrounded and closed in by all of these other people that I don't really want to be around. :(

Though, I am happy that I have five days off from school. Thank you Thanksgiving! You've saved me... for the time being.
I feel sick and anxious over this thing I have to do in 2 days- which is actually a really good thing but the fear of "possibly" having to speak to a bar full of people is horrifying and I want to back out, but I don't want SA to ruin any possible success in my life anymore than it already has.

ugh, so 2 days of no eating and no sleeping- I try to not think about what I have to do but the feeling in my stomach doesn't leave.


Well-known member
I feel prickley





maybe it's the season

I have no one.

and I'm affraid to have someone

and my boss just told me our company may be down sizing

so now I'm scared

and I should stop drinking coke

because the caffine is NOT helping my anxiety.


Well-known member
i feel theres no point in living like this anymore

i feel so alone

i feel useless and very very unhappy

lol joy!


Well-known member
Everything that Kattness said.

Feeling like everyone is trying to control me and the way i feel.

Feels a bit like a puppet.

Needs to put my foot down.


Active member
very sad


Life sucks so much right now.I lost a family member recently ,then i came down with a really bad flu ,and now my cat may die where she is old and very tired. She is starting to show signs that her end is near.I feel very depressed.On top of that I haven't been at my voluteer job which is a daycare for weeks because of everthing that has happened and,i am so nevous about returning to my volunteer job where i have been gone for so long and suffering from social anxiety doesn't help.


Active member
I feel extremely nervous. It's that Sunday evening feeling (having to go to work on Monday) multiplied by a 1000!

I've just been off work for the last 4 days because my SP plunges me into the darkest of moods sometimes, I just had to get away. Now I'm fearful I'll lose my job through my own stupidity. This feels so bad.
I feel as if my chest is impaled on an icicle. As if the core of my body is completely filled with a cold, dull pain.
I feel a deep lonliness which I think has reached the stage where I have to make a decision: To continue to hope and allow myself to yearn for contact, OR, to try to 'beat' these emotions out of myself, allow myself to become completely numb and resign myself to my solitude.
The problem is I actually tried to do this a couple of years ago. I would rebuke myself if I felt any 'softer' feelings or yearnings at all and I tried to have nothing but contempt for these feelings (love, friendship etc.) in other people. But I realised that I did not like the person I was becoming and that's not really who I am.
Still, longing for something I cannot have, something which is taken for granted by most ordinary people, is very painful.

Reading back over this I sound a right lunatic, but it is how I often feel.
I suppose some others here might recognise some of this.


Well-known member
Right now I feel guilt...I had a panic attack and tried to talk to my Dad but he didn't listen to what I had to say, hes saying it's all in my head...I wish he would tell me somthing I didn't already know..he says I have no responsibility and once I get a job and start working I'll feel better about myself, but really all I want is somone to relate/talk to, I hate it so much how people don't understand and they always seem to know whats best for me, I know I need to get a job..but I'm just too afraid..I've been telling my Dad to get me into a therapy group with other SPs for months now but he woudln't listen, God I'm so freaking sad and confused right now :(


Well-known member
Right now I'm hungry as hell, but I don't want to eat cus I'm trying to loose weight...ugh my stomach hurts like hell.


Well-known member
Oddball said:
Right now I'm hungry as hell, but I don't want to eat cus I'm trying to loose weight...ugh my stomach hurts like hell.

I'm hungry, but because I don't want to leave the house for more food! :lol:


Well-known member
pixiescry said:
i feel really down today i dunno whats wrong with me. i was crying for hours before and i couldnt stop. :cry:


Me too. Need a tissue? *hands pixie a bogey encrusted tissue* :D


wooo.. christmas day, should be a bit happier right? no, the day has compounded the fact none of my family seem to want to spend time with each other and we have the atmosphere of a funeral parlour. Sorry, all of this has left me feeling, unsurprised as it usually happens, and also rather low.


Thanks - i feel like i shold be happier - i got a fwe presents and things could be a lot worse but i guess it isn't as straightforward as that! Ah well, at least hearing from someone helps a little ... hope your day is going well.