Hie yer hence from me heath!
Detached. Isolated. Alone. Frustrated. :
Constantly feelin' I must conform to someone else ideals to be liked. Well, ye know what I say tae that...? F#%k being likeable! I couldn't give a toss. I'm sick of being telt what I should or shouldn't like - or assumed to like something when I don't (be it music, movies, a TV show or books etc.) - but then it seems those around me (family) know me better than I know maself that they project their cultural tastes onto me. As though, we're all the same. And I am really fed up with being taken advantage of by certain family members, only nice tae me when they want something, cannae take "No" for an answer; haven't been told to get tae f#%k that often in their life. Must agree because to say otherwise would "go against ma charming, good natured personality", he says with heavy sarcasm. And... to be brutally honest here, I'm starting to feel about as degraded as f#%kin' pornstar in a f#%kin' bukkake video. (Sorry for any offense caused by that explicit reference. It appears that ma twisted sense of humour is still in tacked! I don't even know if that's a good or bad thing...?)
But then that's me, innit...? A kind heart, big bastard, too nice tae speak for himself, say something and actually mean it, because am never taken seriously. Everything I say seems to treated like a punchline tae a joke with a missing premise; the joke no-one "gets".
Sorry for the rant, just need tae get this internal dialogue outta ma system
Constantly feelin' I must conform to someone else ideals to be liked. Well, ye know what I say tae that...? F#%k being likeable! I couldn't give a toss. I'm sick of being telt what I should or shouldn't like - or assumed to like something when I don't (be it music, movies, a TV show or books etc.) - but then it seems those around me (family) know me better than I know maself that they project their cultural tastes onto me. As though, we're all the same. And I am really fed up with being taken advantage of by certain family members, only nice tae me when they want something, cannae take "No" for an answer; haven't been told to get tae f#%k that often in their life. Must agree because to say otherwise would "go against ma charming, good natured personality", he says with heavy sarcasm. And... to be brutally honest here, I'm starting to feel about as degraded as f#%kin' pornstar in a f#%kin' bukkake video. (Sorry for any offense caused by that explicit reference. It appears that ma twisted sense of humour is still in tacked! I don't even know if that's a good or bad thing...?)
But then that's me, innit...? A kind heart, big bastard, too nice tae speak for himself, say something and actually mean it, because am never taken seriously. Everything I say seems to treated like a punchline tae a joke with a missing premise; the joke no-one "gets".
Sorry for the rant, just need tae get this internal dialogue outta ma system